Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
This class invites participants to explore the resourcing possibilities of five movements encountered in everyday living -- push, withdraw, reach, offer, and receive. Beginning with an upright spine and supple stance at the center, we will familiarize ourselves with these five movements to develop a sense of possibility and flow. We will then work with a situation in a Focusing way: Exploring body position as an indicator of our state, ask our body what it needs to complete the action, and invite a posture or movement as a response-- e.g. to be still and observe, prepare for a request, retreat, etc. We will slow down and allow time for fully unfolding transitions between postures and movement.
Thinking at the Edge (TAE) is a method for getting in touch with our felt meanings and articulating them with fresh and precise language.
You will learn TAE steps 1-12 while working on a project of your choice. The 3-person format accommodates different learning styles by placing participants in various roles and allows for adapting the teaching content and pace to individual needs during the exploration process.
Courses are starting in February.
En este taller monográfico exploraremos una aplicación del mapa del ciclo de la experiencia gestáltico a la experiencia del enfoque corporal. Veremos las maneras en que solemos interrumpir el ciclo de la experiencia según la perspectiva gestáltica y formas experienciales de indagar en estos mecanismos de defensa. Y claves que nos ayuden a abrirnos al flujo de nuestra experiencia.
This group is open to anyone who has trained as a Focusing professional certification under any coordinator. This is a great place to support the personal Focusing practice of Focusing professionals. It's also a unique place for folks to Focus about their work with clients or students and their work projects in general. There's no requirement to Focus about those, but it's an option. There's no teaching done here as all are trained, the main thing is having a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. Private to Focusing Professionals - both Certified Focusing Professionals (FOT, Trainers, and Professionals) and trainees are welcome, with independent spaces available. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Free
Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart.
Learn to:
> listen to yourself and others with every cell of your body, with your whole being, and a deep acceptance
> allow yourself to be seen while being authentically yourself
> express yourself honestly, yet skillfully and respectfully
> listen without judgment as you deeply tune into another person’s experience
Where you may have felt stuck, your life changes for the better as you experience a natural flow again.
Online course:
Mondays, Nov 25, 2024, to May 5, 2025
Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart.
Learn to:
> listen to yourself and others with every cell of your body, with your whole being, and a deep acceptance
> allow yourself to be seen while being authentically yourself
> express yourself honestly, yet skillfully and respectfully
> listen without judgment as you deeply tune into another person’s experience
Where you may have felt stuck, your life changes for the better as you experience a natural flow again.
Online course:
Mondays, Nov 25, 2024, to May 5, 2025
Focusing Journal is a gentle, creative process of exploration of your inner experience on the page – bypassing the analytical mind and traveling to the surface - as colors, words, shapes, or movement. Flexible visual templates serve as supportive prompts or anchors for your process to emerge with new meanings and possibilities.
These sessions invites alignment with the fall season - the qualities of letting go, unburdening, as well as tending to the inner light. There will be ample space for solo work, reflection, sharing resonance, and enriching our experience.
A través de actividades y conversaciones promoveremos el desarrollo de actitudes y habilidades pertinentes para sentir las vivencias de otras personas desde nuestro experienciar. Y expresar desde de experienciar al otro nuestra comprensión empática.
Framboyanes 34, Jardines de San Mateo, Naucalpan, Edo. de México, MÉXICO
In the November session of the Fókusz Klub, we’ll be focusing on changes—those happening within us and around us. How do we experience them? How do they affect us? How do we allow them into our lives? We’ll explore these questions over two 1.5-hour sessions, in our usual way: through movement, play, and focusing processes. Come and experience it for yourself!
Budapest, Hungary, Közép.Pont Mental Health Center
La Etapa de Formación Inicial tiene por finalidad la familiarización con el proceso y la técnica del enfoque corporal, el conocimiento de los seis pasos, y la adquisición de las capacidades necesarias para manejar el procedimiento de focusing.
Following a year-long group of "Reading Freshly" Gendlin’s book Focusing with fellow Focusers, Mary gives a personal account of the experience and how reflecting on it led her to unexpected places in considering what Focusing is or can be.
Some familiarity with Focusing is helpful, but no prior experience with Focusing or philosophy is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
The course is an opportunity to spend time with your wanting or project to integrate Focusing into your life—whether personally or professionally—in both an embodied and more than logical way. Like being in contact with a yet undiscovered treasure box. With FOCUSING, a practice laid out by philosopher and psychotherapist Eugene T. Gendlin, you will get in touch with your Felt Sense and be able to develop surprisingly fresh understandings that make a difference, especially in how you are with your special project or issue. By adding certain moves of THINKING AT THE EDGE (TAE), another practice Gendlin created, with Mary Hendricks and Kye Nelson, we will show you how you can speak more and more precisely from your Felt Sense. In doing so, you will discover important details by redefining
Las prácticas tutorizadas de focusing tienen por finalidad la práctica del focusing con asesoramiento para consolidar el conocimiento y el manejo del procedimiento e iniciar al alumnado a la facilitación de procesos de focusing como guía.
Nota: Para cursar el módulo de prácticas tutorizadas el alumno deberá haber superado los dos primeros niveles de focusing.
You may be familiar with a habitual background atmosphere of restlessness, anxiousness, agitation, or something like that. ...
We can invite and gradually build new patterns in our autonomic nervous system and brain. In doing so, we change our spontaneous physical, emotional and mental responses to life’s occurrences.
> Focusing exchanges
> Awareness Through Movement (ATM)
> Neuro Regulating Exercises
> Theoretical discourses
> Shared silence
Online Course:
Wednesdays, Nov 20, 2024 to April 9, 2025
In this time of social conflict and identity politics, it is increasingly likely that the therapeutic relationship is impacted by global and polarizing events. How does the current zeitgeist of social polarization show up in our therapy rooms? What do we do when it does, and what do we need in order to be congruent within ourselves and for our clients? We hope this Roundtable will provide a welcome and safe space to share our experiences, thoughts and feelings about these challenging issues.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, FOT, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
• The self-care of the facilitator.
• What to do when a participant does not feel like feel participating nor following a suggestion.
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.
We meet on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.
For November, we will do body awareness exercises to explore the perspectives of the left and right sides of our body. Most of us will be able to tell how we are wired from this time.
These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.
We meet on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30
As a way to offer care to our body and psyche in this time, this 1- hour 15 minute class will begin with a few moments of quiet and centering, pre-sensing a state of Wise Self. Bringing alignment to the body, we will move through a series of postures for stretching and strengthening. Yoga lets us massage stiff places, make more space in our spine and joints, and bring flexibility to our attitudes. We will draw inspiration from nature and from being together.
Election grief haunting you? Overwhelming you? Join other Focusers to process your grief and to be in community with others. Meeting may include large group shares, small groups, or paired practice. Folks will be invited to speak in a Focusing way about their own grief, shock, despair, etc.
This group is limited to those experiencing grief due to the United States election and the presidential election in particular.