Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
This group is open to all Focusing students who have Focusing training from any trainer. This is a space for folks to land to practice Focusing and continue to keep it as part of their life. We practice using the skills we already know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).
ALL are welcome to attend -- whether you are an experienced Focuser or are brand new and would like to experience a new way to listen and be with yourself.
These 90-minute interactive Zoom-based gatherings are designed to create an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect for both experienced and less-experienced Focusers.
In this Highlight, Wholebody Focusing Trainer and Coordinator Addie van der Kooy warmly invites you to explore with him these two movements: radically accepting your inner world and connecting back to the aliveness and vastness of “You”.
This class will be highly experiential with space for Q&A and sharing and it is intended for those who are familiar with Focusing, though all are welcome to attend.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
This presentation is open to those new and experienced in Focusing, Expressive Arts, and FOAT!
Listen to Pioneer Focusers, Pat Omidian and Nina Joy Lawrence, share inspiring stories of bringing Focusing to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other countries… and how they developed Community Wellness Focusing– a collaborative Focusing model that seeks culturally appropriate ways of adapting Focusing to help answer the needs of communities around the globe! Learn how Focusing can be used in everyday life to support grounding, wellness, and inner healing. Experiential exercise included.
A Changes Group is a free-of-charge, peer-led group that meets so people can exchange Focusing and listening turns in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. It's a group for continuing your Focusing practice; no teaching will be done.
We meet on zoom twice per month. We have a centering/grounding practice to begin followed by a check in (usually in breakout rooms), followed by time for practice in groups of two or three. You can also chose to join an empathy circle if you'd like to observe or practice in a bigger group.
Our next Changes Groups are:
-Friday, March 7th, 12:30-2 pm Eastern (see your local time) + Find a Focusing Partner, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Eastern
-Sunday, March 16th, 6:30-8 pm Eastern (see your local time) +
Online via Zoom
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Changes Groups
Harnessing the Power of Instances with Focusing: “It’s like that time when…”
4-session course led by Mary Jennings
In our everyday conversations we often use what Gendlin calls ‘instances’ to say more of what we mean. We will explore how Focusing can enhance this capacity in many ways. In these 4 weekly sessions we will explore how we can work with instances in a Focusing way. We will look at how poets and other artists use the power of instances to generate striking images and insights and how we can be as creative. We will look at how we might collaborate in generating new insights on everyday ideas by sharing our own ‘instances’ and experiences.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Our moving spirit is an energy, power, and life force that initiates, animates, and mobilizes our whole body.
In this group, we will learn and explore together ways to develop awareness of and connection to the body’s moving spirit. As we connect more deeply with our whole body, it comes more alive, as inner stirrings and movements that flow into physical movements, gestures, postural shifts. All of which spontaneously arise and unfold on their own. We will have opportunities to make contact and engage with places within that emerge into awareness. And to heed the signals from our body, to listen and respond to the messages being communicated that call out for attention.
Si eres profesional de la ayuda—psicólogos, counselors, coaches, terapeutas, facilitadores, maestros, docentes, entrenadores, etc.—esta formación te aporta herramientas prácticas y eficaces para acompañar a tus consultantes, desde un lugar más profundo y cercano a sus propias sensaciones internas.
This Program is designed specifically for therapists and counselors who want to enrich and take their work with clients a step further with Focusing and get their FOT Certification from TIFI. Other people who work with clients in different ways and want to enhance their work are also welcome to attend. (Even though they would not apply for FOT Certification)
It is an ongoing course of 1 1/2 hours every other week, on Tuesdays, that can be taken independently or as part of the whole Certification Program.
An opportunity to read Gendlin’s seminal book Focusing with others
A Free Event for Members
Live (no recording)
Once a month on Tuesdays starting March 4, 2025
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Ongoing, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
This group is open to all Focusing students who have Focusing training from any trainer. This is a space for folks to land to practice Focusing and continue to keep it as part of their life. We practice using the skills we already know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).
Most therapists will agree about the importance of a therapeutic relationship. The quality of interpersonal interaction is the most important therapeutic factor because all other interventions happen within that interaction. The client's problems will not get resolved in interactions that replay the kind in which the problem was created. “We need [to provide] a new kind of interaction, one in which the client actually lives in a new way beyond the old stoppage” (Gendlin, 1996, p.286).
Unsere Vision ist es, im Frühjahr einen Focusing-inspirierenden Raum für uns zu schaffen. Wir hoffen auf ein Geben und Nehmen und auf frische Impulse im gemeinsamen Tun. Wir werden uns in den Workshops kennenlernen im Zuhören, im Partnerschaftlichen Focusing und einem hoffentlich fruchtbaren, zukunftsorientierten Austausch auf dem Marktplatz.
Die Einladung geht an Alle – Willkommen sind Interessierte, die Focusing kennenlernen wollen und ebenso Focusing-Kolleg*innen
Pensar de una forma nueva es vivir y experienciar la vida de una forma nueva. Exploraremos dos aspectos de la filosofía de Gendlin (su nueva forma de pensar) y mostraremos cómo descubrir y transformar un par de supuestos profundamente implícitos puede transformar nuestras vidas y, eventualmente, nuestra civilización.
En línea (La clase también será grabada)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.
In this Highlight, Debra will share how fitness and health can be approached and practiced in a Focusing way, giving us a fresh relationship to movement and exercise.
Some familiarity with Focusing is helpful, but no prior experience is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Discover focusing and other embodied practices to help deepen your work with clients. You’ll also learn to explore your own aliveness and body’s wisdom and discover the gifts it has for you as a person.
Through this work you can learn to regulate your own nervous system and that of your client. As well as focusing, the program will also draw on Circling, the NARM™ framework (Neuro Affective Relational Model) and polyvagal toning. This course is introductory in nature, nonetheless you will gain tools to help you increase the impact of your work with clients.
All sessions are experiential and interactive. Practice with fellow students between taught sessions will help to integrate learning.
More info on video