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Upcoming Courses, and Ongoing Groups and Services

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
Head shot
This is a series of Saturday workshops, running once a month, with virtually open intake. Only the Introduction, "The Art of Focusing" (or equivalent) must be taken as a pre-req, the remaining modules are totally flexible. Students who complete 16 specific modules, along with additional practice and supervision criteria, may become certified as a Focusing Oriented Therapist. Program completion takes about 17 -20 months.
Topic: Certification
flyer Jeffrey focusing with his students
Are you curious about Focusing Oriented Therapy?

Discover a somatically-based, relational, research-proven tool for lasting change. Learn how Focusing can facilitate personal growth and strengthen your professional healing practice at this free live intro with Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist Jeffrey Morrison
Topic: FOT
- Eastern Time/New York/Canada
Barbara Dickinson Sandy Jahmi Burg
In the style of Gene Gendlin's FREE Changes Meetings in the earliest days of Focusing (continuing to this day!), is delighted to offer a Monthly Exploring Interaction Changes Meeting -- Improving Relationships with Self and Others.

These monthly meetings will be held on third Sundays at both 11am ET and 7pm ET New York time, entirely online, using Zoom technology, for 90 minutes each meeting.

Facilitated by Barbara Dickinson, Certified teacher of Interactive Focusing and Certified Focusing Professional (TIFI), participants will have the opportunity to experience Demonstrations of Interactive Focusing (for beginners), as well as partner with more experienced Interactive Focusers (intermediate to advanced).

Online with Zoom
Topic: Changes Groups
- Eastern (New York) Time
TIFI Events logo Wendi Maurer
Come enjoy some fun with a few of Gendlin’s less famous but important quotes, as we cross with them and enjoy surprising results for our own forward movements. We will have gentle listening, lively discussions and TAE-like exercises.

Live attendance is recommended. All registrants (whether or not you attend live) will receive an email to view the recording after the workshop. Breakout rooms are not recorded. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful, though all are welcome to attend.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Butterflies on pink flowers
This process group is an opportunity to meet in a group of up to six people for six weeks to allow the process of Focusing to carry you forward, while deepening both your Focusing and listening skills. There is a strong emphasis on building self-compassion through common humanity in this group, and we utilize the practice of empathy circles with empathic reflections each class to help achieve this goal. We will also use a mix of either round-robin interactive responses and breakout room practice.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Mountain Time
Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin
Treasure Maps is a 6-day residential retreat, an intensive workshop for people with Focusing experience who want to apply our Untangling® method to life’s most hard-to-change issues.

We’ve been teaching Treasure Maps in 15 countries over the past 25 years, helping thousands of people learn our method, getting responses like this one from Paul Fitzgerald: "The Treasure Maps experience was like a dissolving of an old way of seeing life and having new eyes to engage life with more freedom. I'd highly encourage anyone interested in deepening their Focusing to take this course."

We believe that transformation occurs most readily in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, openness, warmth, playfulness, and support. Our mission is to enable you to live

Loveland, Colorado
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- PT (Pacific Time)
FOAT Tools I Faculty- Doreen and Karen FOAT Tools I Course Photo (Lotus)
We are excited to offer this rejuvenating 4-session series! Our goal is to co-create a supportive group that will meet to practice specific FOAT® Exercises to enhance resilience, cultivate self-compassion and compassion toward others. Each session will include one main Theme-based FOAT® integrating Focusing with user-friendly methods for arts expression. Through this weekly FOAT practice group, small steps towards wellbeing, positive change, and growth will be nourished and supported.

All sessions will be recorded and available for viewing in the online course– so if you cannot attend the Live Teleconference meeting, you can still access the material!

Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
North Jersey Focusing Trainers (NJFT) Jocelyn Kahn and Beth Mahler
Eugene Gendlin wrote: “Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people - in fact, the whole universe. The sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as felt from the inside."

But most of us are born and raised with a very different sense of who we are – merely a fragile object in a sea of other objects, an inherently stressful view of ourselves. It can therefore feel very natural to fall back into this default way of being in the world, locked in a holding pattern of isolation, tension, and a lack of trust in ourselves. We will spend this daylong retreat reconnecting with the felt reality of "being bodily alive in a vast system" of support.

Wayne, NJ, USA (more details upon registration)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- New York time
highlights logo TIFI events logo Jeffrey Morrison
Trauma therapist and Focusing-Oriented Therapy trainer Jeffrey Morrison will share his understanding and experience from four decades of practice. He will outline five key concepts that form a foundation for FOT practice and share how he uses them in his work with clients.

This webinar is ideal for therapists while open to everyone who wants to better understand FOT, how it can unwind trauma, and restore wholeness.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, FOT, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Australia Eastern Standard Time
Marie Connors Focusing Foundations Training Level 3 &4
Focusing offers a rich potential for change. It opens a doorway to a space where it is possible to transform your life in a way that feels right for you. Focusing is a practice everyone can learn without undertaking years of professional development or going to see a therapist. With a little training, you can learn to access the space beyond your thoughts to find the "more" that is happening in any situation. When we are in contact with our direct experience of the “more”, small steps of change begin to emerge, and this can lead us on to fresh life-giving directions. The wonderful thing is that when you learn focusing you can use it whenever you need it for the rest of your life.

Foundations in Focusing Level 1 & 2 is a prerequisite to this course.

Online- Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
tinted gold Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a business jacket logo of hand drawn circles and the text focusing with laura in blue beside it
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.

At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritise immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate

- Pacific Time
Wendi Maurer, Ph.D.
Would you like to help therapists be their best while living in war? Join me once a week on Zoom, as we discover healthy ways to support our fellow helpers living in a war-zone. I will offer constructive concepts and easy exercises for you to offer to others, thus helping them return to some relief and broaden their power for self-care and creativity.

Focusing Netzwerk Humnboldthaus auf dem Achberg
Die Focusing Wochen auf dem Achberg sind seit über drei Jahrzehnten ein alljährlicher Treffpunkt für Focusing-Interessierte aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich. Die Wochen beginnen mit einem Auftaktseminar, das in diesem Jahr von Teresa Dawson zu "Umweltzentriertes Erleben" gestaltet wird. Es schließen sich Tage mit mehreren parallel laufenden Focusing-Kursen und Themenseminaren an.

Humboldthaus auf dem Achberg
- Clases principales de jueves a domingo. El miércoles habrá reuniones opcionales de bienvenida y orientación.
Academia de Focusing The International Focusing Institute Event
Esta Academia en línea le permitirá sumergirse en una Clase Principal introductoria de Focusing así como conocer a otros profesores de Focusing a través de una variedad de talleres independientes ofrecidos por profesores de todo el mundo. Este evento está orientado tanto a principiantes como a enfocadores experimentados que disfrutarían de la oportunidad de empezar de nuevo. La Academia también es una gran oportunidad para los nuevos profesores de Focusing o para aquellos que regresan a la enseñanza en busca de una nueva perspectiva.

Procedente del trabajo de Eugene Gendlin, el Focusing es una práctica de autorreflexión experiencial, encarnada y basada en evidencia. Durante el Focusing, tu atención se abrirá a múltiples capas y aspectos de la vida.

Las clases
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Fotografía de Salvador Moreno López Fotografía de Helena Ortiz Cassaigne
Revisaremos cuatro tipos de vías de entrada para ir precisando, experiencialmente, algunos criterios orientadores de cuándo, cómo y para qué utilizar esas vías de entrada.
Topic: FOT
students sitting with Jeffrey flyer for program
Have you been curious about taking a Focusing-Oriented Therapy Training Program?

Would you like to see if this training program is for you and how you might apply it to your field?

Are you looking for something to help bring you closer to yourself and others?

If so, we invite you to join our *free* upcoming open house filled with previous graduates sharing their experiences and answering questions about Jeffrey Morrison's Focusing Oriented Therapy Training Program.

We will also be sharing how this work is being applied to various professions (and how it might be applied to yours!) and what personal shifts we have noticed since deep diving into this work with Jeffrey. Open to therapists, healing professionals, and

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific standard time
Jeffrey focusing with his students Training program flyer
Join us for an open house filled with previous graduates to learn more about Jeffrey's 60 CEU Focusing-Oriented Therapy Training program. We will answer any questions you have and share how this work is being applied in a variety of professions. Open to therapists, healing professionals, and spiritual seekers alike!

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Paris
Alexandre Jacquelin Sonia Zuccato Cercle Focusing
Les Compagnons Focusing est un groupe permanent d’approfondissement et de pratique en partenariat de l’écoute en Focusing.
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Start: Kurs 1 26.08.2024
Start Kurs 2 : 28.09.2024

Munich Germany