Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals. Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.
Untangling® Retreats are 6-day residential retreats for people with Focusing experience who want to apply our Untangling® method to life’s most hard-to-change issues.
We’ve been teaching Untangling® Retreats in 15 countries over the past 25 years, helping thousands of people learn our method, getting responses like this one from Paul Fitzgerald: "The experience was like a dissolving of an old way of seeing life and having new eyes to engage life with more freedom. I'd highly encourage anyone interested in deepening their Focusing to take this course."
We believe that transformation occurs most readily in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance, openness, warmth, playfulness, and support. Our mission is to enable you to live from your vibrant,
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore the application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2025 is being our own Self-Mentor. We will explore and build the resourcing qualities life is asking of us now.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome. These webinars emphasize Gendlin's action step; how is it we bring Focusing concepts into our daily living.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.
Join us for Part 2 of the live, virtual 9-week training in Inner Relationship Focusing. This next step in your journey deepens your practice, equipping you with the skills to foster profound, lasting change in both your personal and professional life.
In June 2025, Professor Akira Ikemi will lead a three-day workshop for intermediate-level focusers in Warsaw, Poland. The workshop will cover Professor Ikemi’s current interests: Focusing Alpha and Focusing Beta, introduce Asian Focusing, and explore experiential scales. It is a great opportunity to practice in an international Focusing community and to visit the beautiful city of Warsaw at this lovely time of year. The workshop will be conducted in English.
Invite yourself to come to an intensive 5 day Focusing training in July 2024 about “A unique possibility to experience ‘Dynamic Focusing”! It will be from monday 7th (18 pm) till the saturday the 12th (13 pm) in Friesland. Several topics are essential and will be covered: Listening in three directions; The Emerging Body language Unconditional authentic empathy, Creating space, Safety and boundaries, Contact/ Contract; Selfcare; Working with symbolisations/ expression and of course (pre-verbal) inner child work. More information: look at
The venue is “De Bron” a retreat and conference centre ;There are plenty of opportunities in the local area for canoeing, walking, biking and sight seeing.
At some time or another, all of us have been in conflict with someone that we love or that is significant in our lives. Perhaps it was a parent, a child, a partner, a friend, a colleague…whoever it was, something happened, something got in the way of the relationship.
In Social Oriented Focusing ׂׂ(SOFׁ) there is an understanding that the relationship is more important than the conflict, and from this perspective, we can use SOF tools to stop our automatic patterns of reacting and actually manage the conflict.
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore the application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2025 is being our own Self-Mentor. We will explore and build the resourcing qualities life is asking of us now.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome. These webinars emphasize Gendlin's action step; how is it we bring Focusing concepts into our daily living.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.
Das Modul ECC2 der Weiterbildung Erlebensbezogenes-Concept-Coaching vermittelt, wie Sie Suchprozesse nach Stimmigkeit unterstützend begleiten, ohne eine Lösung anzubieten. Mit Hilfe eigener Fallbeispielen reflektieren Sie, wie durch Focusing und Thinking at the Edge (TAE), eine kongruente Begleitung möglich wird.
Die Veranstaltung findet online und vom 4.-6. August 2025 im Humboldthaus statt.
The historical role of our great spiritual traditions, whether theistic or non-theistic, has been to challenge authority, question prevailing opinions, pursue truth, advocate for the voiceless, forgive the unforgiven, and persuade through love rather than force. We invite you to a retreat on radical love. Radical not as a mere synonym but as an antonym to the extremisms polarizing contemporary societies. Radical as in returning to our roots (radix) and sources, seeking a love that is able to to create space for and prioritize the well-being of the other, and offer a path to personal healing and liberation. The type of love that the Buddha and Mahaprajapati, Mary and Jesus, Socrates and Hypatia, and Esther and Jeremiah pursued unwaveringly.
The retreat will be hosted by the Institut Vajra Yogini, a Buddhist center located in a 19th century chateau in the French country-side near Toulouse.
Die Focusing Wochen auf dem Achberg sind seit über drei Jahrzehnten ein alljährlicher Treffpunkt für Focusing-Interessierte aus Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich. Gastreferentin für das Auftaktseminar ist in diesem Jahr Christiane Geiser, unter anderem Mitübersetzerin des Prozessmodells ins Deutsche. Im zweiten Teil der Woche bieten Trainerinnen und Trainer des Focusing Netzwerks zahlreiche Kurse an: Focusing-Grundkurs, Trainerseminar, Focusing und Schreiben, Traumarbeit mit Focusing, ein Focusing Labor sowie begleitende Supervision. Herzlich willkommen sind auch diejenigen, die in der Atmosphäre der Focusing-Gemeinschaft ausspannen, Energie und Inspiration sammeln wollen.
Smartview Conversations is a monthly online gathering to explore the application of our Focusing skills to daily life and interactions. Our skill emphasis for 2025 is being our own Self-Mentor. We will explore and build the resourcing qualities life is asking of us now.
We will model how to create a safe, playful environment that facilitates neural plasticity. These webinars are FREE to attend. Both experienced Focusers and people new to Focusing are welcome. These webinars emphasize Gendlin's action step; how is it we bring Focusing concepts into our daily living.
We meet on the 4th Tuesday, twice in the same day for different time zones. The times are 11:30am - 12:30pm ET New York time and 7:30 - 8:30pm ET New York time.
This course will teach participants the basics of Focusing.
It will be held on 4 friday/saturday sessions in the area of Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
The course-language will be german, if there is a need for an english-spoken class, pls reach out. There will be a certification at the end.
PART 2 is about deepening into the Focusing and Listening process by looking more at the role of the Companion. A companion to ourselves as well as others. I introduce neuroscience here. We develop further our personal concept of creating an inner space that welcomes it all and adapting that space as we follow our process. Requires some previous partnership experience.
Join us for an online advanced Focusing class that helps you understand where you are within a process and then, to sense what is needed from you for this situation now. Utilizing Inner Relationship Focusing, Spatial Awareness and Neuroscience concepts, we learn to guide ourselves and others in ways that invite relational trust, lasting change and life forward flow. Valuable practices for healing professionals, teachers, etc. Discount for those repeating.
Our goal here is to return to the essence of Focusing and ourselves as living process. I ask that participants are Focusing weekly with a partner at least one month before class begins and throughout our time together. There is a lot of reading, often more than you might choose to do. We touch on a variety of approaches to learn and practice Focusing. We begin and end remembering that always that which has learned Focusing is Partiality, not Presence. My Part 4 is a great place to return to whenever you would like to go deeper with your process from wherever it is. Requires Part 3 or equivalent experience.
Meets 8-9 times on Wednesdays,7 – 9 pm New York time.
You've discovered you love Focusing...and you also know there's so much more to learn about applying it to your life. Living a Focusing Life is an 18-meeting, live, online advanced Focusing course to help you gain more confidence as a Focusing partner and work with key issues like action blocks, decisions, longing, and more.
Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell, author of The Radical Acceptance of Everything
Includes live meetings on Zoom, readings, discussions, group exercises, and partnership practices.