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TAE proficiency award eligible

We have some sample courses here for reference.  This page is not updated frequently and so these teachers might not be currently teaching these.  For current courses, please contact the teacher or see listings at by going to and choosing TAE from the "Search Options." (Note that it will then list all courses which teach TAE; to find those leading to the award, look for the logo.)


Courses by Nada Lou

Nada Lou

Thinking at the Edge TAE - Learning the STEPS first

TAE practice in 14 steps is designed by Dr. Eugene T. Gendlin in such a way that personal project is built up by following each step in succession.  

Steps can be learned in succession. They can be discovered and used also separately.

It is beneficial for you to know the whole available selection of steps. They represent parts of Dr. Gendlin’s Philosophy of the Implicit Entry.

I believe and support Gendlin’s teaching style by guiding you through this practice and learning the Steps in such way first. This will help you experience the gradual discovery of capacity to think from your felt sense. It also supports breaking the language barrier for free felt sensing language to appear.

Nada Lou

COURSES by Dr. Hanspeter Mühlethaler

Hanspeter Mühlethaler

Thinking at the Edge TAE 

Lerne TAE im interaktiven Online-Kurs aus 6 Modulen à 3 Stunden, verteilt über ca. 6 Monate.
Zwischen den Modulen, Arbeit in 2er- oder 3er-Gruppen und eine Einzelsitzung mit dem Kursleiter.  

Die Gruppe ist beschränkt auf 6 Personen
Beginn: 19. April 2023, 18:00 Uhr CH-Zeit (MESZ)

Hanspeter Mühlethaler


Thinking At The Edge (TAE) 3-Person Online Course - Part 1
Tap into your inner knowing and express your unique experience with Evelyn Fendler-Lee

Thinking At The Edge (TAE) 3-Person Online Kurs - Teil 1
Erschließen Sie Ihre einzigartige Erfahrung und bringen Sie sie zum Ausdruck. Evelyn Fendler-Lee

Evelyn Fendler-Lee


Thinking at the Edge
Ground your ideas in your life experience

Thinking At The Edge: A Deepening
A yearlong exploration with TAE steps 1 to 14 

Beatrice Blake

Course Taught by Dana Ganihar and Baruch Brenner 

Dana and Baruch

TAE and the Art of Living
TAE as an invitation for the 'self-evolution' of our humanity  

This course invites you to walk in the steps of TAE on a journey of self discovery and evolution of the self.

Dana Ganihar

Baruch Brenner

