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A Certified Focusing Professional requires at least two years of training with a certified coordinator, the establishment of certain core proficiencies, participation in a training community and contact with the International Focusing Institute (IFI), direct instruction in skills, and a working familiarity with the philosophical basis of the clinical and self-developmental skills.
The first three months of the program serves both as a stand alone course for one's personal development as well as the basis for the certification process. (tuition: $200)
The first year of training emphasizes basic skills, Focusing with a partner, self awareness, philosophical context (humanistic psychology and phenomenology), and the international scope of the Focusing community.
(tuition, including first three months: $800)
The second year of training will emphasize theory, texts, community involvement, teaching, writing, and clinical applications, as well a clear path to certification as a professional. (tuition: $800)
Classes will be held at the Community Education Center (5151 Cold Spring Creamery Rd, Buckingham, PA) on the second (in person) and fourth (virtual) Wednesdays of each month, with optional workshops and required student projects and practice. An all virtual option is available for all classes and activities.
Please contact me at [email protected] or at 610-297-1175 for further information about schedules, tuition, discounts and scholarships, or general questions. Class begins on a rolling admission basis on September 15, 2021 with registration closing October 15.
Classes will be held at the Community Education Center (5151 Cold Spring Creamery Rd, Buckingham, PA) on the second (in person) and fourth (virtual) Wednesdays of each month, with optional workshops and required student projects and practice.
Registration Information and Price
Please contact me at [email protected] or at 610-297-1175 for further information about schedules, tuition, discounts and scholarships, or general questions. Class begins on a rolling admission basis on September 15, 2021 with registration closing October 10.