Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
En Tres aserciones sobre el cuerpo, Gendlin dice que nuestros cuerpos son heredados de las plantas. Las plantas, sin tener cerebro ni sistema nervioso ni los cinco sentidos, crean sus cuerpos de la luz, del aire, del agua, de la tierra. Nuestras sensaciones corporales con significado vienen de esta capacidad de las plantas de sentir lo que necesitan y recibirlo del entorno.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
During this Children & Focusing Roundtable we will explore the Focusing process with special needs children from the parent - teacher perspective in classroom settings.
Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Free, Children, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Offer one-to-one Focusing sessions to people who are new to Focusing
Integrate Focusing into your professional field as a therapist, bodyworker, teacher…
Teach Focusing to individuals
Naturally weave aspects of Focusing into all of your daily interactions
Year 2:
Learn to teach Focusing to groups
If you have done the practitioner training already (year-1, you can join my year-2 training
Receive the Focusing Professional Certificate by The International Focusing Institute - TIFI
Get to know the wonderful process of Felt Sensing, (Focusing), that gives you access to what you know, your inner voice, and to more compassion and self-compassion, openness and spaciousness, in encountering your own and others' inner world.
The course is online and runs in the evening, Central European (Summer) Time.
Online on Zoom - a link will be provided before the course starts
You can join levels 3-5 of my Focusing course after you have attended a basic Focusing skills course.
After completion of this course, you can apply for the PFP-Award to join the International Focusing Partnership Network to have Focusing Partnership exchanges free of charge.
This group is open to all Focusing students who have Focusing training from any trainer. This is a space for folks to land to practice Focusing and continue to keep it as part of their life. We practice using the skills we already know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).
onlineFormación basada en la Filosofía experiencial y de lo implícitoFacilitadores:
Tomeu Barceló, Coordinador Focusing.
Juan José Mendinueta, Coordinador in training Focusing
In this 8-week group, you will use Focusing to transform a significant issue in your life, in part by deepening your access to Self through the 8Cs of Self-Leadership. The 8Cs are calmness, connectedness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, courage and creativity.
By crossing these qualities with our issue, we move through it by pausing, understanding the issue, transforming it, and then preparing for action, and finally taking action.
Your issue can be working towards a personal or professional goal. However, the course is designed in such a way that you can also bring a different topic each week to your Focusing, and concentrate on building your 8Cs which help you live as your Self more often.
In this eight-week Focusing course, we learn the practice, including being a listener. We slowly learn each of the 6 steps of Focusing, adding a new one every week or two. We also gradually learn new listening skills. Each class consists of a centering, a small experiential exercise, a demonstration and breakout room practice in groups of twos or threes.
Dates for the next groups:
-Thursdays, February 13-April 10, 10 am to 12 pm Eastern (break week March 13th).
A pupa is the safe place for transformation... in nature this is the cocoon or chrysalis. In Focusing, this is the safety of our Focusing attitude and listening partnerships. The use of felt sense body cards catalyze the process by capturing details and helping us notice our patterns and further explicate our process.
The base of the PUPA Focusing Certification Program consists of five courses that cover a journey using the PUPA process. They are designed to not only learn and teach Focusing, but also to get to know and transform yourself, while creating change in the world— by bringing more Focusing into the world.
The additional training requirements provide the skills to teach Focusing and/or guide someone professionally.
Dates: February 11, 2025 – May 20, 2025
Day: Alternate Tuesdays 2:15-3:30 8 sessions
Location: Zoom
Fee: $65 per session (75 minutes)
Our Lives as Therapists
with Joan Lavender Psy.D.
Have you had this situation? You really need to share a clinical dilemma about a patient with a trusted colleague. Yet, as you try to describe the situation, a sense of futility sets in - the context is too nuanced to get across quickly - the essence of it is lost in translation.
Yet many of our most difficult or transcendent moments may occur within our therapy relationships. How do we hold the vast complexity – the startling, the extraordinary, and the dark – that emerges within us as well as in our
In this workshop, Irit will guide participants on a journey in Way of life Energy, teaching us how to reconnect with the core quality of life energy – courage.
Live attendance is recommended. All registrants (whether or not you attend live) will receive an email to view the recording after the workshop. Breakout rooms are not recorded. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful, though all are welcome to attend.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
In this workshop you will get to know all 14 steps of the philosophical practice ‘Thinking at the Edge’ (TAE) by precise teachings. While staying on the unclear edge of what can't be said yet, you can further develop one of your concerns that is close to your heart. As a group, we will build a creative and supportive space that allows you to reflect on and integrate your experiences with this introduction to experiential thinking. The course qualifies for the THINKING AT THE EDGE (TAE) PROFICIENCY AWARD.
Are you a Psychotherapist, Coach or Helping and Healing Professional that brings Focusing into your practice? This 10 session group is a support for professionals who have learned Inner Relationship Focusing and would like the support of a group; to present cases, talk about the ways you are or would like to integrate focusing with your work, and learn from colleagues how they are bringing focusing into their work.
For more information and registration:
This group is open to all Focusing students who have Focusing training from any trainer. This is a space for folks to land to practice Focusing and continue to keep it as part of their life. We practice using the skills we already know; no teaching is offered - just pairs for partnership at a reliable time and place. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required.
Join other Focusing professionals as we practice Focusing. Professional work grows from our personal practice, so let’s continue Focusing. This can also be a unique place for folks to Focus about their professional Focusing work with clients or students and work projects in general.
This a place to land to do paired Focusing partnership, no teaching is offered. Breakout rooms are arranged for each pair. This is a drop-in group, no commitment required. Cost: free, no cost.
Private to Focusing Professionals - TIFI Certified Focusing Professionals and trainees, trained by any coordinator, includes all types of Focusing Professionals (FOT, Focusing Trainer, Focusing Professional).
Are painful experiences from your childhood continuing to hinder you from living more fully?
For many of us, we may have grown up in environments in which we had to hush our inner knowing and what I call our knowing no as a way of keeping the peace, staying connected and out of trouble. I get it. I know what that's like and how confusing it feels when doing what's right feels wrong; whereas, doing what's wrong feels strangely ... right, more comfortable and less risky. It's disorienting isn't it? No wonder it's hard to make decisions and navigate tough discussions!
If you're wanting to live with greater clarity, confidence and ease then this course may be for you.
This LIVE Zoom course is for anyone interested in learning more about FOAT, and also provides a solid entry into our foundational, intermediate, and advanced levels of training that lead to certification. Successful completion satisfies the prerequisite to taking Level 1 of our FOAT® Training Program– starting March 2025!