Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Do you have a creative project or a new life direction you’d like to explore? With Thinking at the Edge, your plans and projects will finally get the time and space they need to grow. You will learn how to ground your thinking in your own lived experience, bringing life to your ideas in a way that can’t be reached by intellect alone.
Be Your Own Best Friend in July through exploring self-care habits! This online class does not require Focusing experience as we do not partner here. Five Mondays for 1.5 hrs, some reading and support ideas for self-Focusing.
An online, interactive workshop facilitated by Glenn Fleisch. Participants will experience the new Focusing of Bodying in a small group setting and discover how Bodying forth and playing out allows us to recapture the true Nature of our whole being.
An online entry level Focusing class that prepares you to begin a Focusing partnership. And a great opportunity to review the basics or Self-in-Presence as a way of being that creates space for lasting change.
An online, interactive workshop facilitated by Glenn Fleisch. Participants will experience the new Focusing of Bodying in a small group setting and discover how Bodying forth and playing out allows us to recapture the true Nature of our whole being.
An online workshop facilitated by Gillian Parrish. Rooted in eco- and positive psychology, this workshop perches on the skin-thin edge of our outer and inner spaces.
Treasure Maps is a 6-day residential retreat, an intensive workshop for people with Focusing experience who want to apply our Untangling®️ method to life’s most hard-to-change issues.
We’ve been teaching Treasure Maps in 15 countries over the past 25 years, helping thousands of people learn our method, getting responses like this one from Paul Fitzgerald: "The Treasure Maps experience was like a dissolving of an old way of seeing life and having new eyes to engage life with more freedom. I'd highly encourage anyone interested in deepening their Focusing to take this course."
We believe that transformation occurs most readily in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, openness, warmth, playfulness, and support. Our mission is to enable you to live
Deze workshop is een deel van de Junidag van de VVCEPC, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Cliëntgericht-Experiëntiële Psychotherapie over “De stille revolutie: een cliëntgericht-experiëntiële kijk op ziekte en gezondheid in de 21 e eeuw” op 14 juni 2019 in het Provinciehuis Leuven.
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Class size is limited. This Roundtable will offer a behind-the-scenes look at the role of TIFI’s International Leadership Council and how it functions to meet the needs of individuals and groups who are teaching, developing and practicing Focusing and its underlying philosophy world-wide. Hosted by two senior members of the ILC, in this Roundtable you are warmly invited to ask questions and offer creative suggestions to strengthen our outreach to members and those yet unfamiliar with Focusing.
El Comité de Membresía tiene el placer de anunciar una entrevista del Programa en español "Cafecitos" para miembros del Instituto International de Focusing.
In this workshop you will discover the beauty of Domain Focusing and the help it lends as you work on dilemmas in your life that are difficult to change, otherwise known as Macros.