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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)
In this enriching 4-session Zoom series, we will introduce FOAT tools to support those wishing to face life's challenges with greater kindness, strength, and self-compassion. Together we will co-create a supportive community to learn and practice these tools for deepening into our authenticity, presence, and creative wisdom– and identify steps toward growth, healing, and change. There will be opportunities to support our connection and deepen our skills of compassionate presence and listening through small and large group sharing.

Zoom Online
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Amona Buechler Focusing Trainer Focusing for developing emotional intelligence
Introduction to Focusing and my Basic Focusing Skills Course

Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart.
Focusing offers a way for coming into loving contact with yourself and others. When you are in contact with your body, with your inner sense of something, letting your expressions arise from there, you are accessing insights that are much deeper and vaster than the emotional or mental dimensions alone can offer.
With this foundation, the way in which your life unfolds is experienced as deeply meaningful; sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s difficult, but there is always an undercurrent sense of rightness, of following a natural flow.

The full course will take place: November 28, 2022 to June 12,

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
THE PRACTICE OF FOCUSING-ORIENTED RELATIONAL PSYCHOTHERAPY with LYNN PRESTON  A study group exploring how Focusing and relational perspectives can deepen and empower therapeutic relationships.   The Therapeutic “US”
Gendlin says our primary job as therapists is to “BE THE INTERACTION” that makes change possible. I have pondered the implications and applications of this statement for many years. Now, amid global uncertainty and upheaval, this radical injunction takes on new meaning, complexity and challenge. What is this way of being that has the power to ignite transformation, even in times of stress?
In this module, we will enter the realm of the “US,” finding respite in the understanding that we are fundamentally and inextricably interconnected--WE ARE INTERACTION! We will explore both the ideas and skills of being the healing interaction and empowering the forces of connectedness and forward movement.

Topic: FOT
- CST, México City time
fotografía de Salvador Moreno López
Webinar de 30 minutos de duración. Posteriormente compartiremos información sobre nuestros programas de certificación como Instructor(a) de Focusing y en Terapia Orientada por el Focusing que inician en el 2023.

Online desde Zapopan, México
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific Standard Time
Woman and Life Force
You will leave with

• The ability to guide your own Focusing process

• The ability to support another person’s Focusing process

• An experience of listening to yourself and others that brings a closer connection

• A simple process for being with deep and complex feelings

• The ability to hold big and difficult life situations with spacious awareness

• The resource of Awake Awareness: how to access it, how to be in it, and how to return to it so that what wants to emerge can do so in an environment of safety

• The ability to maintain connection with yourself while in connection with another

• A process that can help you let go of habitual unwanted

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Amona Buechler Focusing Trainer NVC meets Focusing
We will briefly touch on and experiment with some basic aspects of Nonviolent Communication, a systematic pathway for recognizing and communicating our feelings, needs, and wishes (in a conflict situation). Combined with the Focusing way of aimless inner listening into what’s initially vague and fuzzy, the NVC process for fruitful communication attains a greater depth.

This practice can release us from stuck places in which both parties might not have felt heard and respected. Instead of pointing fingers, at others in blame, or at ourselves causing shame, this conscious form of communication - clear, honest, and warmhearted - can magically open doors for meeting everybody's needs.

This reflection offered as part of Lynn Preston's group "help

Topic: Other
- GMT -3
Florentina Sassoli Alejandro Juroczko

Holos -Sede Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Changes Groups, Other
Monika Catarina Lindner mirabilis
There is something you would love to realize and make it part of your life or contribute it to the world? Develop your ideas with the movements of TAE.

Bernried am Starnberger See
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute Emanuela Terrenzi Deborah Vannicola
Questa conversazione online gratuita fa parte della serie Focusing Roundtable specialmente per i membri di TIFI.

Questa serie offre ai membri un'opportunità preziosa per instaurare una conversazione tra pari con altri membri che parlano italiano e che condividono interessi relazionati al Focusing. Ci auguriamo inoltre che questo programma incoraggi altri a promuovere ulteriori tavole rotonde in Italiano,nel futuro, per continuare la serie.

19:00-21:00 Europa Centrale (Italia)

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
Welcome Home
Ten-workshop Zoom course on Recovery Focusing.

Zoom Webinar
- Eastern Standard Time
Golden tinted photo of a woman smiling with long hair. Wearing a stripped v-neck shirt. In front of a plain background. Focusing with Laura vector logo with hand drawn circles
We create intimate group environments which emphasize active, experiential learning! We will systematically develop and safely apply our new skill of Focusing. There will be lectures, live and recorded demonstrations, opportunities for questions and reflections, group exercises, games and paired exercises within and outside class time.
We promise that you will not stare at the computer screen and never speak in class!

Nervous System Reset Amona Buechler, Focusing Trainer
Taster (1 hour) for:
3-month Nervous System Reset online course
December 2022 through February 2023

You might be very familiar with a habitual background atmosphere of restlessness, anxiousness, agitation, or something like that.
At times when this happens, you might know that this inner activation is counter-productive and out of place somehow, but how to find your way to a more relaxed, easy-going state of being?

After accidents, certain neurological illnesses, or emotionally challenging incidences, the autonomic nervous system can get stuck in repetitive patterns that challenge our health, well-being, sense of safety and connection, and our creative potential.
We can invite and gradually build new patterns in our autonomic

Topic: Other
- Eastern Standard Time
Poster outlining course details Golden tinted photo of a woman smiling with long hair. Wearing a stripped v-neck shirt. In front of a plain background. Focusing with Laura vector logo with hand drawn circles
We create intimate group environments which emphasize active, experiential learning! We will systematically develop and safely apply our new skill of Focusing. There will be lectures, live and recorded demonstrations, opportunities for questions and reflections, group exercises, games and paired exercises within and outside class time.
We promise that you will not stare at the computer screen and never speak in class!

- Eastern (New York) Time
Children Roundtable logo TIFI Events logo Laura Bavalics Rene Veugelers
In this Roundtable, we would like to invite you to explore how we can be with, and listen to children in our care, taking in their experiences one day at a time. Through the complexity of their life situation, how can we help them to find their way to a safe place inside.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Children, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Standard Time
Maureen Gallagher, PhD, Licensed Psychologist (NY, NJ), Inner Relationship Focusing Trainer and Coordinator in Training, Somatic Experiencing Faculty Member
6 Session Online Group Case Consultation

Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Rene and Harriet
2-day online workshop 24 September and 1st October 2022
Topic: Other
- Eastern Time
MWF logo MWF Gathering participants Map of Lindenwood Labyrinth
The 2022 Midwest Focusers Gathering, will be held IN-PERSON, Friday, September 23 to Sunday, September 25, 2022.

Plymouth, IN, USA
Topic: Other
- "Central European Time"
Kontinuierliche Changes Gruppe für partnerschaftliches Focusing online.

Topic: Changes Groups
Experiential Workshop / Expert Roundtable 'Where are You going, if You don't know, who You are?'
Our attempt is to provide a wider view of psychotherapy and of how personal development might be supported, beyond schools and techniques. In this frame we would like to present Gene Gendlin's murky edge as a very basic reference point, which addresses a core principle in psychotherapyt. Gendlin’s stance shall be demonstrated with the following quotation:
" I want to start with the most important thing I have to say: The essence​ of working with another person is to be present as a living being. And that​ is lucky, because if we had to be smart, or good, or mature, or wise, then​ we would probably be in trouble. But, what matters is not that. What​ matters is to be a human being with another human being, to recognize the other person as another being in there. Even if it

Heraklion, Crete/Greece
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Pacific Daylight Time
Dr. Leslie Ellis
Participants of this year-long experiential program will leave with much greater confidence and creativity in working with personal dreams or the dreams of others, and will understand how to run a dream group and tend to nightmares. The class is a mix of live zoom workshops, rich self-paced online materials and practice partnerships.

Via Zoom. Link sent upon registration
Topic: Other