Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
The Weeklong is the flagship event of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), begun in 1979. It is intended for all those certified by TIFI. It is a warm and intimate event, and features a certification ceremony.
This year the Weeklong will again be online and will have an in person option in Dublin, Ireland.
June 25 - July 1, 2023
El Weeklong es el evento insignia del Instituto Internacional de Focusing (TIFI), iniciado en 1979. Está destinado a todos aquellos certificados por TIFI. Es un evento cálido e íntimo, y cuenta con una ceremonia de certificación.
Este año, Weeklong volverá a estar en línea y tendrá una opción presencial en Dublín, Irlanda.
25 de junio - 1 de julio de 2023
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Learn and experience the power of working with the Felt Sense - how the body holds living experience about a situation - and why it is the key to moving beyond the typical dead ends of therapy. Didactic and experiential with demonstrations. 6 CEUs for Therapists.
Has Focusing changed your life in a profound way? Do you feel called to help facilitate that kind of powerful change for other people? Join us for a free open house and find out how you can become a Certified Professional in Inner Relationship Focusing. Our next program starts in October.
In this webinar, you'll get to meet and interact with many of the program teachers. Discover the different components of the program and how they integrate. Share your goals and ask your questions. Familiarize yourself with the program prerequisites, requirements, and application process. Understand how you (and your future clients) benefit from our comprehensive training program.
It is our intention to open up a space with the symposium to address the threatening issues of the climate crisis, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and the increasing polarisation within democratic societies with Focusing and Thinking at the Edge. How can we as individuals deal with these threatening issues? How can we find our own life-forwarding direction in this threatening situation? How can we find little next steps of action in the face of these overwhelming issues?
ECC - Experiential Concept Coaching - is an experiential approach that facilitates creative processes in every day life, based on Focusing and Thinking at the Edge.
In this Roundtable, we propose to offer the occasion for parents, grandparents and caregivers to discover what might be behind their children's behaviour in terms of needs, especially when it is not as wanted by adults.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Children, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.
Discover a somatically-based, relational, research-proven tool for lasting change. Learn how Focusing can facilitate personal growth and strengthen your professional healing practice at this free live intro with Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist Jeffrey Morrison
The program develops in two parts: The Miracle of Focusing as a Hermeneutic Circle and Focusing Facilitators as Educators and Leaders.
How does the magic of Focusing happen when we hold open space for all to be seen and heard? Eugene Gendlin was a Heidegger scholar, and he felt that Heidegger’s hermeneutical circle could provide insight into the ground of felt-sensing and implying-into-occurring. The circle of attention, language and bodily understanding that Larry Berger offers has many commonalities with Gendlin’s A Process Model and provides ways to apply Gendlin’s teaching. Larry encourages us to further apply Gendlin’s philosophy in everyday situations, individual and collective living, especially in political environments.
Katarina Halm will offer
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.
The Focusing Foundation Training program is designed and taught by Marie Connors, a certified Focusing Professional and Trainer. This course is structured as two 10-week blocks. The first 10-week block covers Focusing Foundations Level 1 and Level 2. The second 10-week block covers Focusing Foundations Level 3 and Level 4. Each block consists of 10 weekly online sessions, weekly practice partnerships, one individual guided Focusing session with the trainer and email support between classes. This training places emphasis on our bodies as open receptive environments that include our relationships, with vast intelligence and knowing about our life situations. There will be many experiential practices to explore this embodied knowing, inside safe relational meetings.
Serge, Naty, Paula, Vera, and Flor are offering a space where we can deepen our understanding of how we experience spirituality, allowing for fresh meaning to emerge. All beliefs are welcome, including people who feel uncomfortable about the notion of spirituality.
The five of them come with different perspectives on spirituality. So they deeply appreciate the richness that comes from sharing and connecting from our different ways of experiencing spirituality.
What makes this work is that we create a thoughtful and mindful space in which spirituality can be explored as an experience. We can resonate with the similarities of each other’s experiences, and honor the differences between our experiences, when we see them as experiences.
No prior
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.
Smartview Conversations is a place where we intentionally practice support for ourselves and each other in living a Focusing way of life, even when our environment is challenging. We will use individual and small group invitations, role play and embodiment exercises to improve our ability to access and act from felt sense awareness in more of our daily interactional life moments. We will improve communication with our own bodies and brains to understand how to support our own sense of thriving in today’s world. We will explore Resonance and Interactive Focusing concepts to bring them into our daily interactions. Our online community is modeled off of the intentional Focusing community created in Smartview Stories. We will cross concepts from the stories with our real life situations. We
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.
This workshop will help you distinguish different types of trauma, recognise signs of previous trauma experience or current trauma activation, and know the guidelines for working through the trauma recovery process towards resolution by applying FOT.