Changes Groups (Focusing Practice Groups)
As a service to the international focusing community, The Focusing Institute provides this space for the posting of dates and times of ongoing "Changes" groups. Changes groups meet to share Focusing either with or without a facilitator. The International Focusing Institute does not monitor, and is not responsible or accountable for the following groups. However, individuals listed as Certified Trainers have been certified by the Focusing Institute to be highly competent Focusing teachers. Some Changes groups are also listed on our Events page. In the Search Options, choose "Changes Groups."
Are you holding a Changes group that you would like listed here? Email our webmaster with the particulars.
About the origin of Changes groups, by Kathleen McGuire-Bouwman:
In the early 1970’s, when Eugene Gendlin was trying to define Focusing as a skill that could be taught to everyone, students of Gendlin’s and others got together to form a crisis hotline and supportive community where everyone was invited to learn the basic Focusing and Experiential Listening skills. The basic training took place in small groups, and, even after the initial training, many people enjoyed meeting for the exchange of listening/Focusing turns as peer counselors in a small group format. The first such group was called “Changes,” and such Listening/Focusing communities have continued to be called Changes groups.
The blue button which says "Current Changes Groups" will take you to the most current information. The list of meetings here is a static list which we only update periodically, but which might be useful.
Virtual Meetings
Mary Elaine Kiener's group: 90-minute sessions twice monthly via Zoom. Open to ALL interested individuals (regardless of Focusing experience). There is no fee to participate. For more details (including schedule and registration information), please visit: or contact Mary Elaine Kiener at [email protected]
Annette Dubreuil's group:
Formerly the Westchester Changes Group (now on Zoom) meets one Sunday a month. Contacts: Judy Garfinkel [email protected], Mary Ellen Summerville [email protected]. Please email for meeting schedule.
New York, NY, now online: We practice online every second Sunday 6:30-8:30pm (US Eastern Time). There is no charge. Everyone is fully supported to Focus in their own way. The meeting opens with a group attunement. We then break into dyads or triads and close by sharing freshly revealed aspects of the process. We welcome Focusers at all levels of experience which will have included partnering with a Focusing Trainer. If interested, please contact Barbara Chutroo at [email protected] +1(917) 623-8408 or Larry Hurst [email protected] +1(917)595-6884.
Focusing for Focusing Professionals - Saturdays, 11:30-1pm Eastern/New York Time, on Zoom. This group is open to anyone who has trained as a Focusing professional certification under any coordinator. This is a great place to support the personal Focusing practice of Focusing professionals. It's also a unique place for folks to Focus about their work with clients or students and their work projects in general. There's no requirement to Focus about those, but it's an option. There's no teaching done here as all are trained, the main thing is having a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. Private to Focusing Professionals - both Certified Focusing Professionals (FOT, Trainers, and Professionals) and trainees are welcome, with independent spaces available. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Free. Email [email protected] to register for Zoom link.
Focusing Changes Group - Saturdays, 2:30-4pm Eastern/New York Time, on Zoom. This group is open to all Focusing students who have any Focusing training from any trainer. Just a space for folks to land to continue to keep Focusing as part of their life. They practice using the skills they know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. Drop-in group, no commitment required. Free. Email [email protected] for Zoom link.
In Person Meetings
AUSTRALIA, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA: A Changes group is held in Mont Albert, Melbourne Vic. on the first Monday of the month from 7.30 till 9.30pm. Ring Maureen Ireland (03) 9899 2053 or email [email protected].
AUSTRALIA, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA: Changes group meets on the first Monday of every month from 7PM to 9PM at the Abbotsford convent. 1 St Heliers st Abbotsford. All focusers welcome. Introductory classes run throughout the year. Contact Ruth Cunningham 0413 469050 or Jo Kennedy 0418141870 [email protected]
AUSTRALIA, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES: A Changes Group meets on the first Saturday of each month on Zoom, from 9:00am to 11:00am AEST/AEDT from February to November. We also hold a number of in-person meetings throughout the year in the hall below St Patrick's Catholic Church, 141 Harrington St, The Rocks, from 9:45am to 12:15pm AEST/AEDT. All focusers are welcome, and there is no charge to attend. We publish details each month on TIFI Events and Courses page. For more information, or to be included in our email list for regular reminders about upcoming meetings, please contact Merilyn Mayhew [email protected] or Sue Burrell [email protected].
CANADA, MONTREAL, QC: NVC and Focusing Changes group en francais. Tuesday evenings from 7-9 once a month on 21 février, 20 mars, 16 avril, 15 mai, 12 juin 2012. Contact Gina Cenciose [email protected]
CANADA, MONTREAL, QC: Changes group, en francais. Marine de Freminville, 514-341-9596.
COSTA RICA, SANTA ANA: West Side Changes Meetings on Zoom Fridays at 4:00pm. Contact Suzanne Noel at [email protected]
GERMANY, MUNICH: Monthly Changes Group. Wednesday evening, from 6:00 pm to 8.30 pm. BOZM - Burnout Center Munich, Nymphenburgerstr.36, 80335 Munich. These groups are open for people interested in practicing Focusing and Thinking at the Edge. People new to Focusing can partner with experienced Focusers; resources for further instructions are provided. To get information about meeting dates subscribe to our newsletter: Contact: Heinke Deloch, Focusing Coordinator, +49(0)8092.8632057, [email protected]
INDONESIA, BALI: Ongoing Focusing groups. Lyly Rojas De Knaus, Tromol Pos #204, Kantor Pos Dan Giro, Ubud, Gianyar 80571 Bali. Fax: 62-361-975115.
UK, DEVON: Monthly Focusing practice group. We meet at 9.45 to 1pm on a Saturday morning in Liverton, near Bovey Tracey. Participants need to have a basic knowledge of Focusing and listening. Contact Fiona; [email protected], or phone +44 (0)1626 821110 if you wish to attend or would be interested in learning Focusing.
UNITED STATES, BEND, OR: Changes Group. Free, monthly group, meets Sunday afternoons 4pm-6pm at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon- 61980 Skyline Ranch Rd, Bend, OR 97703. Co-facilitated by Steven Biesmann and Tara Breitenbucher, both Certified Focusing Trainers, who also provide introductory and training workshops for those wanting more instruction in Focusing. This group will welcome people of various levels of experience with Focusing - from those who have been Focusing for years, to those who have minimal practice with it and are interested in learning more. There will be time for a short group discussion around the Focusing process after exchanges. People new to Focusing will be invited to observe, and resources for further instruction will be provided. RSVP with Tara Breitenbucher 541-905-0500 ([email protected]) and check the Focusing In Community Facebook webpage for monthly schedule at:
UNITED STATES, CORVALLIS, OR: Focusing group. We meet in the home of a member... mostly in my home as teacher/ leader. We meet twice a month, on 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoons right now for 2 hours, from 3 - 5 PM. We include people who have learned Focusing already, not people new to it. Anyone can come who has focusing already. I remind the group by e- mail sent to all the people in our Corvallis area who have had a Focusing workshop with me, or have sought me out, having learned Focusing already. There are maybe 15 people the notices go out to in the Corvallis, Salem area. Contact person: Nina Joy Lawrence, [email protected] 541-745-5377
UNITED STATES, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA: Twice monthly Focusing practice group, trainer-led. Diana Marder, Ph.D. 16168 Beach Blvd, Huntington Beach. 714-843-1109.
UNITED STATES, OCONTO, WI: Changes group has meets Wednesdays at 5 P.M. in the Oconto Memorial Hospital second floor conference room. Jim Van Doren, 414-498-3810.
UNITED STATES, WESTCHESTER, NY: Westchester Changes Group meets one Sunday a month, 10am-noon, Contact person Ruth Rosenblum: 914-450-5776 [email protected] People should call for meeting schedule.
SWITZERLAND: Changes groups can be found at
Articles on Focusing Communities
Teaching Focusing and Focusing Communities: Our Way of Teaching Which Resulted In 17 Focusing Communities by Mako Hikasa
Tips for building and continuing a Focusing Community (Work book appendix for above article in Japanese) by Mako Hikasa
Some Group Experiences
This page was last modified on November 6, 2024