Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
What exactly is the Felt Sense, and how does it relate to Polyvagal theory? Therapists are hearing a lot about the Felt Sense these days. We invite you to come and learn more about it from some of our seasoned Focusing Oriented Therapists—Jan Winhall, Leslie Ellis, Serge Prengel and Jeffrey Morrison— who learned about it directly from the creator of the term Felt sense, Eugene Gendlin.
Together we will explore the embodied nature of felt sensing, how and why to bring it into your therapy with trauma and addicted clients. And we will show you the connections with polyvagal theory as we discuss The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model. Focusing Trainer Annette Dubreuil will outline the Focusing Steps, and the power of Focusing Partnerships as a way to enhance co-regulation for your
The International Focusing Institute is delighted to offer our second Facets of Focusing Online Summit!
Watch at your convenience between April 14 -25, 2022.
Once again, we’ve combed through our archives of the many engaging people who have offered workshops, lectures and classes over the last several years. We’ve curated a collection which will give you a broad experience of many facets of Focusing and Felt Sensing.
Topic: FOT, TAE/Philosophy, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Zu diesem Retreat laden wir dich ein, wenn du nach sanften, aber tiefgreifend transformierenden Wegen suchst, in dir selbst anzukommen… wenn du dich danach sehnst, entspannter und lebendiger im gegenwärtigen Moment zu leben…
wenn du neugierig darauf bist, dich dem Abenteuer des Nichtwissens zu öffnen und dein Vertrauen ins Leben zu vertiefen.
Deutschland, 53639 Königswinter (bei Bonn)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
This 8 week course will provide an interactive and experiential opportunity to explore our own relationship to grief- going at our own pace and only where our beautiful, tough, tender, strong and broken hearts are wanting to go, including a full turning away if that is what the felt sense wants. We will use tools that allow the felt sense to express itself through writing, movement and making marks on the page along with more standard Focusing practices to allow for a richer and more nuanced exploration than words alone will allow. Care will be taken in each session to create a safe container so that we can relax and be together in whatever ways feel just right at the time.
A four-week (5 sessions) interactive training in embodied awareness and deep listening where we will learn the basic partnering skills of Focusing or ‘Felt Sensing’ in combination with the wisdom of the mandala to nurture the conditions for balance, self-care, and healthy transformation.
This is part of an ongoing group, that you can join any time, and just do separate workshops for a month or continue with the group. You can also choose to come to separate ones. (I suggest you do the 4 sessions, to have the complete process, but each one will also be a process in itself).
These next Thursdays in April we'll be sharing this topic: Overcoming limitations and finding our potential and creativity.
There will be different topics each month.
It is an invitation to meet, to pause, to listen to ourselves, to find that "more" to our feelings and emotions, to give space, acceptance and friendliness to whatever comes, to find that inner connection, and grow in love and compassion towards ourselves, others and our environment...To find and
A study group exploring how Focusing and relational perspectives can deepen and empower therapeutic relationships.
We have been exploring the philosophical doorways into how Gendlin’s new world of process thinking transforms the work of psychotherapy. In this module, we will use TAE (Thinking At the Edge) practices to become more at home in making the theory of Focusing-Oriented Therapy a base from which to think creatively about our participation in therapeutic relationships. Felt sense thinking enables us to gain confidence in the dance of thinking “for ourselves” but not “by ourselves.”
What if you were to find some simple doorways into what Gendlin calls the ‘implicit intricacy’… the ‘more’… so that you could say more of what you mean with greater clarity and creativity?
Gendlin developed ‘certain genuine steps’– in Focusing and in Thinking at the Edge (TAE) – and from these steps emerge simple practices you can use in your everyday life.
The approach here is to take some of the practices Gendlin developed for more formal practices such as theory or concept development and use them for specific interests. When you make these practices your own, they can support you in many ways.
In this webinar, we will do exercises together, and we will also dip into some pieces from writers, poets & artists to see how they work with the
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Joan Klagsbrun, Ph.D. will share stories about Gene Gendlin and teach the benefits of integrating Focusing with Positive Psychology, accompanied by an enriching experiential exercise. Learn new ways to discover and savor the positive aspects of Iife in this uplifting presentation!
Zoom Online
Topic: FOT, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Setting boundaries is complex and likely to bring up a lot of mixed feelings! In this free mini-course, we'll address three specific issues that can come up with boundaries, including:
- Learning how to tell if your needs are getting pushed aside (which often happens when you say yes but mean no)
- Discovering what a healthy boundary looks like and how simple they can be (something you probably didn’t learn growing up)
- Understanding what you’re saying yes to when you say no (and why this tip helps you communicate better with the people in your life)
- Plus, we'll talk about what might be going on inside when someone says no to you.
No matter how challenging healthy boundaries might feel today…
Der hybride Rahmen
• Präsenz & Zoom
• Lange & kurze Einheiten
• Große Gruppe & kleine Gruppen
• Für Menschen, die in Wien wohnen oder auch weiter weg
• Verschiedene Focusing Leiterinnen
Live in Vienna (5 dates, once a month) and via Zoom in small groups
In 'Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy,' Gendlin tells a story of a client discovering a Focusing move that she draws into the texture of her everyday life. In this Roundtable, we will explore the informal micropractices that you rely on, for a little while or over quite long periods.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
This Therapists’ Roundtable will draw from the chapter on “The Client-Therapist Relationship” in Gendlin’s book, "Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method" (1996). In this chapter, Gendlin offers a guiding vision for how therapists can create an effective therapeutic experience for their clients.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Take a deep dive into focusing-oriented dreamwork with like-minded participants and an expert guide. Learn how to work with dreams with confidence - for yourself and your clients.
Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom through creating a positive inner relationship with yourself. Develop the knowledge and skills to begin to practise Focusing and listening. This is an experiential course in partnership Focusing. By the end of Level 1, you will have a basic understanding of the Focusing process, and there is an option to continue on to the next Levels of the course.
Esta es una invitación a encontrarnos, a hacer una pausa, a explorar eso "más" que nuestros sentimientos y emociones, a dar espacio, aceptación y escucha amigable a lo que sea que aparezca, a encontrar esa conexión interior, a crecer en amor y compasión hacia nosotros mismos, hacia otros y hacia nuestro ambiente... ir más allá de los pensamientos , sentimientos y emociones conocidas, los mandatos, creencias y condicionamientos...para poder contactarnos con lo más real y auténtico en nosotros y comenzar a dar nuevos pasos de cambio, contactarnos con todo nuestro potencial y creatividad y llevar nuestra vida adelante.
"Las personas encuentran riqueza en sí mismas y en los otros a medida que se abren en el Focusing y la escucha." Gendlin
Is anxiety keeping you from feeling present?
Is stress keeping you from connecting in meaningful ways?
Do you want soothing comfort for your burnout or overwhelm?
If you answer any of these questions yes, this FREE class is for you…
Because when you feel better, you love better!
Topic: FOT, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
We invite you to join us for an introduction to Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®), a Focusing approach that incorporates the expressive arts with Gendlin’s Focusing to enhance and deepen inner knowing.
In this webinar we will review the basics of Focusing and FOAT® and engage in a simple collage process to experience this powerful approach. You will be guided in a theme-directed FOAT® invitation, to delve into a part of your many-faceted self and illustrate your experience through the creation of a SoulCollage® card. The SoulCollage® process is highly conducive to awakening your intuition and empowering inner wisdom.
This webinar is hands-on, with ample time given to create your collage. No prior Focusing or arts experience is required.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events