דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- GMT -3
Alejandro Juroczko Florentina Sassoli

Topic: Beginners, Certification, FOT, Other
- GMT -3
Florentina Sassoli Alejandro Juroczko
Modulo 2 del entrenamiento anual intensivo.

Entrenamiento de dia completo , en las bases de la filosofía y practica de Focusing.

Este módulo puede ser tomado de manera individual como parte de tu entrenamiento, o bien comenzar tu entrenamiento en los 4 niveles de Focusing, con opcion a certificacion como Focusing Trainer, Focusing Oriented Therapy, o Focusing Professional.

Lográ cambios poderosos en tu vida, en la de tus consultantes y/o en tu profesión, a través de una práctica simple y profunda de escucha interna, y acompañamiento.
Topic: Beginners, Certification, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other
Jeffrey focusing with his students flyer
Are you curious about Focusing Oriented Therapy?

Discover a somatically-based, relational, research-proven tool for lasting change. Learn how Focusing can facilitate personal growth and strengthen your professional healing practice at this free live intro with Certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist Jeffrey Morrison

Topic: FOT
- Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST
Image of Merilyn Mayhew Image of Sue Burrell
The Sydney Focusing Changes Group provides a space for Focusing partnerships, Focusing discussion and Focusing practice. It is a great way to experience different styles of Focusing and meet other Focusers - we have members from all over the world.
You are warmly welcomed to join us. Focusers of all levels of experience are welcome at our Changes Group, and there is no charge to attend.
Topic: Changes Groups
tinted gold Headshot of a woman with brown hair wearing a business jacket logo of hand drawn circles and the text focusing with laura in blue beside it
You are invited to become a part of our group as we learn the Inner Relationship Focusing process. In this live virtual nine-week course, you will acquire the skills necessary for cultivating radical lasting life change.

At our core, we are dedicated to cultivating close-knit classroom settings that prioritise immersive, experiential education. Say goodbye to silently staring at screens! We'll methodically practice the art of Focusing together. Our curriculum includes informative lectures, illustrative demonstrations, interactive Q&As, thought-provoking activities, and collaborative partner exercises.
Topic: Beginners
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil A pupa, a chrysalis stage in the butterfly and the metaphor used for the safe space for transformation that Focusing creates
A pupa is the safe place for transformation... in nature this is the cocoon or chrysalis. In Focusing, this is the safety of our Focusing attitude and listening partnerships. The use of felt sense body cards catalyze the process by capturing details and helping us notice our patterns and further explicate our process.

The base of the PUPA Focusing Certification Program consists of five courses that cover a journey using the PUPA process. They are designed to not only learn and teach Focusing, but also to get to know and transform yourself, while creating change in the world— by bringing more Focusing into the world.

The five core courses make a PUPA journey: learning Focusing (Pause), learning about who you are (Understanding), learning who you want to be

Topic: Beginners, Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Focusing for beginners - image of two butterflies
In this eight-week Focusing course, we learn the practice, include being a listener. We slowly learn each of the 6 steps of Focusing, adding a new one every week or two. We also gradually learn new listening skills. Each class consists of a centering, a small experiential exercise, a demonstration and breakout room practice in groups twos or threes.

Dates for the next groups:
-Thursdays, May 2nd-June 27th, 1:30-3:30 pm Eastern (break week May 23rd)

Topic: Beginners
Amona Buechler, Coordinator in Training Focusing Academy TIFI
This course is part of a Focusing Academy hosted by the International Focusing Institute. The aim is to offer focusing courses for beginners all around the globe.

3-hours each, 4-classes, 12-hours total

3:00am – 6:00am Eastern Time US
9:00am – 12:00pm Central Europe
3:00pm – 6:00pm China
5:00pm – 8:00pm Sydney

First 50 people to register receive $100 off
with code: FIRST50
Topic: Beginners
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
Are you overwhelmed by the demands of your daily life?
You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced world, burnout has become all too common, leaving many of us feeling exhausted, disconnected, and lost.

Burnout Be Gone helps you use Inner Relationship Focusing skills and practices to recognize burnout, develop resources to turn it around, and reconnect with the magic of what you really want for your life.

If you'd like to transform your relationship with stress, burnout, and overwhelm so you can reclaim a sense of peace, purpose, and joy in your life, we can help. Join us for Burnout Be Gone and begin a journey of self-discovery and empowered change.
Topic: Beginners, Intermediate/Advanced
Kati Singh
Join us every Wednesday in 2024 for a contemplative meditation from the mind of Jiddu Krishnamurti. We meet on Wednesdays from 1pm to 2pm EST/NY where we pause to contemplate the truth.
We move slowly through these meditations leaving space for pauses, reflections and focusing partnership interactions - any language and any level of Focusing proficiency is welcome into this space, or none at all.

These events are open and free to the public - each meditation is taken from Krishnamurti's Book of Life.

Pre-register on zoom.
Topic: TAE/Philosophy
- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Annette Dubreuil circle of chairs picture
A Changes Group is a free-of-charge, peer-led group that meets so people can exchange Focusing and listening turns in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. It's a group for continuing your Focusing practice; no teaching will be done.

We meet on zoom twice per month. We have a centering/grounding practice to begin followed by a check in (usually in breakout rooms), followed by time for practice in groups of two or three. You can also chose to join an empathy circle if you'd like to observe or practice in a bigger group.

Our next Changes Groups are:
-Wednesday, May 1st, 12:30-2 pm Eastern
-Sunday, May 19th, 6:30-8 pm Eastern


Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners, Changes Groups, Intermediate/Advanced
- Pacific
Jinevra Howard
Take the second half of the Inner Relationship Focusing Training Program developed by Ann Weiser Cornell. Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Main classes Thursday - Sunday. Optional Welcome and Orientation Wednesday
Focusing Academy May 2 - 5 2024 The International Focusing Institute Events
This online Academy will allow you to immerse yourself in one introductory Focusing main class as well as experience other Focusing teachers through a variety of stand-alone workshops offered by teachers from around the world. This event is oriented toward beginners as well as experienced Focusers who would enjoy a chance to begin freshly. The Academy is also a great opportunity for new Focusing teachers or those returning to teaching looking for a fresh perspective.

Coming from the work of Eugene Gendlin, Focusing is an experiential, embodied and evidence-based practice of self-reflection. During Focusing, your attention will open up to multiple layers and aspects of living.

The Main Classes are intended as live experiences, so please block out the time
Topic: Beginners, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern Time
Annette Dubreuil Woman sitting on a bench looking at the sunrise
In this 8-week group, you will use Focusing to transform a significant issue in your life, in part by deepening your access to Self through the 8Cs of Self-Leadership. The 8Cs are calmness, connectedness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, courage and creativity.

By crossing these qualities with our issue, we move through it by pausing, understanding the issue, transforming it, and then preparing for action, and finally taking action.

Your issue can be working towards a personal or professional goal. However, the course is designed in such a way that you can also bring a different topic each week to your Focusing, and concentrate on building your 8Cs which help you live as your Self more often.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners, Intermediate/Advanced
- GMT -3
Florentina Sassoli Alejandro Juroczko
Demostracion de acompañamiento en vivo.
Topic: Beginners, Certification, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced
Amona Buechler, Coordinator in Training Intermediate Focusing Skills
Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart. Deepen your Focusing Partnership skills.

April 29 to Aug 12, 2024, Mondays

United States-PDT West Coast: 7:00 am to 10:00 am
United States-EST East Coast: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
England–GMT: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Central Europe-CET Central European Time 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Topic: Intermediate/Advanced
- Eastern Time (New York Time)
Annette Dubreuil
Learn Gendlin's classic 6 steps of Focusing in this interactive 2-hour workshop. There will be a Focusing demonstration. And you will have the opportunity to experience Focusing for a 20-minute turn, as well as a listening turn in breakout groups.

Next sessions (pick one 2-hour session to attend):
-Sunday, April 28, 6:30-8:30 pm Eastern

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners
Gosia Bochińska Katarzyna Fiorita
Nie ma drogi do pokoju.To pokój jest drogą. - Mahatma Gandhi 
Focusing jest taką pokojową drogą … praktyką sztuki zatrzymywania się, pauzą, zwalnianiem w całym momentum zabiegania i wymagań dnia … nieustannym powracaniem do odczuwania siebie … i to pomaga nam uczyć się wracać do obecności, otwartości … odnawiać z ufnością świadomość, że dookoła nas …i wewnątrz nas ... w skupieniu, w tym specjalnym czasie, który na to przeznaczamy …jesteśmy bliżej pokoju. Pokoju ze sobą samą, samym i pokoju ze światem…i tyle możemy zrobić … tylko … albo aż …
Topic: Changes Groups
- Cd. de México time
Fotografía de Salvador Moreno López Fotografía de Helena Ortiz Cassaigne
Aprenderás experiencialmente cómo aprovechar el poder de la voz y los gestos tanto para comprender experiencialmente a tus consultantes, como para expresar tu empatía experiencial.

Transmitiendo desde Zapopan, Jalisco, México
Topic: FOT
- Eastern Time
Empathy Circle Annette Dubreuil
An empathy circle, practiced in a Focusing way, is at first a regular Focusing exchange, however it is held by the entire group. As such, there is a Focuser, a listener, and the remaining participants act as observers/witnesses.
Topic: Beginners, Changes Groups, Intermediate/Advanced, Ongoing