Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
This online Academy will allow you to immerse yourself in one introductory Focusing main class as well as experience other Focusing teachers through a variety of stand-alone workshops offered by teachers from around the world. This event is oriented toward beginners as well as experienced Focusers who would enjoy a chance to begin freshly. The Academy is also a great opportunity for new Focusing teachers or those returning to teaching looking for a fresh perspective.
Coming from the work of Eugene Gendlin, Focusing is an experiential, embodied and evidence-based practice of self-reflection. During Focusing, your attention will open up to multiple layers and aspects of living.
The Main Classes are intended as live experiences, so please block out the time
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart. Deepen your Focusing Partnership skills.
April 29 to Aug 12, 2024, Mondays
United States-PDT West Coast: 7:00 am to 10:00 am
United States-EST East Coast: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
England–GMT: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Central Europe-CET Central European Time 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Aprenderás experiencialmente cómo aprovechar el poder de la voz y los gestos tanto para comprender experiencialmente a tus consultantes, como para expresar tu empatía experiencial.
Focusing is a powerful method of self-discovery that places great significance on our own personal experiences. By tuning into our bodily sensations, we can gain valuable insights and guidance. Marie, will guide us through the process of Focusing and help us uncover the wisdom that our bodies already possess. Through this practice, we can better understand and navigate through situations that may leave us feeling confused or uncertain. By tapping into our inner resources, we can unlock a wealth of knowledge and clarity that resides within us.
Focusing is a process of allowing our bodies to show us the way to deeper self-knowledge and healing. It is a doorway to your true self. Our bodies have their own consciousness, aliveness, and intelligence. They carry wisdom and
Discover powerful skills for life change based on self-acceptance and being present in the moment. Start to experience the process of Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn how to cultivate an inner environment of calm, open, curious awareness which is the foundation from which lasting change emerges. Interactive beginning Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.
Taught by Jinevra Howard and Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing).
Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions.
Veronica will be sharing her Focusing journey of learning to live life from a felt-sensing place of connecting deeply with oneself and others. She invites you to bring yourself fully to simply be with the art of experiencing and creating meaning moment by moment. An opportunity will be created to be a volunteer in a live demonstration.
Some familiarity with Focusing may be helpful but no prior experience is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Focusing is one of the few things that work well over Zoom, but even so, there's something particularly lovely about coming into a physical space and Focusing in person. My body always breathes out a deep sigh when I unlock the door and walk into this space where I've Focused so many times. It's as if my body is saying, "Ah, here!"
Hall below St Patrick's Catholic Church, 20 Grosvenor St, The Rocks (between Wynyard and Circular Quay), Sydney, Australia
Je propose un stage de 2 jours pour expérimenter comment votre ressenti corporel vous permet de sentir, de décider et d’avancer dans la vie de manière sûr.
Le Focusing Expérientiel vous (ré)apprend à détecter et écouter votre sens corporel. Par son intermédiaire vous retrouvez confiance, intuition, et créativité.
This is a series of Saturday workshops, running once a month, with virtually open intake. Only the Introduction, "The Art of Focusing" (or equivalent) must be taken as a pre-req, the remaining modules are totally flexible. Students who complete 16 specific modules, along with additional practice and supervision criteria, may become certified as a Focusing Oriented Therapist. Program completion takes about 17 -20 months.
Join us for the first 2024 presentation of our ongoing Roots, Branches, and Wings Series with Pioneers and Master Teachers in Focusing and Expressive Arts. Open to those new and experienced in Focusing, Expressive Arts, and FOAT.
The 2024 TAE Academy took place in January. YOU MAY REGISTER FOR THE RECORDINGS which remain available through April 30, 2024.
This online Academy will allow you to both take a deep dive into TAE, and also to get a broad experience of outstanding teachers from all over the world.
TAE is a practice developed by Gene Gendlin and Mary Hendricks-Gendlin. It is related to Focusing but has a different emphasis. Both are grounded in the “felt sense,” that murky sense of something you know which is not yet in words. With TAE, we intentionally and systematically build upon that not-yet-articulated place to allow for something new to be brought into the world.
The Main Classes are intended as live experiences, so please block out the time for those
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Aprende a ofrecerte a ti mismo/a el respaldo y el reflejo necesarios para experienciar o «vivir» tus emociones en y desde el cuerpo. De una manera regulada. Sin tener que separarte o disociarte de ellas y sin necesitar sobre pensarlas o racionalizarlas.
Les rêves fascinent depuis la nuit des temps, ils sont mystérieux, messagers, et parfois nous laissent une sensation étrange au réveil. Dans une vidéo en ligne intitulée Dream open doors to focusing (les rêves ouvrent les portes du focusing), Gendlin dit qu’une manière d’apprendre le focusing consiste de partir des rêves, car chaque rêve vous donne un ou plusieurs sentiment bizarres”.
Reading Freshly
This 7th session starts at Chapter 6, What Focusing Is Not
Newcomers welcome each month!
An opportunity to read Gendlin’s seminal book Focusing with others
A Free Event for Members
Live (no recording)
Once a month on Tuesday - 7th session April 9, 2024
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
You are invited to continue learning and unpacking the depths of the Inner Relationship Focusing process. This live virtual nine-week course, gives you the necessary time and space to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge gained in Foundations Training Part 1 (Levels 1 & 2).
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual four Saturday course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.
At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritize immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.