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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- France
Alexandre Ecoute
Je propose un stage de 2 jours pour expérimenter comment votre ressenti corporel vous permet de sentir, de décider et d’avancer dans la vie de manière sûr.
Le Focusing Expérientiel vous (ré)apprend à détecter et écouter votre sens corporel. Par son intermédiaire vous retrouvez confiance, intuition, et créativité.

La Roche sur Foron 74
Trainer's photo
This is a series of Saturday workshops, running once a month, with virtually open intake. Only the Introduction, "The Art of Focusing" (or equivalent) must be taken as a pre-req, the remaining modules are totally flexible. Students who complete 16 specific modules, along with additional practice and supervision criteria, may become certified as a Focusing Oriented Therapist. Program completion takes about 17 -20 months.

Online, Pacific Standard time zone
Topic: Certification
- PDT (Pacific Time)
FOAT Institute Freda Blob
Join us for the first 2024 presentation of our ongoing Roots, Branches, and Wings Series with Pioneers and Master Teachers in Focusing and Expressive Arts. Open to those new and experienced in Focusing, Expressive Arts, and FOAT.

Zoom Online
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Wednesday - Sunday
TAE Academy The International Focusing Institute Events
The 2024 TAE Academy took place in January. YOU MAY REGISTER FOR THE RECORDINGS which remain available through April 30, 2024.

This online Academy will allow you to both take a deep dive into TAE, and also to get a broad experience of outstanding teachers from all over the world.

TAE is a practice developed by Gene Gendlin and Mary Hendricks-Gendlin. It is related to Focusing but has a different emphasis. Both are grounded in the “felt sense,” that murky sense of something you know which is not yet in words. With TAE, we intentionally and systematically build upon that not-yet-articulated place to allow for something new to be brought into the world.

The Main Classes are intended as live experiences, so please block out the time for those
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- GMT -3
Alejandro Juroczko Florentina Sassoli
Espacio de prácticasquincenal no-arancelado, orientado a todo público y todos los niveles.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Certification, Changes Groups, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Ongoing, Other
- 06:30-08:00(ニューヨーク)19:30-21:00(日本)
Focusing Roundtables The International Focusing Institute Events
国際フォーカシング研究所(TIFI)から、「日本語によるラウンドテーブル」を開催する機会を 提供していただきました。テーマは 「インタラクティブ・フォーカシング」です。TIFI会員は無料で参加できます。
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- "Hora de España"
Flora Osborne Maestre, Trainer y FOT certificado por el Instituto Internacional de Focusing Proceso Personal
Aprende a ofrecerte a ti mismo/a el respaldo y el reflejo necesarios para experienciar o «vivir» tus emociones en y desde el cuerpo. De una manera regulada. Sin tener que separarte o disociarte de ellas y sin necesitar sobre pensarlas o racionalizarlas.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Hora de España
Módulo teórico
Conoce la filosofía de Eugene Gendlin,
la filosofía experiencial y de lo implícito,
las bases sobre las que se establece Focusing.

Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- France
reves Alexandre
Les rêves fascinent depuis la nuit des temps, ils sont mystérieux, messagers, et parfois nous laissent une sensation étrange au réveil. Dans une vidéo en ligne intitulée Dream open doors to focusing (les rêves ouvrent les portes du focusing), Gendlin dit qu’une manière d’apprendre le focusing consiste de partir des rêves, car chaque rêve vous donne un ou plusieurs sentiment bizarres”.
- Eastern (New York) Time
Reading Freshly The International Focusing Institute Events
Reading Freshly
This 7th session starts at Chapter 6, What Focusing Is Not
Newcomers welcome each month!
An opportunity to read Gendlin’s seminal book Focusing with others
A Free Event for Members
Live (no recording)
Once a month on Tuesday - 7th session April 9, 2024
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Headshot of a woman with a business jacket and it's tinted gold Image with blue circles as a logo and the words Focusing With Laura
You are invited to continue learning and unpacking the depths of the Inner Relationship Focusing process. This live virtual nine-week course, gives you the necessary time and space to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge gained in Foundations Training Part 1 (Levels 1 & 2).

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- GMT -3
Florentina Sassoli Alejandro Juroczko
Con una modalidad de 1 sabado al mes, brindamos este espacio para entrenarte en Focusing, con opción a certificarte.

MODULO 1 de 9 el sábado 6 de Abril.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Certification, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
- Eastern Standard Time
tinted gold Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a business jacket logo of hand drawn circles and the text focusing with laura in blue beside it
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual four Saturday course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.

At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritize immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time, New York time
Yehudit First
Moving from being against each other to being for us and for what is possible with SOF

Online via Zoom
- Eastern Time
The Therapeutic US: Working with Groups and Communities

- Pacific Time
Doorways to the Soul: Befriending your Whole Self Paula Gamble-Grant headshot
A 10 week introductory course of learning the Art of Inner Relationship Focusing which will help Soul Centered Practitioners learn to feel more empowered with sensing into the untapped God-given wisdom of body, emotion, and soul in your own Spiritual and Personal Transformation.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Pacific Time
Doorways 2 logo Paula Gamble-Grant headshot
Over 10 weeks, Doorways to the Soul 2 continues to build on the skills and concepts practiced in DW1. DW1 (or the equivalent of Focusing Levels 1&2 with another teacher) are a prerequisite to taking DW2.

In this course you’ll continue to grow in your Focusing and Companioning skills - dealing with the super power of empathy, inner critics, feelings about feelings, recognizing close and distant processes, sensing what a part is not wanting, and more!

Online on Zoom
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?

Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced
- New York time
TIFI Events logo Rob Parker
22 weekly meetings on Mondays
Audio recordings available after each live meeting

Rob Parker will lead the group in weekly meetings reading the book together and pausing for questions and discussion. This offering covers approximately one third of the book, and the next segment will continue in October 2024. We estimate completing the book in three segments finishing up in Fall 2025.

Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning takes us on a profound exploration to the edge of awareness where our symboled world (attention, meaning, and language) arises from experiencing, where we discover ourselves and the world as a single creative experiencing, without the mind-body, subject-object dualisms that have characterized Western thinking. This changes how we

Online (Class will also be audio recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- EST (Central Europe)
Amona & Uta Buechler Lebendigkeit June 18-13 2024 - Coming Home to Yourself
140 Euro Early-Bird-Discount endet am 1. April 2024!
5-Tages-Retreat, 18. bis 23. Juni 2024

Zu diesem Retreat laden wir dich ein:

> wenn du nach sanften, aber tiefgreifend transformierenden Wegen suchst, in dir selbst anzukommen…
> wenn du dich danach sehnst, entspannter und lebendiger im gegenwärtigen Moment zu leben…
> wenn du neugierig darauf bist, dich dem Abenteuer des Nichtwissens zu öffnen und dein Vertrauen ins Leben zu vertiefen.

We have also offered it in English in the past, this is possible upon request.
See the 2019 English version here: https://move-with-life.org/retreat-italy/

Deutschland, Siebengebirge (nahe Bonn)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate