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Ethical Code Swearing-In Ceremony
Ethics Committee quote

March 20, 2024

On May 13, 2023, the first Ethical Code Swearing-In Ceremony was carried out by Focusing professionals in Argentina, organized by the Argentine Civil Association of Focusing (ACAF), in front of the national and international community. Alejandro Juroczko shares a look at what went on behind the scenes.

Jura del Código de Ética
Lead Jura image Spanish

El 13 de mayo de 2023 se realizó la primera juramentación del Código Ético en Argentina, profundizando el compromiso de la Asociación Civil Argentina de Focusing (ACAF) con el Focusing, frente a la comunidad nacional e internacional. Alejandro Juroczko comparte un vistazo a lo que sucedió detrás de escena.

Did You Know ...
Did You Know

March 13, 2024

The Partnership Network is available certain TIFI members. Learn which members and how to access it in this edition of Did You Know...


Using Open Space Technology for a Focusing Gathering
NW Focusers Gathering 2015

March 6, 2024

Open Space Technology is a way to organize events very much in keeping with the felt sense.It's been the way that the The Northwest Focusers Gathering has organized for many years, so we asked the organizers to tell us about how it works for them.

Milestones February 2024

February 27, 2024

Milestones February 2024: 

We are happy to congratulate 1 new Coordinator, 5 new Coordinators-in-Training (CIT), 24 new Certified Focusing Professionals (including Trainers and Focusing-Oriented Therapists) and 9 new Proficiency in Focusing Partnership (PFP) recipients. Those listed are as of January 31, 2024. Congratulations to each of them on their achievement. We wish them all the very best in their ongoing endeavors!