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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- Pacific Time
Ann Weiser Cornell
As these uncertain times continue to challenge us in unprecedented ways, our need for connection and emotional support is greater than ever.

This is a 30-minute free webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
My new normal Monika Catarina Lindner Kjell Ribert
Our workshop is an opportunity to reconsider something you aren't happy with, something you disagree with in your life. We aim at a coherent new understanding. You will be guided to develop fresh meanings and forms from your felt sense. This way you create the kind of "normality" that make you feel healthier, happier and empowered.
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
Alejandro Juroczko Florentina Sassoli

Topic: FOT, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- UK time
Peter Afford
A small group weekend workshop.

London UK
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Our usual practice is to open with an attunement that helps us set aside our busy lives and deliberately come into this protected space, where we can be with whatever is there in our inner world that needs our warm curious attention. Then we separate into pairs or triads to Focus, and come back together at the end for a time of closing.
Focusers of all levels of experience are welcome.

Topic: Changes Groups
- Eastern (New York) Time
TIFI logo Donata Schoeller
Post Event registration available. through August 1st because the recordings will be available until August 15, 2022.

That Eugene Gendlin had a special relationship with the medieval German mystic Meister Eckhart was already evident from the fact that he had his sermons and treatises on that nearby shelf next to his work-armchair, where otherwise only his own manuscripts were waiting for further processing. Meister Eckhart‘s book was literally close at hand.

In this experiential workshop, In this workshop, Donata intends to curiously explore edges and bridges between Gendlin’s process-thinking and Meister Eckharts' approaches.

Registrants should have familiarity with Focusing, but do not need experience with philosophy.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Central European Time (CEST)
Felt Sensing-vei Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo
Nysgjerrig på Focusing (Felt Sensing)? Har du lyst til å bli mer kjent med den visdommen som kroppen har om situasjonene dine, og som det logiske hodet ikke har direkte tilgang til?

Dette er det første kurset i Modul 1 av Grunnutdanning i Felt Sensing og Medsensing.
Kurset gir deg et første møte med denne selv-empatiske prosessen som gir deg tilgang til det du vet, til din egen indre stemme, og til mer medfølelse og selv-medfølelse, trygghet og romslighet i møte med egne og andres følelser.

Online på Zoom - du vil få tilsendt en link før kurset starter
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time (NY)
The International Focusing Institute darryl_commings Yao-Obiora-Dibia Gabrielle Hoffman
This conference has ended but post registrations are available through May 1, 2022. The recordings will be available through May 31, 2022.

The Third Felt Sense Conference
Honoring the work of Eugene T. Gendlin
"Embodied Liberation: the Felt Sense & Social Justice”

“We cannot be sure that Focusing will always undo imposed forms from society, but having a ‘political analysis’ can help us to see things and question things that we might not otherwise notice.”
-Eugene Gendlin

Let’s come together to explore the social change potency and potential of Focusing.
Topic: FOT, TAE/Philosophy, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Changes Groups, Other
- UK Time
Sara Bradly Judy Moore
An in-person course for just 6 participants. With two trainers and just six participants we are able to provide an exceptional holding experience that feels safe and supportive as you explore and deepen the practice of Focusing within your client work. The course explores Focusing and deep listening from the context of therapy and will give you the confidence to integrate it safely into your therapeutic work with clients. On passing the course, you will be eligible to receive a certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy from The International Focusing Institute, New York (TIFI).

Long Stratton, Norfolk, UK
Topic: FOT
- Eastern Time
Marise Lariviere, MA, LMFT, ATR Lynn Pollock, MA, LMHC, REAT
We invite you to join us for a 4-week workshop centered around the theme of self-discovery. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the creative and intuitive approach of Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts. Focusing, a form of felt-sensing, is a practice of allowing our bodies to guide us to deeper self-knowledge and healing. Each week, you will be guided through a FOAT® invitation to delve into parts of your many-faceted self and illustrate your experience through the creation of a SoulCollage® card. The SoulCollage® process is highly conducive to awakening your intuition and empowering inner wisdom.

What you will gain:
• Access your inner wisdom
• Build self-awareness
• Develop self-compassion
• Practice self-care

- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Felt Sense Polyvagal Dialogue Jan Winahll
This two hour workshop with introduce you to a new way of understanding relationships that is outlined in my book Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™. I will teach you how to deepen your relationships with partners, family and friends, and your children, by practicing a 6 step process that facilitates powerful moments of change. By learning how to connect more intimately with your own bodily knowing, you can create safe interactions. An introduction to the model, and experiential exercises will be included, along with helpful handouts to guide you through the process.

The Felt Sense Polyvagal Dialogue integrates Imago therapy, the work of Harville Hendrix and Helen La Kelly Hunt, into the Felt sense Polyvagal Model. It will appeal to those who

Topic: FOT, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- UTC Offset: UTC +3
Village House at Olympus retreat Marta
The Path of the Sensing Being Retreat will be combining the process of Focusing and Contemplative Presence Practice, this retreat invites a sense of living from an embodied sense of Presence. Coming back to remembering our true most natural and simple nature in community.

Antalya, Turkey
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Naty Calviño. Focusing Trainer, Coordinadora-en-Entrenamiento,  Counselor Orientada al Focusing, Yogaterapeuta
Focusing Nivel 1 y otros!!!

Focusing se basa en la muy positiva expectativa de cambio. No concibe al ser humano como una estructura fija, cuya forma pueda ser analizada de una vez para siempre. Concibe a la persona como proceso. Gendlin

Aprendiendo a escuchar nuestra sabiduría corporal

Si querés redescubrir y escuchar esa voz interior y la sabiduría del cuerpo... te invito a conocer Focusing.

Qué es Focusing?

Es una forma de atención corporal que te permite ir más allá de los pensamientos , sentimientos y emociones conocidas, los mandatos, creencias y condicionamientos...para poder contactarte con lo más real y auténtico en vos y comenzar a dar esos pasos de cambio que hasta ahora no podías dar, contactarte con

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific Time
Jinevra Howard Carol Nickerson
Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- NY Time
Yehudit First SOF LOGO
Imagine being really present in the here-and-now…enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, to feel good – to experience surprise and delight instead of repetitive, stressful patterns of interaction.

Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) is a field of advanced Focusing studies. It teaches us to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviors.

The course runs for 8 weeks and each session is 2.5 hours long, beginning at 5 pm Israel time (10 am NY time).

Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019
This online entry level Focusing class prepares you to begin a Focusing partnership. It's a great opportunity to ground yourself in the basics of Self-in-Presence as a way of being that creates space for lasting change. You are encouraged to practice both in partnerships and in brief pauses during your day.

For coaches, bodyworkers, therapists, teachers and anyone interested in improving their inner and outer relational skills. Part 1 meets six times for two hours, usually every other week. This class can be your first step toward professional certification by completing Parts 1-4, then entering the ongoing Learning Community for Mastery in Guiding Change.

Class meets Monday evenings EDT (New York time).

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Greg Walkerden Jane Quayle
Felt understanding underpins all our saying and doing, as Gendlin demonstrates in 'Experiencing and the creation of meaning'. Focusing practice shows, though, that the thoroughness and sensitivity with which we let felt understanding shape our saying and doing varies greatly. This series of six workshops introduces you to practice experiments that you can use to explore how you listen and talk, where others' are coming from, and ways to shift conversational rhythms to create more space for everyone to dip into felt understanding as you think and talk together. 6 weeks for 2 hours, from mid February to the end of March.
- Pacific Time
Ann Weiser Cornell
As these uncertain times continue to challenge us in unprecedented ways, our need for connection and emotional support is greater than ever.

This is a 30-minute free webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Pacific Time
Ann Weiser Cornell Jinevra Howard Carol Nickerson
Discover powerful skills for life change based on self-acceptance and being present in the moment. Start to experience the process of Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn how to cultivate an inner environment of calm, open, curious awareness which is the foundation from which lasting change emerges. Interactive beginning Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing) and Jinevra Howard.

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern time
Discover your inner treasure!
We will meet once a week for five weeks to explore our creative edge using my H.O.W. We Heal model for each workshop.

Via Zoom Webinar
Topic: Other