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The Classic Six Steps

6 steps


These Six Steps are also available in:

Nederlands (Dutch)  |  Deutsch (German)  |  Español (Spanish)
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Most people find it easier to learn Focusing through individual instruction than through simply reading about it.  The classic six steps defined by Eugene Gendlin in his 1978 book Focusing are offered here as a starting point for understanding the process.

Although these steps may provide an introduction, it is important to remember that they are not the way to do Focusing.  Indeed most teachers have developed their own styles of teaching which don't conform to these specific steps. There is no rigid, fixed agenda for the inner world; many Focusing sessions bear little resemblance to the technical process that we define here.

So we offer to you six steps with the caveat that it is a scaffolding for you to use for as long as it's useful.  As you grow in your practice and experience our many different teachers, you will probably move beyond these steps to allow a more fluid process that suits you.






Some are able to have meaningful experiences of Focusing by reading about the steps as Gendlin wrote them (below), but most find that studying with a teacher is best.  In our listings of Courses and Events, you can find many options in many languages for learning from our certified teachers.  Generally, you will first learn to engage in Focusing Partnerships. Once you learn the basics, ask your teacher if they feel you are eligible to receive our Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award.  Once you have that, then you can find a Focusing partner through our Partnership Network, which is a free service for members of The International Focusing Institute.  As you move further in your process, you might be interested in becoming certified.

What follows is a lightly edited excerpt from The Focusing Manual, chapter four of Focusing by Eugene Gendlin.

Focusing Book - Eugene Gendlin

The inner act of Focusing can be broken down into six main sub-acts or movements. As you gain more practice, you won’t need to think of these as six separate parts of the process. To think of them as separate movements makes the process seem more mechanical than it is—or will be, for you, later. I have subdivided the process in this way because I’ve learned from years of experimenting that this is one of the effective ways to teach Focusing to people who have never tried it before.

Think of this as only the basics. As you progress and learn more, you will add to these basic instructions, clarify them, and approach them from other angles. Eventually—perhaps not the first time you go through it—you will have the experience of something shifting inside.

So here are instructions in brief form, manual style. If you want to try them out, do so easily, gently. If you find difficulty in one step or another, don't push too hard; just move on to the next one. You can always come back.

1 Clearing a space

What I will ask you to do will be silent, just to yourself. Take a moment just to relax . . . All right—now, inside you, I would like you to pay attention inwardly, in your body, perhaps in your stomach or chest. Now see what comes there when you ask, "How is my life going? What is the main thing for me right now?" Sense within your body. Let the answers come slowly from this sensing. When some concern comes, DO NOT GO INSIDE IT. Stand back, say "Yes, that’s there. I can feel that, there." Let there be a little space between you and that. Then ask what else you feel. Wait again, and sense. Usually there are several things.

2 Felt Sense

From among what came, select one personal problem to focus on. DO NOT GO INSIDE IT. Stand back from it. Of course, there are many parts to that one thing you are thinking about—too many to think of each one alone. But you can feel all of these things together. Pay attention there where you usually feel things, and in there you can get a sense of what all of the problem feels like. Let yourself feel the unclear sense of all of that.

3 Handle

What is the quality of this unclear felt sense? Let a word, a phrase, or an image come up from the felt sense itself. It might be a quality-word, like tight, sticky, scary, stuck, heavy, jumpy or a phrase, or an image. Stay with the quality of the felt sense till something fits it just right.

4 Resonating

Go back and forth between the felt sense and the word (phrase, or image). Check how they resonate with each other. See if there is a little bodily signal that lets you know there is a fit. To do it, you have to have the felt sense there again, as well as the word. Let the felt sense change, if it does, and also the word or picture, until they feel just right in capturing the quality of the felt sense.

5 Asking

Now ask: what is it, about this whole problem, that makes this quality (which you have just named or pictured)? Make sure the quality is sensed again, freshly, vividly (not just remembered from before). When it is here again, tap it, touch it, be with it, asking, "What makes the whole problem so           ?" Or you ask, "What is in this sense?"

If you get a quick answer without a shift in the felt sense, just let that kind of answer go by. Return your attention to your body and freshly find the felt sense again. Then ask it again.

Be with the felt sense till something comes along with a shift, a slight "give" or release.

6 Receiving

Receive whatever comes with a shift in a friendly way. Stay with it a while, even if it is only a slight release. Whatever comes, this is only one shift; there will be others. You will probably continue after a little while, but stay here for a few moments.


Instructions for Not Following Instructions

Isn't it wrong to publish instructions for inward personal process?

One danger with a set of instructions is that people might use them to close off other ways. Anything human involves more than one method. Please notice, we don't say that this method is all you need or might find valuable. Had we said that, we hope you would have thought us stupid.

Anything you learn here can go well with anything else that you may find helpful. If there seems to be a contradiction, go easy. Let your own steps find the way to reconcile the contradiction.

There are other reasons one might not like specifics, such as these steps. Instructions may seem to diminish mystery and openness, although that is not so.

Also, written instructions cannot avoid misunderstandings. No formula fits every person. Anyway, one must find one's own path.

These problems occur with all types of knowledge about humans.

Adopt a "split-level" approach to all instructions: On the one hand follow the instructions exactly, so that you can discover the experiences to which they point. On the other hand be sensitive to yourself and your own body. Assume that only sound expansive experiences are worth having. The moment doing it feels wrong in your body, stop following the instruction, and back up slightly. Stay there with your attention until you can sense exactly what is going wrong.

These are very exact instructions for how not to follow instructions!

And, of course, they apply to themselves, as well.

In this way you will find your own body's steps, either through the instructions, or through what is wrong with them.

Focusing is always like that: You don't push on if it doesn't feel right, but you don't run away either. You go no further, but you back up only a little, so that you stay until what is in the way becomes clear.

Focusing is quite safe. It may not work but it is not negative. So, if you sense something that does not feel life-forwarding and sound in your body, sense what that is until that opens.

But isn't it the height of self-contradiction to give exact steps for how not to follow instructions? Indeed. One often needs several attitudes at once.

In a society increasingly skilled at human processes, of course we share the specifics we learn. Shall we teach the specifics of driving a car and not the specifics of finding and opening the bodily felt sense? But, human processes do give rise to more different specifics than can be logically consistent. Human nature is not fixed and not knowable in some single system. That is fortunate. No knowledge can push you out of the driver's seat of your life. Especially not our knowledge here, which is to be about finding your own process!

Therefore this knowledge, here, must arrange for itself to be superseded by you, as you sense for what feels sound, inside you. Instructions for not following instructions are the essence of Focusing—one's own inwardly opening steps.

If you stop and sense what's wrong at any point, and if you wait there until that opens and reveals itself, you can make good use of all sorts of methods and instructions. You do any method better than its authors can arrange.



This video was made by Dr. Kathy McGuire, who studied directly with Gene Gendlin.  It's a great introduction to the Six Steps:

Gendlin's Six-Step Focusing Exercise

Gene Gendlin on Focusing

Gene Gendlin introductory Focusing


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Current Beginner and Introductory Events

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Language of Instruction
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019 Smartview Conversations
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives. For October, we will explore our left hemisphere's tendency to make assumptions and to ignore information that does not fit its current beliefs.

These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.

We meet for 1 hour on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing
- Hora Buenos Aires, Argentina- Zona horaria: UTC-3
Focusing Dinámico Expresivo Harriët Teeuw Rene Veugelers Florentina Sassoli
Cuando resulta un desafio encontrar las palabras que ajusten a una sensación corporalmente sentida para facilitar un proceso detenido, cuan aliviadora y relajante puede ser la opción de invitar a tu cuerpo a expresarse con colores y/o movimientos.
Te ofrecemos un espacio seguro en el cual integrar tu experiencia sentida con comunicación no verbal, expresión corporal, creatividad y Focusing, explorando y desplegando tu proceso y/o el de tus consultantes, familiares, pacientes y/o alumnos por medio de propuestas y sugerencias empoderadoras y simples del Focusing Dinámico Expresivo.
22 y 29 de octubre:

"Abrazando experiencias faltantes de la infancia"
Un viaje intensivo de profundización a través de la infancia y experiencias (implícitas) del

En línea
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern time
Dynamic Expressive
An intensive journey of deepening through childhood and (implicit) experiences of the inner child, facilitating the connection with the inner world of children, adolescents and adults.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Kati Singh
Throughout 2024, join us each Wednesday for a contemplative meditation crossing the Philosophies of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Eugene Gendlin. We meet every Wednesday from 1pm to 2pm EST/NY where we pause to contemplate the truth.

We move slowly through these meditations leaving space for pauses, reflections and focusing partnership interactions - any language and any level of Focusing proficiency is welcome into this space, or none at all.

These events are open and free to the public - each meditation is taken from Krishnamurti's Book of Life.

Pre-register on zoom.
Topic: Introductory, Free, Spirituality, TAE/Philosophy
- New York time
highlights logo TIFI events logo Fernanda Cecin
Fernanda will gently guide you through embodiment practices to: Cultivate an inner environment that nourishes and supports you in being present with your longings; and Expand your capacity to acknowledge, accept, and nurture what is important to you.

Some familiarity with Focusing is helpful, but no prior experience is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute John Keane
Could the Body, as it is experienced from the inside, offer the possibility for the foundation for a global spirituality? This Roundtable will explore this radical possibility and its implications for creating peace from the inside.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Spirituality, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- CET Time, Central European Time
Focusing Skills Course Intro Amona Buechler - Coordinator in Training
1.5 hour Introduction to a 2- to 6- month online Focusing course in which you learn all the fundamentals for having Focusing Partnerships, and for Focusing alone or in a group.

What happens during this Taster:
– What is Focusing?
– A brief practice
– About my Focusing Course
– Q & A

Saturday, October 26, 2024
PT: 7:30 am to 9:00 am
EST: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
GMT: 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
CET: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Topic: Introductory
- Eastern Time (New York time)
Focusing Journal Dana Hercbergs
Focusing Journal is a gentle, creative process of exploration of your inner experience on the page – bypassing the analytical mind and traveling to the surface - as colors, words, shapes, or movement. Flexible visual templates serve as supportive prompts or anchors for your process to emerge with new meanings and possibilities.
This session invites alignment with the fall season - the qualities of letting go, unburdening, as well as tending to the inner light. There will be ample space for solo work, reflection, sharing resonance, and enriching our experience.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- CET Time, Central European Time
Focusing Skills Course Level 1-5 Amona Buechler - Coordinator in Training
Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart.

Learn to:
> listen to yourself and others with every cell of your body, with your whole being, and a deep acceptance
> allow yourself to be seen while being authentically yourself
> express yourself honestly, yet skillfully and respectfully
> listen without judgment as you deeply tune into another person’s experience

Where you may have felt stuck, your life changes for the better as you experience a natural flow again.

Online course:
Mondays, Oct 28 2024 to April 28, 2025

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- New York time
The International Focusing Institute Event Rob Parker
This is the continuation of a reading group in process. New registrants welcome who have read ECM through the beginning of Chapter III.
11 weekly meetings on Mondays
Audio recordings available after each live meeting
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Jerusalem Time
Yehudit First teaching Yehudit First
Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) invites us into an embodied practice to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviours. Imagine being fully present in the here-and-now in a Focusing way, enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, instead of repeating stressful patterns of separation.

In SOF Course Level 1, we will set out on an SOF journey of discovery from separation to connection. In a safe group setting, we will explore the steps from feeling alone to feeling together, while being our authentic selves.

SOF expands our Focusing awareness allowing us to meet others while remaining intimate with ourselves and our present moment experience, facilitating

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory
- France Paris
Alexandre Jacquelin Focusing Coeur Focusing
Ce stage d’automne est un accompagnement à retrouver le contact avec soi en intégrant les fondements de la pratique du Focusing en ce sens.

France Dordogne Payzac (24270)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time (New York time)
Focusing Gestures Dana's photo
Words can sometimes feel inadequate for carrying onward a still-forming-meaning. ‎Perhaps we use a word too soon, inadvertently cutting short a process of discovery ‎that needs more time. ‎To take good care of our process, we can devise other ways - gestures, signs, sounds, ‎etc. - to convey what we are experiencing, or what we are needing in the moment ‎with our partner or listener. ‎
This workshop supports the meta-communicative boundaries of the Focusing ‎interaction by formulating helpful non-verbal attunements and agreements with our ‎listener. In a spirit of experimentation, we will find good new ways to indicate our ‎needs during various phases of a Focusing process, creating a unique repertoire of ‎signals for dyadic focusing partnerships and beyond.
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Pacific Time
Ann Weiser Cornell
Aging brings both challenges and opportunities, but it doesn’t have to feel like it’s all downhill from here. In fact, this chapter of life can be one of growth, connection, and newfound purpose.

You can develop a positive outlook on the future (and know how to be kinder to yourself when you can’t do that). Join us and get tools, wisdom, and support for every stage of the aging journey.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Irish Standard Time/British Standard Time
photo fiona
Do you:

- Feel stuck in a difficult life situation?
- Suffer, but can't connect to the aching place inside?
- Or feel your life could be richer in ways you can't yet quite articulate?

And do you want to find your own way forward, one that feels good and that comes from you? Inner Relationship Focusing teaches us how to attend to our inner experience in ways that feel deeply satisfying and brings change.

Zoom details available upon registration
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute Georgeta Niculescu Florentina Palada
Această Masă Rotundă este o invitație adresată vorbitorilor de limba română care sunt interesați de Focusing să se întâlnească, să împărtășească experiențe și să aibă timp să facă focusing împreună în grupuri mici.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, FOT, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Central European Time
Focusing Praktijk Hester Wijenberg Hester Wijenberg | Certified Focusing Professional and Trainer | Shiatsu Therapist BasisTraining Focusing
In deze live 2-daagse BasisTraining gaan we door met verdieping en het oefenen van focussen met een focus maatje. We geven we ook aandacht aan problemen die zich kunnen voordoen tijdens een Focusing proces.

Als je wat meer wilt weten over Focusing, bekijk dan hier mijn video:

Live, Laren NH, the Netherlands
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Annette Dubreuil
Learn Gendlin's classic 6 steps of Focusing in this interactive 2-hour workshop. There will be a Focusing demonstration. And you will have the opportunity to experience Focusing for a 20-minute turn, as well as a listening turn in breakout groups.

Next sessions (pick one 2-hour session to attend):
-Thursday, November 14, 1-3 pm Eastern

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Note time zone on schedule
Children Focusing Conference 2024 - Less is More The International Focusing Institute
"Less is More" - Online Children and Focusing Conference 2024
"Menos es más" - Conferencia en línea sobre niños y Focusing 2024

Sometimes the most special moments are also the simplest.
A veces, los momentos más especiales también son los más simples.

Children approach Focusing instinctively, the most important thing we can provide is simply our empathetic, listening presence. It can be challenging to stand back and let the child’s process unfold on its own.
Los niños se acercan al Focusing de manera instintiva, lo más importante que podemos brindar es simplemente nuestra presencia empática y atenta. Puede ser un desafío dar un paso atrás y dejar que el proceso del niño se desarrolle por sí solo.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Children, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019 Smartview Conversations
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.

For November, we will do body awareness exercises to explore the perspectives of the left and right sides of our body. Most of us will be able to tell how we are wired from this time.

These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.

We meet on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing
- Eastern time
being together
• The self-care of the facilitator.
• What to do when a participant does not feel like feel participating nor following a suggestion.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
As these uncertain times continue to challenge us in unprecedented ways, our need for connection and emotional support is greater than ever.

This is a 30-minute free webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times. Each month is different as Ann responds to the present moment and whatever the group is bringing.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time Zone
Annette Francesca Dubreuil
The course is an opportunity to spend time with your wanting or project to integrate Focusing into your life—whether personally or professionally—in both an embodied and more than logical way. Like being in contact with a yet undiscovered treasure box. With FOCUSING, a practice laid out by philosopher and psychotherapist Eugene T. Gendlin, you will get in touch with your Felt Sense and be able to develop surprisingly fresh understandings that make a difference, especially in how you are with your special project or issue. By adding certain moves of THINKING AT THE EDGE (TAE), another practice Gendlin created, with Mary Hendricks and Kye Nelson, we will show you how you can speak more and more precisely from your Felt Sense. In doing so, you will discover important details by redefining

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy
- New York time
highlights logo TIFI events logo Mary Jennings
Following a year-long group of "Reading Freshly" Gendlin’s book Focusing with fellow Focusers, Mary gives a personal account of the experience and how reflecting on it led her to unexpected places in considering what Focusing is or can be.

Some familiarity with Focusing is helpful, but no prior experience with Focusing or philosophy is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Cd. de México time
Fotografía de Salvador Moreno López fotografía Liliana Hernández Mendoza
A través de actividades y conversaciones promoveremos el desarrollo de actitudes y habilidades pertinentes para sentir las vivencias de otras personas desde nuestro experienciar. Y expresar desde de experienciar al otro nuestra comprensión empática.

Framboyanes 34, Jardines de San Mateo, Naucalpan, Edo. de México, MÉXICO
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Two butterflies, Focusing partnerships
In this four part beginner Focusing course for advanced listeners (people with previous experience listening to themselves or others), we delve into each of the 6 steps, with each class including a teaching of one or two steps. Each class also includes listening skills, a small experiential exercise, a demonstration and then small group practice (typically in twos or threes).

Dates for the next groups:
-Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern, November 26-December 17, 2024

Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate
- New York time
highlights logo TIFI events logo Barbara McGavin and Ann Weiser Cornell
In this Highlight, Barbara and Ann will share the fundamentals of their Untangling method: the five Powers of Presence and the way that developing these Powers enables the transformation of what’s impossibly stuck.

Some familiarity with Focusing is helpful, but no prior experience is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Katarina Halm, Certified Focusing Trainer Smartview Conversations
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.

For December, Katarina will continue our body awareness exploration of the left and right sides of our body using Feldenkrais exercises. This is another opportunity to understand how we are wired.

These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.

We meet on Tuesdays, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 -

Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing
- ET
tinted gold Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a business jacket logo of hand drawn circles and the text focusing with laura in blue beside it
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.

At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritise immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- ET
Headshot of a woman with a business jacket and it's tinted gold Image with blue circles as a logo and the words Focusing With Laura
You are invited to continue learning and unpacking the depths of the Inner Relationship Focusing process. This live virtual nine-week course, gives you the necessary time and space to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge gained in Foundations Training Part 1 (Levels 1 & 2).

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Jerusalem Time
People Holding Hands Yehudit First
At some time or another, all of us have been in conflict with someone that we love or that is significant in our lives. Perhaps it was a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a colleague…whoever it was, something happened, something got in the way of the relationship.

In Social Oriented Focusing ׂׂ(SOFׁ) there is an understanding that the relationship is more important than the conflict, and from this perspective, we can use SOF tools to stop our automatic patterns of reacting and actually manage the conflict.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?

Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil A pupa, a chrysalis stage in the butterfly and the metaphor used for the safe space for transformation that Focusing creates
A pupa is the safe place for transformation... in nature this is the cocoon or chrysalis. In Focusing, this is the safety of our Focusing attitude and listening partnerships. The use of felt sense body cards catalyze the process by capturing details and helping us notice our patterns and further explicate our process.

The base of the PUPA Focusing Certification Program consists of five courses that cover a journey using the PUPA process. They are designed to not only learn and teach Focusing, but also to get to know and transform yourself, while creating change in the world— by bringing more Focusing into the world.

The five core courses make a PUPA journey: learning Focusing (Pause), learning about who you are (Understanding), learning who you want to be

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Certification
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Woman sitting on a bench looking at the sunrise
In this 8-week group, you will use Focusing to transform a significant issue in your life, in part by deepening your access to Self through the 8Cs of Self-Leadership. The 8Cs are calmness, connectedness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, courage and creativity.

By crossing these qualities with our issue, we move through it by pausing, understanding the issue, transforming it, and then preparing for action, and finally taking action.

Your issue can be working towards a personal or professional goal. However, the course is designed in such a way that you can also bring a different topic each week to your Focusing, and concentrate on building your 8Cs which help you live as your Self more often.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, FOT
- Pacific
Jinevra Howard Ann Weiser Cornell
Discover powerful skills for life change based on self-acceptance and being present in the moment. Start to experience the process of Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn how to cultivate an inner environment of calm, open, curious awareness which is the foundation from which lasting change emerges. Interactive beginning Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Taught by Jinevra Howard and Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing).

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Central European Time
Focusing Praktijk Hester Wijenberg Hester Wijenberg BasisTraining Focusing Hester Wijenberg
In deze live 3-daagse training leer je de basis vaardigheden van Focusing, zoals het naar binnen gaan en wat de stappen zijn in een focusing proces. Je gaat afstemmen en ruimte maken, leert de focussende houding, en gaat contact te leggen met een lijflijk ervaarbaar gevoel. Je leert hoe je bij moeilijke gevoelens kunt blijven en wat er gebeurt als je erdoor overspoeld raakt of ze te ver van je af houdt. Je gaat ook oefenen in tweetallen.

Als je wat meer wilt weten over Focusing, bekijk dan hier mijn video:

Live, Laren NH, the Netherlands
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Headshot of a woman with a business jacket and it's tinted gold Image with blue circles as a logo and the words Focusing With Laura
You are invited to continue learning and unpacking the depths of the Inner Relationship Focusing process. This live virtual nine-week course, gives you the necessary time and space to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge gained in Foundations Training Part 1 (Levels 1 & 2).
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Jerusalem Time
People Holding Hands Yehudit First
At some time or another, all of us have been in conflict with someone that we love or that is significant in our lives. Perhaps it was a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a colleague…whoever it was, something happened, something got in the way of the relationship.

In Social Oriented Focusing ׂׂ(SOFׁ) there is an understanding that the relationship is more important than the conflict, and from this perspective, we can use SOF tools to stop our automatic patterns of reacting and actually manage the conflict.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Central European Time
Focusing Praktijk Hester Wijenberg Hester Wijenberg BasisTraining Focusing Hester Wijenberg
In deze live 2-daagse BasisTraining gaan we door met verdieping en het oefenen van focussen met een focus maatje. We geven we ook aandacht aan problemen die zich kunnen voordoen tijdens een Focusing proces.

Als je wat meer wilt weten over Focusing, bekijk dan hier mijn video:

Live, Laren NH, the Netherlands
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate