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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
Heinke Deloch
Der Ansatz des ECC-Experiential Concept Coaching stellt Formate zur Verfügung, die sich eignen, um die Methode Thinking at the Edge zur Entfaltung, Begleitung und Moderation kreativer Vorhaben in der Arbeitswelt einzusetzen. ECC wird als Folge von 5 Workshops vermittelt und von der GwG (Gesellschaft für personzentrierte Psychotherapie und Beratung) zertifiziert.
Im Workshop ECC 1 lernen Teilnehmer*innen die 14 Denkschritte des Thinking at the Edge kennen und für ein eigenes Denkvorhaben einzusetzen. Sie erproben die Rollen in Listening-Writing-Partnerschaften und üben anhand der Logbuch-Methode hilfreiche Haltungen für erlebensbezogenes Denken ein.  
Ann Weiser Cornell
Each week I’ve been gathering a group of people like you and sharing some processes for greater calm, comfort, and even hope.

Connection and community are such a blessing in these challenging times.

I’d love to have you join us this week… free… and easy to connect for just 30 minutes via Zoom.

Together let's explore practical skills that'll help you access your greatest inner resources: resilience and calm.

Online via Zoom
- Eastern (New York Time)
Mary Anne Schleinich Julie Ramsey Steve Moscovitch
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. The TIFI Membership Committee is pleased to introduce Therapists’ Circles, a new Roundtable series, designed especially for members who work with clients in therapeutic settings.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern (New York Time)
2020 Weeklong Logo Edgardo Riveros Jan Winhall Dan Schachter
You're Invited!

Our 50th Anniversary has moved online and the Facilitation Team is excited to live this Crossing and Belonging experience authentically in this format.

The world is living through tumultuous times and we have an unprecedented opportunity to live through it together.

In this one hour session, our teachers will give us a taste of what our week together will be like, by leading us in brief felt sensing experiences. We'll also describe how the week will flow and answer your questions. Whether you're already registered or are considering doing so, this is a chance to sense the Crossing and Belonging which awaits you at this historic event.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Dr. Leslie Ellis
Join dream expert Dr. Leslie Ellis for three 90-minute zoom sessions. Sessions will include a brief talk about how to experientially engage with dreams, a chance to ask questions, and a live dreamwork demonstration.
Dr. Leslie Ellis
Join dream expert Dr. Leslie Ellis for three 90-minute zoom sessions. Sessions will include a brief talk about how to experientially engage with dreams, a chance to ask questions, and a live dreamwork demonstration.
Ann Weiser Cornell
Each week I’ve been gathering a group of people like you and sharing some processes for greater calm, comfort, and even hope.

Connection and community are such a blessing in these challenging times.

I’d love to have you join us this week… free… and easy to connect for just 30 minutes via Zoom.

Together let's explore practical skills that'll help you access your greatest inner resources: resilience and calm.

Online via Zoom
Focusing Chile
Un evento organizado por el Instituto Focusing Chile / Escuela Continental de Focusing en Español, y realizado en colaboración con el Instituto Brasileiro de Focusing @ibf.focusing (@rocha.mluiza , @analidiamafra ), Eugenia Testore @eugetestore , Lorena Alladio, Caro Preve, Tata Harfuch @tataharfuch, María Raquel Giusepponi y David Nishio.

In this two day workshop, I will teach you the basic steps of Focusing so you can practice with a partner, and bring Focusing into your life and healing practice.

You will gain access to the rich inner wisdom that unfolds as you find Presence in your own life, and also learn how to facilitate a Focusing-Oriented approach to healing with others.

Vashon Island Studio
Serge Prengel bio photo
We will be exploring the pause as an embodied shift from mindless to mindful. We will be paying attention to the embodied quality of this pause, through a simple stretching exercise. We will be doing this to pay attention to our inner experience, our felt sense, as our muscles gently engage and our body realigns. We will be observing what it means to engage, moment by moment. We will explore the feeling of being at the edge of noticing as if we are an outside witness and being a dancer who is influencing the dance. This is a kind of experience for which we do not have words that readily fit. Sharing the experience in a Focusing partnership allows us to go deeper into it.
- Eastern (New York Time)
Focusing Roundtables Mary Ann Schleinich Julie Ramsey Steve Moscovitch
Sorry - Registration is closed as it is full and we have a lengthy wait list.

This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. The TIFI Membership Committee is pleased to introduce Therapists’ Circles, a new Roundtable series, designed especially for members who work with clients in therapeutic settings.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
The International Focusing Institute Nigel Gibbons Tom Larkin Margaret Quinn
All over the world, we have less live contact with others in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus. This gathering is a chance for us to connect with one another virtually and to support one another during this challenging time.

Ann Weiser Cornell
Each week I’ve been gathering a group of people like you and sharing some processes for greater calm, comfort, and even hope.

Connection and community are such a blessing in these challenging times.

I’d love to have you join us this week… free… and easy to connect for just 30 minutes via Zoom.

Together let's explore practical skills that'll help you access your greatest inner resources: resilience and calm.

Online via Zoom
The International Focusing Institute Ghazala Ansari Manoj SuchDeva Sonika Gupta
पूरे विश्व में, नॉवेल कोरोना वायरस के खतरे से निबटने के लिए हम सब अलग-अलग और अकेले रहने के लिए बाध्य हैं | इस नए नॉर्मल से आँख चुराना असंभव है| यह सभा हम सब के लिए एक निमंत्रण, एक अवसर और एक ज़रिया है, ऐसे समय में भी एक दूसरे से वर्चुअली जुडे रहने का, एक दुसरे का साथ देने और साथ पाने का

The International Focusing Institute Viviane Silva Ginette Sanchez Gutierrez
En todo el mundo, nos vemos obligados a retirarnos del contacto físico con los otros en respuesta a la amenaza del nuevo coronavirus. Esta reunión es una oportunidad para conectarnos virtualmente y sosteniéndonos durante este díficil momento.

Jenna Chevalier's image
Clearing Space is a powerful stand-alone process with strong research to support it as a stress-reduction tool independent of the other steps of Focusing. This class will explore how you can use this practice in your daily life to manage its ups and down when you might not have access to a Focusing partner.
Ann Weiser Cornell
Each week I’ve been gathering a group of people like you and sharing some processes for greater calm, comfort, and even hope.

Connection and community are such a blessing in these challenging times.

I’d love to have you join us this week… free… and easy to connect for just 30 minutes via Zoom.

Together let's explore practical skills that'll help you access your greatest inner resources: resilience and calm.

Online via Zoom
Wendi Maurer Hasnpeter Mühlethaler
This is the second of our three part interactive online course. We will guide you, in a playful way, through the second phase of Thinking at the Edge (TAE), (steps 6 - 9): Working with instances – personal experiences that feel relevant for the topic we are thinking about. We welcome participants of part 1 and those who have experienced TAE steps 1 to 5 from another source. You need not be an expert in steps 1 - 5 to enjoy the next steps.

Six online classes starting on
- Eastern (New York Time)
highlights logo Akira Ikemi
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes. Classes are recorded and registrants do not need to attend live.

In this class, Akira will be sharing and demonstrating the unique style of Focusing he has developed over many years, beginning with studying philosophy with Gendlin in the 1970s. Akira's accomplishments and contributions have been widely recognized throughout Asia and internationally and he is a highly sought-after teacher. Join Akira as he guides us on a journey into the heart of Focusing, where sensing and expressing are a natural way of being with oneself and in the world.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
TIFI theta
Please join us for a conversation about "The Fierce Urgency of Now." These conversations are intended to explore how we as a Focusing community can do more to bring Focusing, Thinking at the Edge and the Philosophy of the Implicit to the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression. Come with your experience, your ideas and your questions. This is intended as a conversation and an exploration