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Mary Hendricks-Gendlin


Thank you for the many beautiful sentiments shared on the memorial page for Mary Hendricks-Gendlin.

A memorial service was held on May 30, 2015 at The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockland, which is situated in a beautiful natural setting on a beautiful day. The large windows in the simple sanctuary look out on the natural setting, with beautiful trees swaying in the breeze. Mary loved nature and especially as she became immobile she would meditate on the beauty she saw from her window. We chose this location so that it would be realistic for her husband, Gene Gendlin, to come. Mary's daughter Elissa and her sister Carole created the service itself and the Focusing community developed the Sharing Circle process with the facilitation of Executive Director Catherine Torpey. During the service we honored Mary's life in several ways. Carole created a slide show with pictures of her grandparents, parents, her younger years with Gene, the birth of her daughter, pictures of her grandchildren, and finally her death. Scriptures were read and eulogies were given by Doralee Grindler Katonah, Joan Klagsbrun, Elissa Gendlin and Gene tenderly shared his grief. We ended sharing a prayer that Mary recited every night during the last year of her life.

The Sharing circle invited intimate sharing punctuated by beautiful music, including our musicians Susan and Paul Harris, and Rob Parker. Halfway through we read from the international groups that were pausing during the same time to honor Mary. We learned so much about Mary and what she has given each of us in different ways and felt closer to each other. Nada Lou made a video of Mary speaking, which is posted on YouTube and also Rob Parker and Doralee Grindler Katonah created a booklet of Mary's writings.

For the full text of the Memorial Service Program go to this link. It was all put together by a little Memorial Committee who worked hard to create this day: Susan Rudnick, Joan Klagsbrun, Rob Parker, Catherine Torpey, Carole Favero, Elissa Gendlin, and Melinda Darer. Everything was done in love.

A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE - from May 30, 2015
Excerpts from the works of MARY HENDRICKS-GENDLIN, PH.D. (PDF)


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