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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
Jeffrey Morrison, LMHC Seattle Focusing Institute Felt Sensing
Add this transformative tool to your practice! In this introductory workshop you'll begin to learn the basic steps of Focusing in order to incorporate it in your healing practice. Understanding and working with a Felt Sense (how the body holds living experience about a situation) is the key to moving beyond typical dead ends of talk therapy. Join us!

Topic: FOT
- Central European Time (CET)
PD Dr. Donata Schoeller
A Process Model can turn into an experience. This amazing text allows to conceive creative exercises that make it come alive. Experientially you will understand more easily what the concepts convey. You will be able to think-with Eugene Gendlin.

Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Eastern (New York) Time
TIFI events logo Yehudit First
PLEASE NOTE: This 2-session workshop began on March 9 but you may still join. You will have access to the recording of the first session after you register and both recordings will be available for one month after the workshop concludes.

Imagine being really present in the here-and-now…enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, to feel good – to experience surprise and delight instead of repetitive, stressful patterns of interaction.

Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) teaches us to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviors.

This two-part workshop will include presentations, guided experiences, and time for sharing and questions.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Pacific Time
Ann Weiser Cornell
When you don't feel good about yourself, it can be like living under a dark cloud that casts a gloomy shadow on whatever you say, do, think, feel… And that makes life harder than it has to be.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn how to handle emotional triggers, difficult habits, and inner critics in a way that leaves you feeling better about yourself. Let me help you get started (and share what you can do to keep going!).

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Focusing Roundtables logo Daniela Ciachella photo Deborah Vannicola photo
Questa conversazione online gratuita fa parte della serie Focusing Roundtable specialmente per i membri di TIFI.

Questa serie offre ai membri un'opportunità preziosa per instaurare una conversazione tra pari con altri membri che parlano italiano e che condividono interessi relazionati al Focusing. Ci auguriamo inoltre che questo programma incoraggi altri a promuovere ulteriori tavole rotonde in Italiano,nel futuro, per continuare la serie.

19:00-21:00 Europa Centrale (Italia)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
Karen Whalen, Instructor (Canada) Roberto Larios, Instructor (Mexico)
Using live experiential demonstrations viewed between classes, participants will safely awaken their implicit relational body wisdom. We explore and safely carry forward one's naturally occurring inner directed movements towards and away from intimate relating. We meet by-monthly and offer a 3-part professional development certification structure to carry forward learner needs and goals.

Topic: Other
- UK Time
Head and shoulders photo of Susan Jordan
This course, which will take place over four Sunday mornings, will teach you some the elements of Focusing: sensing into your body, describing what you find there, and welcoming whatever comes. It will also introduce you to some of the skills you need for accompanying someone else while they are Focusing. No previous knowledge of Focusing is required, but if you would like to book a one-to-one session with me you are welcome to do so.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- GMT +3
Alejandro Juroczko Florentina Sassoli Focusing Para Todos

Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern
H.O.W. We Heal
Two and a half hour experiential workshop on my H.O.W. We Heal model for facilitating support groups.
Cost $45.
- UK time
Peter Afford
A two day introductory workshop to learn the basics of Focusing and listening.

In-person in London UK
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern (NY) time
TIFI Events logo Dana Ganihar Baruch Brenner
Prayer Oriented Focusing (POF) opens new pathways into what we call ‘prayer consciousness’ as well as novel insights into the focusing process; insights that emerged from Gendlin’s philosophy and - to our surprise - from his interest during his final years with the connection between human beings and what he termed The Larger System.

The aim of Prayer Oriented Focusing (POF) is to support the Focuser’s essential life processes, and to reformulate and refresh pathways into the intimate experience of being in the world.

This workshop is intended for those already familiar with Focusing though all are welcome to attend. Attending the workshop live is encouraged as there will be exercises in breakout rooms, though all registrants will receive a link to the

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time
Mind/Body/Heart Focusing Suzanne Noël, Certifying Focusing Coordinator
This is an introductory workshop to Domain Focusing (mind/body/heart Focusing) . We will move through the five-phases of Domain Focusing using my H.O.W. We Heal model and highlighting the realm of Self Empathy.

Zoom Webinar
Jeffrey Morrison, LMHC Seattle Focusing Institute Felt Sensing
Discover a somatically-based, relational, research-proven tool for lasting change at this free live intro with Jeffrey Morrison!

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern
Cover Into to Focusing Jenna Chevalier
An eight-week online focusing course suitable for beginners or experienced Focusers wishing to deep in their practice. Each week will focus on one of the six steps through small and large group interaction, learning and practice.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- EST (New York)
Evelyn Fendler-Lee with a cup of coffee
Last year, I started the format of Coffee with Gendlin. The basic idea is to explore specific concepts of Gendlin's philosophy in a pleasant atmosphere and apply them experientially.

This year's theme is "Naked Saying and Close Listening."

As uncomfortable as the word "naked" might make us, we all have a longing to be original and natural.
With naked saying and close listening, we will explore how to say what we mean, free ourselves from constraints of language forms, and find ways to trust our inner voices.
Listening to what your inner voice has to say will bring you closer to yourself.

I am very excited to go on this gentle and deep journey with you.
Early Bird Fee ends February 15!

Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Spain Time (GMT +1)
Filosofía Experiencial y Focusing Isabel Gascón. Coordinadora Nacional, Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy y Trainer Certificada por el Instituto Internacional de Focusing. Rosa Mª Martínez. Coordinadora Nacional, Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy y Trainer Certificada por el Instituto Internacional de Focusing.

Amona Buechler Focusing Trainer Foucusing Skills Course Level 1-5
澄心技法國際認證 L1-5:
2022/03/01 ~ 2022/08/30(全部日期為週二)

7:00pm – 10:00pm (TWT)

※ 課程包含講解、示範、團體練習、問答,以及兩人一組的澄心練習(課程總時數60小時)。另外,團體課程之間至少一次的課外兩人練習,可以是面對面、電話或視訊進行。
※ 另贈送與Amona一對一的澄心個案(60分鐘)
※ 另贈送與Amona一對一的指導個案(60分鐘)
※ 另贈送與Amona一對一的督導個案(60分鐘)

This event is online
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Hora centroamericana (UTC-6)

En línea
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Standard Time
This online series of Focusing conversations will center on some of the central issues of our time—issues that cry out for our attention but are most difficult to engage. We believe that Focusing attitudes and skills can make it possible to overcome the barriers to genuine conversations about the issues that matter most. Each workshop will include an introductory talk, large group discussion as well as small group sharing.

Topic: Other
- Eastern (New York) Time
Highlights logo Aston K McCullough
Following the Felt Sense often leads to a quality of contentment. . . and maybe even delight.

Gendlin teaches that we are one interaction, and he has shown that we may understand this principle in an embodied way. If we attend to the ‘outer’ world as a Focusing partner, as both a Listener and fellow Focuser, the reality of our one interaction becomes increasingly apparent. This Focusing Highlight explores the interplay between the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ worlds.

This Highlight is intended for those already familiar with Focusing though all are welcome to attend. Participants will be invited to share, ask questions, and be part of a demonstration.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events