Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
El ser humano nace frágil, desvalido, incapaz de cubrir por sí mismo sus necesidades básicas necesarias para vivir y crecer. Necesita cuidados básicos imprescindibles, pero sobre todo necesita sentirse amado, protegido y respetado.
Esa pequeña persona depende de lo que reciba de su entorno, de los padres o cuidadores para que sus potencialidades se desplieguen de forma sana y completa.
Ocurre que, cuando la persona se hace mayor y va cumpliendo años, ese pequeño niño sigue estando con el adulto y sigue guardando en su interior el concepto que se forjó de sí mismo y de su valía personal en las experiencias vividas que formaron parte de muchos momentos de su infancia: esos mensajes y esas experiencias que le enseñaron cómo conseguir el amor de su padre y su
Questa conversazione online gratuita fa parte della serie Focusing Roundtable specialmente per i membri di TIFI.
Questa Tavola Rotonda è la quarta di quattro tavole rotonde in italiano che saranno offerte mensilmente a partire dal mese di Gennaio fino al mese di Aprile 2021. Ciascuna delle quattro tavole rotonde è un programma unico quindi potrete inscrivervi a una o più tavole rotonde.
Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.
Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing) and Carol Nickerson.
Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.
Energy and consciousness in Quantum Focusing (QF) can transcend the limitations of time and space, leading to long-lasting change and healing of conflicted parts.
In this webinar, Alex will present brain scan images of a long-term Focusing client who suffered from constant anxiety and over-arousal of the nervous system. Alex will share how working with the complexity of this client’s trauma opened the door to new Focusing skills that would be needed to bring back a sense of “Self-agency”.
There will be experiential guided group exercises and a short demonstration of Quantum Focusing as well as some time for questions and sharing from participants.
All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful but is not required.
Join us for FOAT® Tools II, our newest 4-week online course! FOAT® Tools II will build on the resilience-enhancing FOAT® exercises taught in our foundational courses. We will teach new FOAT® exercises that help to befriend the more challenging or stressful felt senses that are part of our everyday lives.
Together we will co-create a supportive community to learn and practice these tools for deepening into our authenticity, presence, and creative wisdom - and identify steps toward growth, healing, and change. There will be opportunities to support our connection and deepen our skills of compassionate presence and listening through small and large group sharing.
Focusing alone isn’t hard. But a lot of people struggle to do it. In this course, you'll learn how you can empower yourself to do Focusing any time and anywhere you need to, whether a partner is available or not.
In Focusing Alone you'll:
- Explore what’s so hard about Focusing Alone — and how to turn that around
- Practice powerful, practical tips that make Focusing Alone easier…immediately
- Follow a supportive “script” that keeps you on track
- Set up and follow a regular Focusing practice you can integrate into your life
3 practical experiential sessions to help both Trainers and CCs how to aim and offer instruction to their potential candidates for PFP Award. Not new - but aimed for specific result.
Focusing facilita un lugar de encuentro entre emoción y razón. Aprenderás a relacionarte, de una manera nueva y enriquecedora, con tus emociones, pensamientos y sensaciones corporales. En definitiva, a escuchar tu mundo interno con una actitud amable y curiosa. Con estos dos primeros niveles obtendrás la destreza necesaria para utilizar este recurso en tu vida cotidiana.
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?
Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.
How does social change happen? This experiential course is grounded in change-making processes and is an opportunity to feel into your place in social patterns on a global and community level. Our facilitators want to share their experiences as changemakers and offer a place to practice emotional regulation and safety while exploring topics like trauma, racism, misogyny, violence against women, homophobia, transphobia, and white privilege. Our explorations will be experiential, group-driven, and offer the excitement of large-group interaction and the intimacy of smaller breakout settings.
Cómo acontece el cambio social? Este curso experiencial está enraizado en procesos de cambio y es una oportunidad para permitirte experienciar tu lugar en los patrones sociales en un
Las practicas tutorizadas de Focusing son una parte fundamental en el proceso formativo. En ellas se aprende a facilitar a otras personas el proceso experiencial de Focusing.
Para acompañar estos procesos es necesario adquirir las actitudes básicas de este modelo, su metodología y los recursos suficientes para poder adaptarse a las necesidades individuales de la persona que va a enfocar.
Se adaptarán también los conocimientos necesarios en función del ámbito en el que se aplicara Focusing: psicoterapia, educación, salud, crecimiento personal, etc.
En estos espacios formativos y experienciales se combina el aprendizaje individual enriquecido siempre por la participación del grupo.
Generamos círculos de estudio que permiten posibilidad de aprender en forma pausada y semanal el Focusing. Nos juntamos a leer y explorar desde un lugar de libre acompañamiento donde el aprendizaje profundo puede surgir.
This experiential course offers you the skills to become a fluent Focuser and an effective companion to other Focusers. It aims to be a warm, safe, open place in which beginners learn and comfortably explore the art of Inner Relationship Focusing.
"Listening and how to be with what shows up". An experiential exploration of listening to self and other in Focusing. We will explore ways to cultivate the Focusing Attitude of curiosity and openness to whatever arises as well as ways to listen as a Focusing Companion.
Es una forma de atención corporal que te permite ir más allá de los pensamientos , sentimientos y emociones conocidas, los mandatos, creencias y condicionamientos...para poder contactarte con lo más real y auténtico en vos y comenzar a dar esos pasos de cambio que hasta ahora no podías dar, contactarte con todo tu potencial y creatividad y llevar tu vida adelante.
Si ya sos un profesional en el ámbito de ayuda y querés profundizar en la escucha, en la exploración y en la congruencia tanto para tu ser profesional como para ofrecerlo a otros, estos encuentros también son para vos!
Vos elegís la modalidad. Podés optar por realizar la Diplomatura o simplemente participar de los
Join us in “Going Forward and Making it Count,” the third and final course of a learning to focus three-part study series. You must have some Focusing experience and previous Focusing education equal to the first two courses, “Introduction” and “Next Steps,” to join this small study group. Those who have not attended those classes but would like to attend this course may inquire about requisite private teaching sessions if needed before joining the course.
In this third and final segment of the course, you will gain a strong baseline for continuing Focusing on your own as well as going deeper with focusing partners. You will likely see an increase in shift opportunities as the study goes deeper. In addition, by completing this 3-part learning to Focus series, you will