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Joining the Partnership Network

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What is the Partnership Network

The Partnership Network helps build connections across our international Focusing community by providing an easy-to-use way for eligible members to search for other Network members who are looking for a Focusing partner.  The Network may be used to find both short-term or long-term partnerships.

Who is Eligible

  • Current Institute members who are Certified Focusing Professionals, including Coordinators, Coordinators-in-Training, FOTs and Trainers.
  • Current Institute members who have received the Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award (PFP) award.  

We depend upon the judgment of our Trainers and Coordinators to determine that an individual has enough Focusing training to be an adequate partner.  To allow you time to determine if you are a good fit with a particular person, we suggest you set up 2 or 3 initial meetings with a partner and then decide together if you want to continue. Remember that partners are companions on the journey, and each individual is responsible for their own process and their own safety while Focusing.

How to Join the Partnership Network

Once eligible to join the network:

  • Log in on
  • In your personal account area, choose "Manage Your Partnership Network."
  • Opt in by checking the “Network Opt-in” checkbox.
  • Complete your partner profile to tell others seeking a partner a little about yourself.
  • Click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to search for partners in the Network.

Search Tips

  • You can filter your search by City, Country, Language(s), Meeting Format.
  • To see all Network participants, leave all choices blank; to narrow your results, use the filters.
  • To select more than one language group, select one language, then click in the selection box again.
  • Click “search”.
  • You will see a results list with contact information of all individuals who meet your search criteria.
  • If you want additional information about an individual, click “View".

How to Contact Potential Partners

  • Email or call the potential partner(s) you have selected.
  • You may reach out to multiple partners if you wish.
  • You also may receive partner requests.
  • In either event, it is up to you and your prospective partner to make contact and work out the appointment logistics.

Maintaining Participation in the Network

  • You remain eligible and can stay in the Network as long as your Institute membership is active.
  • You can turn your availability for partnership on and off whenever you like by clicking yes or no on the Network opt-in button.