Your Hosts
Where & When
Are you ready to help your clients access their own inner wisdom?
Are you a therapist who would like to learn more about Nature Guided Focusing Oriented Therapy?
Would you like to experience how Nature and Play can support you and your clients to access Wonder and Awe?
A total of 16 Training days, each topic is covered in one day in person sessions at Hearth Place, a rural riverside property in the Cowichan Valley (unceded Quw’utsun First Nation Territory) on Vancouver Island.
Topics include: Focusing and / Compassion / Dreams / Grief / Nature / Play / Resourcing / Social Justice / Finding your Focusing Niche
“Dean’s eloquence in explaining pith principles, his skill in space and silence, his playful, creative companioning, make him a superb teacher of Focusing.” ~ Gillian Parrish
Read what Dr Leslie Ellis has to say about this training in her article Focusing and Nature: Restoring connection within and without
Find out more in the Training Outline and on the Hearth Place website
Registration Information and Price
To Register contact dean by phone 236.508.3200 or email [email protected]