דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Upcoming Courses, and Ongoing Groups and Services

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- Eastern Time
Beth Mahler, , LCSW, FOT, Certifying Coordinator Grow Beyond with Four Corners Focusing Anne Lawrence, PhD, CFP, Coordinator in Training
Meet the Team: (will be taught in English, with elements of Cross Lingual, Cross Cultural Focusing)
Other Languages spoken by team members (Japanese, Greek, French)

Beth Mahler, LCSW, FOT, Certifying Coordinator
Anne Lawrence, PhD, CFP, Coordinator in Training
Yoshimi Shimizu, LMHC, FOT
Maria Skoufas, Certifying Coordinator
Erin Keller, LCSW, FOT
Asata N’Gonzi, IFOT, CFP
Michelle Krenzelok, CFP
Jocelyn Kahn, CFT

In Person & Online Coursework is involved in USA
Topic: Ongoing
- Note time zone on schedule
Children Focusing Conference 2024 - Less is More The International Focusing Institute
"Less is More" - Online Children and Focusing Conference 2024
"Menos es más" - Conferencia en línea sobre niños y Focusing 2024

Sometimes the most special moments are also the simplest.
A veces, los momentos más especiales también son los más simples.

Children approach Focusing instinctively, the most important thing we can provide is simply our empathetic, listening presence. It can be challenging to stand back and let the child’s process unfold on its own.
Los niños se acercan al Focusing de manera instintiva, lo más importante que podemos brindar es simplemente nuestra presencia empática y atenta. Puede ser un desafío dar un paso atrás y dejar que el proceso del niño se desarrolle por sí solo.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Children, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Smartview Conversations, Living a Focusing Way of Life Sandy Jahmi Burg, 2019
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2024 is the Power of AND, how we hold our own space in relationship to others and how we hold space within us for both our right and left hemisphere's perspectives.

We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome.

We meet on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.

Online via Zoom
- Eastern time
being together
• The self-care of the facilitator.
• What to do when a participant does not feel like feel participating nor following a suggestion.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Amona Buechler, Coordinator in Training Nervous System Reset Course
You may be familiar with a habitual background atmosphere of restlessness, anxiousness, agitation, or something like that. ... 

We can invite and gradually build new patterns in our autonomic nervous system and brain. In doing so, we change our spontaneous physical, emotional and mental responses to life’s occurrences.

> Focusing exchanges
> Awareness Through Movement (ATM)
> Neuro Regulating Exercises
> Theoretical discourses
> Shared silence

Online Course:
Wednesdays, Nov 20, 2024 to April 9, 2025
Topic: Other
- Eastern Time Zone
Annette Francesca Dubreuil
The course is an opportunity to spend time with your wanting or project to integrate Focusing into your life—whether personally or professionally—in both an embodied and more than logical way. Like being in contact with a yet undiscovered treasure box. With FOCUSING, a practice laid out by philosopher and psychotherapist Eugene T. Gendlin, you will get in touch with your Felt Sense and be able to develop surprisingly fresh understandings that make a difference, especially in how you are with your special project or issue. By adding certain moves of THINKING AT THE EDGE (TAE), another practice Gendlin created, with Mary Hendricks and Kye Nelson, we will show you how you can speak more and more precisely from your Felt Sense. In doing so, you will discover important details by redefining

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, TAE/Philosophy
- Cd. de México time
A través de actividades y conversaciones promoveremos el desarrollo de actitudes y habilidades pertinentes para sentir las vivencias de otras personas desde nuestro experienciar. Y expresar desde de experienciar al otro nuestra comprensión empática.

Centro Xiam, Cd. Satélite, Edo. de México, MÉXICO
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Two butterflies, Focusing partnerships
In this four part beginner Focusing course for advanced listeners (people with previous experience listening to themselves or others), we delve into each of the 6 steps, with each class including a teaching of one or two steps. Each class also includes listening skills, a small experiential exercise, a demonstration and then small group practice (typically in twos or threes).

Dates for the next groups:
-Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern, November 26-December 17, 2024

Topic: Introductory, Beginners-Intermediate
- EST (New York)
Evelyn Fendler-Lee TAE Proficiency Award eligible
Thinking at the Edge (TAE) is a method for getting in touch with our felt meanings and articulating them with fresh and precise language.
You will learn TAE steps 1-12 while working on a project of your choice. The 3-person format accommodates different learning styles by placing participants in various roles and allows for adapting the teaching content and pace to individual needs during the exploration process.
Courses are starting in February.
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- ET
tinted gold Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a business jacket logo of hand drawn circles and the text focusing with laura in blue beside it
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.

At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritise immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019 Guiding Skills to Go Deeper, Creating Space for Lasting Change Part 3
Join us for an online advanced Focusing class that helps you understand where you are within a process and then, to sense what is needed from you for this situation now. Utilizing Inner Relationship Focusing, Spatial Awareness and Neuroscience concepts, we learn to guide ourselves and others in ways that invite relational trust, lasting change and life forward flow. Valuable practices for healing professionals, teachers, etc. Discount for those repeating.
Meets for six times Tuesday evenings from 7 - 9 pm EDT.
Prerequisite: Level or Part 2 Focusing training

Online via Zoom
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- ET
Headshot of a woman with a business jacket and it's tinted gold Image with blue circles as a logo and the words Focusing With Laura
You are invited to continue learning and unpacking the depths of the Inner Relationship Focusing process. This live virtual nine-week course, gives you the necessary time and space to integrate and apply your skills and knowledge gained in Foundations Training Part 1 (Levels 1 & 2).

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time, New York, USA
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019 Empowered to Trust, Creating Space for Lasting Change, Part 4
Our goal here is to return to the essence of Focusing and ourselves as living process. I ask that participants are Focusing weekly with a partner at least one month before class begins and throughout our time together. There is a lot of reading, often more than you might choose to do. We touch on a variety of approaches to learn and practice Focusing. We begin and end remembering that always that which has learned Focusing is Partiality, not Presence. My Part 4 is a great place to return to whenever you would like to go deeper with your process from wherever it is. Requires Part 3 or equivalent experience.
Meets eight times on Sundays, 2 – 4 pm New York time.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
Focusing Netzwerk Changes-Group
Zwischen den Focusing-Wochen im Sommer bietet diese Gruppe Gelegenheit für alle deutschsprachigen Focuser, sich zu begegnen und gemeinsam Focusing zu leben und zu üben. Willkommen sind bekannte wie neue Gesichter. Die Sitzungen werden von Trainerinnen und Trainer aus dem Netzwerk angeleitet.
Topic: Changes Groups
- Pacific
Jinevra Howard
Take the second half of the Inner Relationship Focusing Training Program developed by Ann Weiser Cornell. Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- CET/Berlin
Monika Catarina Lindner mirabilis TAE Proficiency Award Eligible
In this workshop you will get to know all 14 steps of the philosophical practice ‘Thinking at the Edge’ (TAE) by precise teachings. While staying on the unclear edge of what can't be said yet, you can further develop one of your concerns that is close to your heart. As a group, we will build a creative and supportive space that allows you to reflect on and integrate your experiences with this introduction to experiential thinking. The course qualifies for the THINKING AT THE EDGE (TAE) PROFICIENCY AWARD.
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil A pupa, a chrysalis stage in the butterfly and the metaphor used for the safe space for transformation that Focusing creates
A pupa is the safe place for transformation... in nature this is the cocoon or chrysalis. In Focusing, this is the safety of our Focusing attitude and listening partnerships. The use of felt sense body cards catalyze the process by capturing details and helping us notice our patterns and further explicate our process.

The base of the PUPA Focusing Certification Program consists of five courses that cover a journey using the PUPA process. They are designed to not only learn and teach Focusing, but also to get to know and transform yourself, while creating change in the world— by bringing more Focusing into the world.

The five core courses make a PUPA journey: learning Focusing (Pause), learning about who you are (Understanding), learning who you want to be

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, Certification
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Woman sitting on a bench looking at the sunrise
In this 8-week group, you will use Focusing to transform a significant issue in your life, in part by deepening your access to Self through the 8Cs of Self-Leadership. The 8Cs are calmness, connectedness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, courage and creativity.

By crossing these qualities with our issue, we move through it by pausing, understanding the issue, transforming it, and then preparing for action, and finally taking action.

Your issue can be working towards a personal or professional goal. However, the course is designed in such a way that you can also bring a different topic each week to your Focusing, and concentrate on building your 8Cs which help you live as your Self more often.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, FOT
- CET/Berlin
Focusing Netzwerk Changes-Group
Zwischen den Focusing-Wochen im Sommer bietet diese Gruppe Gelegenheit für alle deutschsprachigen Focuser, sich zu begegnen und gemeinsam Focusing zu leben und zu üben. Willkommen sind bekannte wie neue Gesichter. Die Sitzungen werden von Trainerinnen und Trainer aus dem Netzwerk angeleitet.
Topic: Changes Groups
- Central European Time
Focusing Praktijk Hester Wijenberg Hester Wijenberg BasisTraining Focusing Hester Wijenberg
In deze live 3-daagse training leer je de basis vaardigheden van Focusing, zoals het naar binnen gaan en wat de stappen zijn in een focusing proces. Je gaat afstemmen en ruimte maken, leert de focussende houding, en gaat contact te leggen met een lijflijk ervaarbaar gevoel. Je leert hoe je bij moeilijke gevoelens kunt blijven en wat er gebeurt als je erdoor overspoeld raakt of ze te ver van je af houdt. Je gaat ook oefenen in tweetallen.

Als je wat meer wilt weten over Focusing, bekijk dan hier mijn video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMvftGO_x4WQ3W7GdyAPkSA

Live, Laren NH, the Netherlands
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate