Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Writing can be a powerful vehicle of embodied wisdom if we give the process time to unfold, using our Focusing Practice. We will explore language which forms from implicit experiencing. Through evocative writing practices, words are invited to come from Felt Sense memories.
Ann will be sharing some simple tools you can use in your own writing practice, including experience from her own multi-chaptered writing journey. Participants will be guided through a writing prompt, and have time to write during the session. There will also be some time to ask questions.
This session is aimed at writers of all levels: anyone who can journal belongs here.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
In this introductory workshop (FOT-1: Learning How the Body Speaks and Listening so it Heals), you’ll begin to learn the basic steps of Focusing so that you can incorporate Focusing in your healing practice! I also offer a two-year Focusing Training Program that leads to certification for those interested.
Learn among a supportive community of therapists, healing professionals, and spiritual seekers. Join us. :)
An embodied and relational approach to unwinding stress and trauma for therapists and healing professionals. Leads to certification if desired.
This Focusing training is not your typical continuing education for healing professionals! Instead of teaching you a technique to do to someone, Focusing training reveals a naturally occurring, innately powerful, self-healing process. Focusing is psychological, philosophical, and touches spiritual edges as it takes you deeply into your own experiencing.
A core value of this training is developing you – the healing professional – and how you incorporate your personal Focusing process into your healing practice with others. Join us. :)
Tired of those relentless inner voices that seem intent on punishing or derailing you? At the same time, are you almost as weary of striving to subdue them, to find sanctuary from their often toxic messages? Join us as we explore a novel approach to heal the inner critic and to build strengths to experience more of what makes life worth living.
Based on extensive experience and research on how to best work with the Inner Critic and to promote more joy in life, this experiential workshop includes:
Discussion of related research and philosophies to further illuminate the topic
Time for group and partner practice of different approaches
Supplementary articles and exercises provided in manual to augment material presented in class
In this Roundtable we will explore our relationship with our voices today. We will visit the source of the sound within us, gently inviting it to express itself in the way it wants to do in that moment. NOTE - there are 2 sections offered, this section and Monday May 3 - 1 pm - 3 pm NY time. Register for only one please.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Las practicas tutorizadas de Focusing son una parte fundamental en el proceso formativo. En ellas se aprende a facilitar a otras personas el proceso experiencial de Focusing.
Para acompañar estos procesos es necesario adquirir las actitudes básicas de este modelo, su metodología y los recursos suficientes para poder adaptarse a las necesidades individuales de la persona que va a enfocar.
Se adaptarán también los conocimientos necesarios en función del ámbito en el que se aplicara Focusing: psicoterapia, educación, salud, crecimiento personal, etc.
En estos espacios formativos y experienciales se combina el aprendizaje individual enriquecido siempre por la participación del grupo.
Let yourself be surprised and inspired as your rich bodily-knowing unfolds. By connecting to your implicit knowing, you will find new, deeper and clearer meanings of a subject you choose. In our online training, we will gently guide you to the mysteries of Thinking at the Edge (TAE). Along with learning the 14 steps of TAE, you will experience the spirit of TAE through playful exercises. Our class consists of three parts, with eight classes each.
We welcome Focusers and non Focusers.
In part one - Speaking from your Bodily Knowing - we will guide you through the first five steps of TAE. You will find your own language by working with personal experiences that are relevant for your topic and by reflecting your own meaning of
Is there something that you’d like to do or write about but you lack the confidence to begin? Thinking at the Edge helps you sense into the “more” behind your ideas so that you can write and act from what you know.
Do you long to contribute to the world from the insights life has given you? With Thinking at the Edge, you delve into your own experience so that your new direction follows from of all you have lived.
Maybe you need clarity and next steps about a persistent problem or a complex issue. With Thinking at the Edge you can find the unique gifts within the challenges you face.
In this Roundtable we will explore our relationship with our voices today. We will visit the source of the sound within us, gently inviting it to express itself in the way it wants to do in that moment. NOTE - there are 2 sections offered, this section and Tuesday May 11 - 2 pm - 4pm NY time. Register for only one please.
An online advanced Focusing class that helps you understand where you are within a process and then, to sense what is needed from you for this situation now. We learn tools to guide ourselves and others that invite relational trust, lasting change and life forward flow.
Meets for six times Sundays from 1 pm - 3 pm EDT New York Time.
Prerequisite: Level 2 Focusing training
Focusing is a deeply personal process. And so, this course is designed as a safe and stimulating environment for a journey of personal exploration. You get better at Focusing as you use it to get to know yourself better. 8 sessions, starting May 1.
In this Roundtable, we will explore together the felt sense of faith. By exploring in our bodies what faith means to us, we can discover the many other ways that faith shows up in our lives, such as having faith in others (such as friends, partners, institutions, medical practitioners). NOTE - there are 2 sections offered, this section and Tuesday April 27 - 5pm - 7pm NY time. Register for only one please.
Topic: Spirituality, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Programa de formación dirigido a profesionistas de los campos de la psicología, psicoterapia, salud, pedagogía, orientación educativa, counseling, orientación espiritual, tanatología, coaching, y similares que quieran enriquecer su práctica profesional atendiendo a la dimensión experiencial de los procesos de cambio, aprendizaje y creatividad,
In this Roundtable, we will explore together the felt sense of faith. By exploring in our bodies what faith means to us, we can discover the many other ways that faith shows up in our lives, such as having faith in others (such as friends, partners, institutions, medical practitioners). NOTE - there are 2 sections offered, this section and Friday April 30 - 11am - 1 pm NY time. Register for only please.
Esta conversación en línea gratuita es parte de la serie Focusing Roundtable especialmente para miembros de TIFI.
En esta Mesa Redonda ofreceremos un espacio para experimentar cómo es que podemos explorar sucesos traumáticos de otro lugar y poder, poco a poco, sanar el recuerdo traumático.
“If you can live in your body and not reject any of it, you will be guided into discovery of your own wisdom and Nature’s wisdom, guided into this vast awesome field of spacious Presence”
- Late Ed McMahon, co-founder Bio-Spiritual Focusing