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"I can't tell you how valuable Focusing is to the people with whom I work. Many people around the world use this simple yet powerful technique to relieve very disturbing symptoms of chronic pain, depression, anxiety, agitation and mania".

Mary Ellen Copeland, M.S.,
author of "Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofascial Pain"

Articles on the site

Effect of "Clearing a Space" on Quality of Life in Women with Breast Cancer
By Joan Klagsbrun, Susan L. Lennox, and Lauren Summers
A pilot study about the effect of Clearing a Space on life quality of women with breast cancer which demonstrated that the telephone was as effective a delivery method as in person sessions. This article was written by Joan Klagsbrun, Susan Lennox and Lauren Summers and the study was carried out by six certified Focusing Trainers from New England. The study was published in the United States Association of Body Psychotherapy Journal in November 2010 vol 9 no 2. and it was awarded the Alice Ladas outstanding research award in Body Psychotherapy for 2010.

Leratong ~ "The Place of Love": Focusing in a South African Hospice
by Catherine Johnson, Focusing Trainer, South Africa

FOCUSING and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) 
Focusing Project and Pilot Project, Christine Kunter-Lehner 2024

Listening from the Heart to People Living with Cancer.
Mary Ellen Summerville, C.S.W., M.Div.
published in Folio (Volume 18, Number 1, 1999)

Felt Sense and Cognitive Function.
Doralee Grindler Katonah, Psy.D., M.Div.
published in Folio (Volume 18, Number 1, 1999)

Focusing and Medical Decision-Making
Doralee Grindler Katonah, Psy.D.
Presented at the 6th International Congress on Cancer, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, Nov. 1999.

Listening and Focusing: Holistic Health Care Tools for Nurses
Joan Klagsbrun, Ph.D.

Focusing: An Adjunct Treatment for Adaptive Recovery from Cancer
Doralee Grindler Katonah, Psy.D. and Judith Flaxman, Ph.D.

'Clearing A Space' Check List
Doralee Grindler Katonah, Psy.D.

The Grindler Body Attitudes Scale
Doralee Grindler Katonah, Psy.D.

The First Step of Focusing Makes Any Stress-Reduction Technique More Effective
The International Focusing Institute