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Facilitated by the team at London Focusing

London Focusing is pleased to announce that we are once again offering a 2.5 day INTRODUCTION TO FOCUSING & FOCUSING-ORIENTED THERAPY. The Introduction begins with a weekend in person in Central London on Saturday 15th April (10-5) and Sunday 16th April (10-3) 2023, and continues with a half day online the following Saturday, 22nd April 10-1 p.m. 

We want everyone to have an experience of our in-person teaching and our online teaching as this combination of in-person and online sessions will be used in the format of our next 2-year Certificated Course to begin 7th October 2023.

We look forward to welcoming those new to focusing and also those who have shown an interest in the 2 year course as it will be a chance to get to know us before committing to the full 2 years.  The 2-year programme enables students to become certified as a Focusing Oriented Therapist or Focusing Professional with The International Focusing Institute and is open to therapists and others in a helping capacity. 

We encourage anyone interested in the Certification programme to attend this Introduction in order to meet us and ask questions about the programme as well as learn or review the basics of Focusing. Some previous Focusing experience (at least equivalent to an Introductory weekend) is needed before admission to the 2-year certification programme. 

Do get in touch for more information: [email protected]

The cost is £220 which includes the weekend in London and the morning online.

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