Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
This online entry level Focusing skills class prepares you to begin a Focusing partnership. Utilizing Inner Relationship Focusing and Neuroscience based exercises spread out over a few months, this is a great opportunity to ground yourself in the basics of Self-in-Presence as a way of being that creates space for lasting change. You are encouraged to practice both in partnerships and with brief pauses during your day.
For coaches, bodyworkers, therapists, teachers and anyone interested in improving their inner and outer relational skills. Part 1 meets six times for two hours, usually every other week. This class can be your first step toward professional certification by completing Parts 1-4, then entering the ongoing Learning Community for Mastery in Guiding Change. This
Is there something that you’d like to do or write about but you lack the confidence to begin? Thinking at the Edge helps you sense into the “more” behind your ideas so that you can write and act from what you know.
Do you long to contribute to the world from the richness of the insights life has given you? With Thinking at the Edge, you delve into your own experience so that your new direction follows from of all you have lived.
Maybe you need clarity and next steps about a persistent problem or a complex issue. With Thinking at the Edge you can find the unique gifts within the challenges you face.
Take the second half of the Inner Relationship Focusing Training Program developed by Ann Weiser Cornell. Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.
Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.
No matter how long ago it was, the past can cast a long shadow over the present. Here’s the good news: There are ways to use a Focusing attitude to heal the trauma that’s holding back your life. Join us for this supportive six-week course and start creating a healing relationship with the hurt parts inside of you.
Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing and Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change).
Kaleidoscoping into the Implicit: Gene Gendlin's Philosophy - a Pre-recorded offering. This series of eight pre-recorded videos hosted by Dana Ganihar and Dan Schacter offers a wonderful dip into Gendlin's philosophy. The guest lecturers are Rob Parker (2 sessions), Greg Walkerden (2 sessions) , Naohiko Mimura, Donata Schoeller, Ed Casey and Mary Jeanne Larrabee. Register by Dec 31 and apply the discount code Dec2022 for 5% off (whichever price level you choose)
Deep transformational processes start to unfold as a result of Thinking at the Edge. This year-long class will allow those changes to develop more fully and be incorporated in your life, with the support of your fellow TAE-ers.
Imagine being really present in the here-and-now…enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, to feel good – to experience surprise and delight instead of repetitive, stressful patterns of interaction.
Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) teaches us to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviors.
In this workshop, we shall take a two-part journey: 1st part: From ‘I’ space to ‘we space’ - Experimenting in moving from the 'I space' to the 'we space', we will sense what happens inside us when we move from being in front of each other (me & you) to being together (us/we). 2nd part: Seeing and being seen from the heart - We will explore how
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Eating has many familiar descriptions, such as; emotional eating, eating addiction, eating disorders, mindful-eating, intuitive eating, etc.
What can be discovered when these descriptions are peeled-off?
What can be found underneath hunger, below the concept?
What can be found when this life force is developed?
In this webinar we will experientially discover the BIG picture of eating. It will also facilitate a new curiosity and mind-opening concepts for self-exploration of hunger.
Some experience with Focusing will be helpful, though all are welcome to attend.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?
Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.
Not feeling good about yourself can be like living under a dark cloud that casts a gloomy shadow on whatever you say, do, think, feel… And that makes life harder than it has to be.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn how to handle emotional triggers, difficult habits, and inner critics in a way that leaves you feeling better about yourself. Let me help you get started (and share what you can do to keep going!).
Taught by Jan Winhall, this self-paced, six-hour course provides an introduction to Winhall’s Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™, a therapeutic strategy integrating Porges’ polyvagal theory with Gendlin’s felt-sense to de-pathologize trauma and addiction. The model provides a generic framework that can enrich many areas of study including education, health, and organizational development by integrating awareness of embodied processes and how vitally relevant that is to desired outcomes.
Esta serie brinda un espacio para conectar miembros hispanohablantes del Instituto Internacional de Focusing (TIFI). Es un espacio para aprender y expandir el conocimiento sobre Focusing y temas relacionados. El concepto de "Cafecitos" viene de la idea de estar en la casa de un amigo/a y conversar tomándose un café. Queremos que estos Cafecitos se sientan acogedores y que tú te sientas en casa durante estas entrevistas. Cada Cafecito tiene a un nuevo entrevistado quien compartirá su conocimiento sobre algún tema en especial con la comunidad hispanohablante.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
When you gaze up at the stars at night, do you have a sense of being a loved and cherished part of a larger compassionate system?
Or do you feel small and insignificant, and that the universe is cold, chaotic, and uncaring?
Here’s what I’ve learned: The difference between these two worldviews is not an intellectual decision. It’s something you can feel in the wisdom of your body.
Over my 49 years of listening inwardly using Focusing, I’ve made an astonishing discovery: The more I listen within, the more I feel connected to what is much bigger than me.
Join us and explore how inner awareness can connect you to the spiritual dimension.
What does it mean to GUIDE someone else in ways that bring life forward movement? This one-year course is for those wanting to dive deep into the intricacies of one-to-one relationships. This community is for those who often find themselves in situations of facilitating change for others, individuals and groups. It’s a great option for those who are looking for a community-based path toward certification, for those who do not need certification, and also works well if you are already certified or possibly alongside another certification program.
This Learning Community begins as a year-long program meeting twenty times every other week for 1.5 hours. We can choose to continue with regular gatherings providing ongoing support for your path of bringing Focusing into the world
Join Jenna Chevalier and Annette Dubreuil for a Focusing mini-retreat in downtown Toronto. Held at Verity, a members-only womens’ club, our event is open to both men and women. Our mini-retreat will give you a taste of Eugene Gendlin's Focusing practice and provide some good energy to begin 2023.
Are you a person, a therapist, a coach, an accompanier, a Focusing facilitator with varied background/different certifications/diverse work experiences? a polymath?
Do you ask yourself what it is that differentiates you from your colleagues?
Do you want to merge Focusing with your whole knowledge?
This class is intended for anyone interested in merging Focusing with their other bodies of knowledge, for those who are looking for a way to communicate their way of being with clients and clarify the "unique product" they offer, creating your "niche" as an accompanier. Or simply anyone who is feeling the need to mold something out of everything they know and learned, and being able to bring it to the world.
This seminar is both didactic and experiential. We encourage spontaneous dialogue, and improvisational demos as well as reflecting on theoretical understandings and discussing readings. It is designed for therapists but does not exclude those in other helping professions. We have three modules a year. New participants are invited to join at the beginning of each module.
Topics include:
Exploring the organic “US-ness” we are made of.
Embodying the culture of a “connectedness sensibility.” (Richard Geist)
Cultivating “US” thinking and attitudes.
Bringing relational consciousness to conflict and disagreement.
Attending to the “I” of ourselves as well as the “YOU” of the client and the “US” of the
Join me for your first steps into the Focusing.
We will dive into the basics of this technique in a gentle way, to get in touch with the felt sense and practicing a lot during the course. As Body Oriented Coach, I also use warm up exercises to release the tension in your body and be more open to feel and connect to yourself.