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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
Taster for Focusing Course Level 1-5 Amona Buechler, Focusing Trainer


舉辦澄心技法認證 – 課前說明會
時間:8:00pm – 9:15pm (TWT)

This event is online
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- New York Time
Explore, Embrace, & Embody New Possibilties Body Voice Focusing
A serie of three experiential workshops of 2h each. During these sessions, we will explore the languages of our experience, combining focusing with movements, voice, and expressive arts.
The themes of the sessions will be
- Welcoming your life energy
- Creating connections within you
- Interacting from your true self

Two options to accommodate different times:
Mondays, Nov. 8, 15, & 22 at 10am NY time
Tuesdays, Nov, 9,16, & 23 at 3pm Tokyo time
To register, please send an email to [email protected]
- UK time
Peter Afford
An introductory Focusing workshop in London.

London UK
- See other Australia/New Zealand times in full listing below
Focusing Roundtables logo Jane Quayle David Shapiro del Sole
In this Oceania Roundtable, we will be paying attention to our experience of spending time together in an interactive enquiry. We may find that the roles of Focuser and listener fall away or are changing from moment to moment according to the participants’ felt sense of what is unfolding.

Sydney: Friday, 5th November 2021 from 11:00 am-1:00 pm AEDT

New Zealand: Friday, 5th November 2021 from 1:00pm -3:00pm NZDT

Perth, Western Australia: Friday, 5th November from 8:00am -10:00am AWST

New York: Thursday, 4th November from 8:00pm-10:00 pm EDT

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
- US. Eastern
Beatrice Blake, teacher of Thinking at the Edge
Thinking at the Edge grounds your ideas in your lived experience.

For example:

Is there something that you’d like to do or write about but you lack the confidence to begin? Thinking at the Edge helps you sense into the “more” behind your ideas so that you can write and act from what you know.

Do you long to contribute to the world from the richness of the insights life has given you? With Thinking at the Edge, you delve into your own experience so that your new direction follows from of all you have lived.

Maybe you need clarity and next steps about a persistent problem or a complex issue. With Thinking at the Edge you can find the unique gifts within the challenges you face.
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil 3 butterflies, triad
This 2-hour workshop is an intimate experience with you and two other people, plus myself as the facilitator. Each person gets a 30-minute Focusing turn. As the facilitator, I listen to each Focuser. In observing, you hold space for the Focuser, deepening everyone's experience.

Focusing Triads are held a few times per month. Next date and time options:
-Wednesday, November 3, 2-4 pm EDT
-Tuesday, November 30, 3-5 pm EDT

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Naty Calviño. Certified Focusing Trainer, Counselor, Yogatherapist
"People find richness in each other as they open up in Focusing and listening" Gendlin

This is a Focusing oriented Encounter group where everybody is invited to participate, whatever knowledge of Focusing you have or don't have.
If you want to grow and get to know yourself more, find ways of living from a more embodied and connected place, or you are struggling with addictive behaviors, or everyday challenging issues, or just want to connect with others and enjoy the richness of interaction, you are very welcome to join the group.
We'll be building a space of safety, sharing, and listening to one another in a Focusing way.
Mondays from 11.30 am to 1 pm (Eastern Time) Starting November 1st.
For more information and

Topic: Other
- European time
Donna nel suo studio
Il Corso di 60 ore per acquisire i 6 Passi del metodo del Dott. Gendlin, in gruppo e online.

- See other Australia/New Zealand times in full listing below
Focusing Roundtables Sue Burrell Jen Dunbabin
In this Oceania Roundtable, the question we will explore is "Can Focusing transform how we handle hot potatoes?" We will organize our exploration into two stages, first working in small groups to bring awareness to our own personal patterns of handling hot potatoes and then experimenting by choosing a hot potato to discuss together.

Saturday, 30th October 2021 from 7:00-9:00 pm Sydney, AEST

Saturday, 30th October 2021 from 9:00-11:00 pm, New Zealand, NZST

Saturday, 30th October from 4:00-6:00 pm Perth, Western Australia, AWST
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
- Eastern (New York) Time
TIFI events Rob Parker
PLEASE NOTE: This class ended on November 17 but you may complete a post registration which will give you access to all recordings and resources until February 28, 2022.

An interactive 4-session course facilitated by Rob Parker. Live sessions on Wednesdays: October 27, November 3, November 10, and November 17, 2021.

The Experience of felt sensing is in many ways at the heart of Focusing and of Gendlin's philosophy of the implicit. But how well do we understand this experience? For example, how is it that the body can “know” something that the mind does not? Isn't "knowing" supposed to happen in the brain?

Using lecture, discussion and experiential exercises, this course will explore Gendlin's understanding of felt sense
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Daylight Time (US)
Jenna Chevalier Photo Theresia Nestlang photo
Journaling is a realm of reflection, remembrance, recombination, revision. It is a lively method for moving from clutter to clarity, a conduit for questioning and connecting. Join us in the realm of reflection to explore fresh ways of seeing. In this Roundtable, we will explore and experience some journaling exercises as Focusers.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Ann Weiser Cornell
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?

Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Hora del Este, Nueva York
Mesas Redondas logo Agnes Windram
Esta conversación en línea gratuita es parte de la serie Focusing Roundtable especialmente para miembros de TIFI.

Gendlin con Focusing y V. Satir con su modelo de crecimiento inter personal promovieron una nueva forma de relacionarse con uno mismo, con los otros y con el contexto. Esta mesa redonda nos dará la oportunidad de compartir y quizás, crear nuevos puentes, opciones, y conexiones.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern (New York) Time
TIFI Highlights logo Beth Mahler
This Highlight will give you a two hour look into Clearing Space and Making Space. 

A human being can tune in to the physical and emotional body of the Self, and the relational self, orient through engaging with Self in its dynamic state of current balance. Clearing Space provides a freshly new perspective as a source for connecting with your own unique human potential. 

Using didactic learning, guided experience, and demonstration, participants will be able to come into new ideas, energizing their own creativity for Clearing Space and its many therapeutic values.  Whether you are new to Clearing Space or looking to seek new insights that were not present at the start, you belong here.

All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time
Essentials of Focusing-Oriented Relational Psychotherapy
A new study group exploring how Focusing and relational perspectives can deepen and empower therapeutic relationships.
PART ONE: Eugene Gendlin’s Philosophy for Clinicians

In this series we will enter into a new world of process thinking rather than our familiar unit thinking. This awareness of how we are interacting rather than what we are talking about gives the therapy relationship a new environment, a new home base.

- Central European Time (CEST), turning into Centreal European time as Dayight Saving ends on Nov. 30
Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo Felt Sensing path
A 4 week introduction to Felt Sensing (Focusing) that gives a first introduction to the process of Felt Sensing or Focusing.
Felt Sensing is for you if you want to:
- get access to more of what you know, through your body
- get to know your inner voice and inner world
- be more compassionate towards yourself and others
- be more open and spacious with yourself and others
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Beatrice Blake, Thinking at the Edge teacher
This is a class for those who have taken at least Levels One and Two of Focusing and want to increase their confidence as Focusing partners. It will ground your understanding of how Focusing creates change, helping you navigate puzzling situations that can come up in Focusing sessions. The class will help you qualify for TIFI's partnership network.
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern (New York) Time
TiFI events Nicoletta Corsetti
An online, interactive course facilitated by Nicoletta Corsetti. In Spanish with translation to English. 6 sessions on Sundays: October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28, December 12, and December 19, 2021.

Un curso interactivo en línea facilitado por Nicoletta Corsetti. Idioma: español con traducción al inglés. 6 sesiones los domingos: 17 de octubre, 31 de octubre, 14 de noviembre, 28 de noviembre, 12 de diciembre y 19 de diciembre de 2021.

In honor of Janet Klein's dedication to the Institute's Advanced and Certification Weeklong, we are offering a $30 discount to anyone who has ever attended the Weeklong. Apply discount code jkweeklong

En honor a la dedicación de Janet Klein a la Semana de Focusing Avanzado y Certificación
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Naty Calviño. Certified Focusing Trainer, Counselor, Yogatherapist
I'm happy to invite you to this free Open Space Focusing Activity today, Friday, October 15 at 4 pm (Eastern Time) It's open for everybody, whether you have little knowledge and experience of Focusing or you are more experienced and want to enjoy connecting in a Focusing way. We will be sharing together as a group and then have some time to go into diads or triads. Then we'll be sharing again in our big group.
Please write to me at [email protected] so I can send you the link
Or whatsapp: +5491157408743
Please feel free to share this information with anybody you know might be interested.
You are all welcome!

- Eastern Time (New York)
Evelyn Fendler-Lee. The course integrates many ideas I've developed during the last ten years of teaching Thinking at the Edge and 'Philosophy-into-Practice' classes, and while I was applying TAE in business for innovation and knowledge transfer in teams.
This course integrates the two methods, Focusing and TAE, and combines personal growth and creative deep thinking. It brings in more of Gendlin's philosophy and provides applications of specific thought-movements. With Thetaland®--The Game of Inquiry thinking with the felt sense becomes flexible, accessible, and playful.

"Thought-Movements with the Felt Sense" is for you when you already have some experience in Focusing and Focusing partnership and are interested to learn more about thinking from a felt sense.
Or you are seeking a certification path that includes Focusing, TAE, and other practices coming from Gendlin’s philosophy.
If you are already certified, you might want to expand your experience and knowledge about the philosophical
Topic: TAE/Philosophy, Intermediate/Advanced