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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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The topic for this week (May 20th) will be: Embodied Values.

Free weekly Focusing circle. We start with a deep discussion on a topic in Focusing, psychology, philosophy, or literature, and proceed into a Focusing practice related to the theme. It's a good way to expand your Focusing practice with a fun, casual, and experimental approach.

Online--Zoom link available after registration
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Changes Groups
- Spain Time (GMT +1)
Prácticas Avanzadas de Focusing
Facilitar procesos: EL ARTE DE ACOMPAÑAR

Modalidad presencial en Madrid.

Habrá opción de conectarse por zoom si quedan plazas libres.

Facilitadora: Isabel Gascón

viernes 28 de 16 a 20h (España - GMT+1)
sábado 29 de abril 10 a 14h y de 16 a 20h (España - GMT+1)

sábado 20 de 10 a 14h y de 16 a 20h (España - GMT+1)
domingo 21 de 10 a 14h (España - GMT+1)

Máximo 6 participantes

Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute Masumi Maeda Tine Swyngedouw
This Roundtable is one in a series on Focusing and Listening. This first one features Interactive Focusing. Interactive Focusing has a good reputation as a very effective method in building healthy relationship between people. What may be less known is that it is a most powerful way to develop empathic listening skills with its unique step-by-step procedures.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- New York time
TIFI Events logo Teresa Dawson
In deutscher Sprache mit englischer Übersetzung verfügbar
In German with English translation
Sei ein kreativer Teil des Klimawandels, mit der Magie von TAE/Act as a creative part of climate change using the magic of TAE

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: TAE/Philosophy, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
The quality of your interactions with other people affects your energy, your mood, and your ability to thrive. If you worry about what other people think, hide your true self, have people in your life whose habits drive you crazy, or get overwhelmed by the feelings of others and pull away... We can help!

In this course, you'll learn how to turn reactions to other people into sources of healing and self-discovery, increase your ability to feel safe with others, embrace positive experiences, and be truly OK being exactly who you are (whether you're alone or with others).

Join us and start having more satisfying experiences with everyone in your life – including yourself!

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern (Hora Nueva York)
Cafecitos logo The International Focusing Institute João da Fonseca Florentina Sassoli
Este Cafecitos explorará Focusing y psicodélicos.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time
Beatrice Blake, Thinking at the Edge
Is there something that you’d like to do or write about but you lack the confidence to begin? Thinking at the Edge helps you sense into the “more” behind your ideas so that you can write and act from what you know.

Do you long to contribute to the world from the richness of the insights life has given you? With Thinking at the Edge, you delve into your own experience so that your new direction follows from of all you have lived.

Maybe you need clarity and next steps about a persistent problem or a complex issue. Thinking at the Edge training helps you find the unique gifts within the challenges you face.

Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Pacific Time
The Radical Welcome: Focusing in Soul Companionship Pic of Paula Gamble-Grant
Gene Gendlin, the “father” of Focusing, said this once when addressing some clinical psychologists:

“I want to start with the most important thing I have to say.
The essence of working with another person is to be present as a living being.
And that is lucky.
Because if we had to be smart, or good, or mature, or wise,
then we’d probably be in trouble.
But what matters is not that.
What matters is to be human with another human.”

Heart and Soul centered work is also, at the core, about being a human with another human. And in the heart and art of Focusing, I’ve found nothing better that gives us permission to both let ourselves, and our clients, explore the natural beauty, wonder and messiness of all things human.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
An image of belonging
Four week mini course exploring belonging

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
UNfocusing Serge Prengel
Serge Prengel is inviting you to a 90-minute workshop on Focusing. A free workshop. This will give you a gut-level understanding of how our bodily felt sense functions as an inner GPS.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Hanspeter Mühlethaler Bergwanderung über einen Grat
Möchtest du dein Verständnis über Gott und die Welt erweitern, deine Sicht der Dinge von vorgegebenen Kategorien befreien, neue eigene Gedanken entwickeln?

Vielleicht möchtest du deine eigenen, über das allgemeine Verständnis hinausgehende Gedanken ordnen, in eine kommunizierbare Form bringen, die ausdrückt, was du wirklich meinst?

Vielleicht hast du einen Auftrag zu erfüllen und möchtest dir klar werden, wie du diesen mit deinen eigenen Intensionen verbinden kannst.

Der interaktive Online-Kurs gibt einen spielerischen ersten Einstieg in die grundlegenden Prinzipien und Bewegungen von Thinking at the Edge (TAE). Übungen mit Texten, Bildern und Musik lockern den Kurs auf und tragen zum Lernprozess für dein eigenes Thema bei.

Topic: TAE/Philosophy
Ruth Hirsch in Venice
An introductory workshop to explore the range of feelings related to growing older in a safe, supportive space. At the same time we'll open to the value and new opportunities inherent in this stage of life. We'll also take a look at recent literature to get a sense of various perspectives and ideas about aging, and then use Focusing to illuminate ways forward for each of us. .

The experiential workshop will help you begin to develop a conscious and compassionate relationship with aging. With increased clarity and peace of mind, you can move forward and enjoy this stage of life more fully. Loss and growth are part of aging. With Focusing we can grieve the former, enjoy the latter, and use both as fuel to move forward. This is an introduction to this deep, healing

Topic: Other
tree roots
Five week zoom course to learn the essentials of Focusing and listening

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- 1:00-3:00 PM New York USA
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute Patrizia Bonaca
Questa conversazione online gratuita fa parte della serie Focusing Roundtable specialmente per i membri di TIFI.

Questa serie offre ai membri un'opportunità preziosa per instaurare una conversazione tra pari con altri membri che parlano italiano e che condividono interessi relazionati al Focusing. Ci auguriamo inoltre che questo programma incoraggi altri a promuovere ulteriori tavole rotonde in Italiano,nel futuro, per continuare la serie.

19:00-21:00 Europa Centrale (Italia)

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Central European Time (CEST) (GMT+) (UCT+2)
The world in a tea cup Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo
(timing should be ok for the Americas)
“The essence of working with another person is to be present as a living being. And that is lucky, because if we had to be smart, or good, or mature, or wise, then we would probably be in trouble. But, what matters is not that. What matters is to be a human being with another human being, to recognize the other person as another being in there.”

(Gendlin 1990, p. 205)

Online on Zoom - a link will be provided before the course starts
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
The spirit of Focusing is often associated with gentle penetrating illumination, empathic conversation with space for pauses and deep listening. Activism, on the other hand, is associated with determination, passionate protest and insistent steps toward social change. Although these movements are both ways of pursuing change and growth, they seem to march to very different drums.

Topic: FOT
- Central European Time (CET) (GMT+1) (UCT+2)
The world in a tea cup Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo
(Good for Australasia)
Deepen and explore your listening to a Focusing partner, to clients, or in your life, as a way of deepening your listening to yourself and to your surroundings.
Increase your presence and your “mindfulness” in your life through deepening your listening in a Felt Sensing kind of way.

Online on Zoom - a link will be provided before the course starts
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- UK Time

London, UK
- AEST (GMT+10)
Biliana dearly
This workshop will give you a deeper understanding of different emotional patterns, sequences and states from an FOT and depth psychology perspective and how to work with them.

Melbourne, Australia
Topic: FOT