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Prayer as a Journey Through States of Consciousness

Focusing and Kabbalah in Living

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Dana and Baruch

Dana Ganihar and Baruch Brenner with the Shakio Institute

Where & When

Chelsea, Michigan, USA
June 17, 2025, 10:00am through 8:30pm and June 18, 2025, 09:00am through 5:00pm
Eastern Time

Meeting Format
In Person

The purpose of the workshop is to explore, through direct experience, the process of moving through different states of consciousness until reaching a unique state called "prayer consciousness." In this state, a shift occurs in the perception of life, giving rise to new steps into reality.

This is a state of consciousness that many mystics throughout the generations have known how to access in their lifetime, often alluding to its steps in hints and secrets. Today, the need for this knowledge has become essential. In this workshop, we will gently and gradually bring them out of their “hiding place” and explore their deep meaning.

During the workshop, we will practice unique movements, which in the Jewish tradition are marked by names such as: Awakening, Inclusion, Ascent, Silence, Heart-Intention, Prayerfulness, Self-nullification, and Revelation.

This workshop is based on sacred knowledge found in the writings of the early Kabbalists, the sages of the contemplative tradition, the Zoharic literature, and the Lurianic Kabbalah, as well as oral transmissions from hidden masters. (Some aspects of this initiation journey are described in the book From the Diary of a Worshiper, published by Idra Press.)



Contact information and Website coming soon.

Registration Information and Price

Save the Date: June 17, 18, 2025

More information to come soon

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