Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Module Two of our COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT TRAINING PROGRAM is starting January 19, 2022. This innovative learning experience is an exploration of how the ideas and skills of Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing can help us, as individuals and communities, heal our polarizations and disconnections and develop new ways to genuinely relate across our differences. This project is designed to cultivate visionary leadership in facilitating community creativity, cohesion and resilience.
Not feeling good about yourself can be like living under a dark cloud that casts a gloomy shadow on whatever you say, do, think, feel… And that makes life harder than it has to be.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn how to handle emotional triggers, difficult habits, and inner critics in a way that leaves you feeling better about yourself. Let me help you get started (and share what you can do to keep going!).
Imagine being really present in the here-and-now…enjoying interpersonal moments with the freedom to be yourself, to feel good – to experience surprise and delight instead of repetitive, stressful patterns of interaction.
Social Oriented Focusing (SOF) teaches us to untie the KNOTS and NOTS that interfere with relating to others, enabling us to overcome blocks, fears, and automatic behaviors.
In this webinar, we shall take a two-stage journey: Stage 1: From shades of aloneness to shades of togetherness; and Stage 2: From I to we without losing our boundaries.
There will be a presentation, guided experiences, and time for sharing and questions.
All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful but is
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
As we move through these uneasy times our bodies search for ways to soothe. Old habits that helped us in the past may reemerge. New habits may begin to form. How do we feel about these self soothing behaviours? Are they good? Are they bad? Are they ugly? When does a habit become an addiction? How can we help ourselves to develop a practice that calms us down, soothing our nervous system?
The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™ for working with trauma and addiction provides us with answers to these questions. Through daily practices and an embodied process of Focusing, we learn to regulate our autonomic nervous system. Healing and restorative habits evolve over time—one felt shift at a time—as we come together in community with safety and respect.
An online entry level Focusing class that prepares you to begin a Focusing partnership. And a great opportunity to review the basics of Self-in-Presence as a way of being that creates space for lasting change.
Meets six times on Sundays 1 - 3 pm New York EDT.
This online series of Focusing conversations will center on some of the
central issues of our time—issues that cry out for our attention but are most
difficult to engage. We believe that Focusing attitudes and skills can make it
possible to overcome the barriers to genuine conversations about the issues
that matter most. Each workshop will include an introductory talk, large
group discussion as well as small group sharing.
You are warmly invited to a special New Year’s Day PAUSE to:
* de-stress from residual holiday distress
* rest in a moment of stillness
* effortless-ly form your new year’s aspiration
Register NOW to enjoy the sale price of $0, that’s right: FREE! (Sale expires on Thurs. Dec. 30). If you register while the class is free, you still need to go through the “payment” process in order to receive your Zoom invitation.)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Last year we gathered on Dec. 26th to celebrate Gene Gendlin’s birthday, which falls on Christmas Day. It was a deeply meaningful and connecting experience for many of us—one that sustained us throughout the year. There was a feeling of Gene’s presence in the midst of us, warming our hearts and enlivening our minds, helping us to remember the “BIG SYSTEM” during the bleak isolation of COVID winter. Those of us who knew Gene heard stories that we had never heard before and experienced surprising new facets of this incredibly multi-dimensional man. Those of us who did not know Gene personally contributed their ways of knowing Gene and feasted on the memories of those who did.
This year we want to gather online on Monday, Dec. 27th for another Gene Birthday Party to cherish
Journaling ist ein Bereich der Reflexion, des Erinnerns, des Neu- und Wiederkombinierens, der Revision, eine lebendige Methode, um von Unordnung zu Klarheit zu gelangen, ein Kanal zum Hinterfragen und Verbinden. Als solches öffnet das Journaling einen Raum, um sich selbst zu nähern und neue Sichtweisen zu ermöglichen – was das Papier zu einem perfekten Ort für ein Focusing macht.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Esta conversación en línea gratuita es parte de la serie Focusing Roundtable especialmente para miembros de TIFI.
Una cultura organizacional enfocada en el bienestar y la salud es el pilar fundamental para el éxito de las empresas y organizaciones. A través de prácticas saludables es posible conseguir líderes y equipos sanos y motivados, tanto en el desarrollo grupal como así también individual.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
You don’t know Focusing and/or are interested in the basic level 1-5 Focusing course?
Please join us to get a taste of Focusing and to ask any questions you may have.
This online series of Focusing conversations will center on some of the central issues of our time—issues that cry out for our attention but are most difficult to engage. We believe that Focusing attitudes and skills can make it possible to overcome the barriers to genuine conversations about the issues that matter most. Each workshop will include an introductory talk, large group discussion as well as small group sharing.
A 'hot potato' is an issue that most people don’t want to talk about. It can involve unpleasant or even dangerous consequences for anyone dealing with it.
In a world of growing uncertainty, it is not surprising that our conversations and our thinking, are becoming increasingly polarized. It is becoming more difficult to hold civil conversations—or conversations at all—around ‘hot potato’ topics.
In this webinar, we will use Focusing to unravel some of the complexity for ourselves, for others, and around the issue itself.
All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful but is not required.
Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
We want to know about you! The purpose of this first meeting in English, Spanish and German is to reach, contact and know those people that are out there that know a little about Focusing maybe just having their first steps in their training or practicing it for a while but alone and looking to join our international community.
Wir würden dich gerne kennenlernen! Der Zweck dieses ersten Treffens auf Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch ist es, die Leute zu erreichen, zu kontaktieren und zu kennen, die ein wenig über Focusing wissen, vielleicht nur ihre ersten Schritte in ihrer Ausbildung machen oder es für eine Weile praktizieren, aber alleine und suchen unserer internationalen Gemeinschaft beizutreten.