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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- Eastern US (New York) time
highlights logo 張卉湄 Lindsay Chang 張恕維 Victor Chang


Focusing Highlights International is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.

This class will be offered in Chinese only.

4月11 日(周六) 晚上9點到11點(美東時間) 

 4月12 日(周日) 早上9點到11點(香港/上海/台北時間)

Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9:00pm to 11:00pm Eastern time 
(April 12 Sunday 9:00am to 11:00am Hong Kong/Shanghai/Taipei time)

線上課程(課程會有錄影) Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
FOB Director & Certifying Coordinator, Jan Winhall
Our bodies nervous systems are being challenged in ways we could never have imagined in these scary days that are upon us. We need to socially distance at a time that we need to flock. Luckily, we have a capacity to adapt, and Focusing On Borden (located in Toronto, Canada) is doing so, by offering our community an online course through Zoom. We will come together to connect and explore ways to apply concepts in Polyvagal Theory to our embodied practice of Focusing.
Ann Weiser Cornell
As all of us continue to find ways to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities safe from the coronavirus, our need for connection and emotional support is higher than ever.

This is a 30-minute webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
The International Focusing Institute logo
All over the world, we are forced to withdraw from live contact with others in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus. This gathering is a chance for us to support one another during this challenging time, and to connect with one another virtually. During these 90-minute meetings, we will gather first as a large group, then break into small groups for Focusing and compassionate listening.

The International Focusing Institute logo
All over the world, we are forced to withdraw from live contact with others in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus. This gathering is a chance for us to support one another during this challenging time, and to connect with one another virtually. During these 90-minute meetings, we will gather first as a large group, then break into small groups for Focusing and compassionate listening.

TIFI logo Astrid Schillings Heinke Deloch Monika Lindner
Weltweit müssen Menschen sich momentan distanzieren und auf ihr häusliches Umfeld zurückziehen, um eine schnelle, ungezügelte Verbreitung des Coronavirus einzudämmen.
Dies bedeutet auf zwischenmenschliche Begegnung, Austausch, Kontakt, berufliche Tätigkeit, Engagement, kulturelle Teilhabe und vieles mehr zu verzichten.

Dazu kommt die tägliche Sorge um nahestehende und besonders gefährdete Mitmenschen sowie existenzielle Sorgen um das eigene Wohlergehen und den drohenden Verlust des eigenen Arbeitsplatzes.

Ann Weiser Cornell
Only say yes when you mean it...

If you say yes when you'd rather say no or if it's hard to even know what you really want to say yes to, Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Life can help.

You'll learn how to identify healthy boundaries and develop Focusing skills for setting them with kindness and clarity.

No matter how challenging healthy boundaries might feel today, you can get practical help that brings immediate relief.

Online via Zoom + Video
Explore Wholebody Focusing and Alexander Technique online This Workshop combines Focusing and the Alexander Technique.
Monday 6th April - Monday 11th May. 6 week online Zoom course
3 - 5 pm CET (Rome)
9 - 11 am EST (New York)
TIFI logo Karen Whalen Roberto Larios
Karen Whalen, Ph.D (Canada) and Roberto Larios, M.D. (Mexico) invite you to a free 3 hour class to explore Relational Wholebody Field felt sensing as a practical everyday support and self-resource.

TIFI Logo Karen Whalen Roberto Larios
Karen y Roberto te invitan a explorar Sentir/Sintiendo el Campo Relacional ConTodoElCuerpo como un recurso y apoyo práctico para la vida diaria.

ONLINE - Esta clase se ofrece en español.
Biliana Dearly
Part 2 of your Focusing Fundamentals Short Course supports you in deepening your experience with the Focusing method. With more guided practice, you will further experience its benefits.

Blue Angel Centre
Dr. Leslie Ellis, author of A Clinician's Guide to Dream Therapy, will be your guide
An online exploration of personal embodied-experiential dreamwork methods, with a new prompt and group meeting each month. This course is meant to be spacious and enjoyable!
Join us on a deep dive into dreams
This program is a deep dive into the world of dreams, and a clear path to learning h0w to engage yourself and guide others in embodied experiential dreamwork practices. Upon completion of this program, you will be able to confidently engage with your own dreams and the dreams of others, both one-on-one and in groups. And you will be able to help those who suffer from trauma-related nightmares.
Ann Weiser Cornell
As all of us scramble to find ways to keep ourselves, our families, and our communities safe from the coronavirus, our need for connection and emotional support is higher than ever.

This is a 30-minute webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
All over the world, we are forced to withdraw from live contacts with others in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus. TIFI wants to support its members during this stressful period of anxiety, loss and confusion. Last Saturday TIFI held two Zoom meetings so that members of the Focusing community could connect during this difficult time. Clearly, many feel a need and desire for more connection, to process the anxiety and hardship that the coronavirus outbreak has brought. Due to the overwhelming response, we are pleased to make this opportunity available again.

All over the world, we are forced to withdraw from live contacts with others in response to the threat of the novel coronavirus. TIFI wants to support its members during this stressful period of anxiety, loss and confusion. Last Saturday TIFI held two Zoom meetings so that members of the Focusing community could connect during this difficult time. Clearly, many feel a need and desire for more connection, to process the anxiety and hardship that the coronavirus outbreak has brought. Due to the overwhelming response, we are pleased to make this opportunity available again.

To be completed
- Eastern (New York Time)
Roundtables Logo Mary Anne Schleinich Julie Ramsey Steve Moscovitch
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. The TIFI Membership Committee is pleased to introduce Therapists’ Circles, a new Roundtable series, designed especially for members who work with clients in therapeutic settings.
Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events