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Our Organic Home: Sharing in Community with Cafecitos and Mesas Redondas

Cafecitos Team

January 17, 2024

Lea en español

A sigh and an ahhhhhhhhhh... That's how this article about Cafecitos and Round Tables begins. In the sigh, an open space weaves through the center of my chest offering me deep rest. Its felt structure is like a seat for the soul, like a simple throne of abstract smoothness and infinite dimensions.

In the ahhhhhhhh comes an image of sharing an afternoon with Florentina, Alejandro, Lucia and Jimena at the Cafecitos. I took a trip to the subtle organic home that is generated when they are together. And what a great pleasure it was! This was my first experience with the team of Cafecitos and Mesas Redondas. My task was to meet with the team about their process as a group and to share that with the TIFI community.

I get goosebumps when I remember their descriptions of how Cafecitos was born from Florentina Sassoli’s knowing that the Spanish-speaking membership of TIFI needed a place of belonging in The International Focusing Institute community. Back in 2016 the journey of Cafecitos began with Florentina, then with Mariana Pisula and now, more recently, with Florentina, Alejandro, Lucía and Jimena forming the special team which generates this organic home where Spanish-speaking Focusers can feel like we belong.

Alejandro spoke of feeling at home with the team, something that was hard to explain but that, little by little, became clear to him. When, for the first time, he heeded the call of Cafecitos it was a strange sensation of a deep longing that wanted to be part of the accompanying puzzle.

Next, Lucía spoke of the importance of creating spaces to share from the Spanish-speaking world and how barriers fall as something meaningful connects countries and people.

Jimena spoke of the gentleness of the organic mechanism which has formed among them and the importance of sharing Focusing with those who do not speak English.

Pausing with all that was shared in this loving group, it felt like a highly defined mechanism without a pre-defined meaning. It’s a matrix where all the pieces are part of the living moment. From there they find their next move, their new setting and their next step in co-creation.

Who would not want to visit this organic home to experience the pleasure of feeling welcome among friends?

And if, like me, you were not yet familiar with the specialties on their menu, I will gladly share with you what I discovered.

If you like, you can come to the Round Tables where people meet as equals and sense into significant topics with space for everyone to share. The Round Tables offer support to the whole group, including personal processes that may occur among attendees. The sessions are not recorded.

Cafecitos, as the name suggests, is a way of inviting people to "Come have a cup of coffee with us!” Maybe you have a Focusing topic you are passionate about, a way of living Focusing applied to an aspect of life that you would like to share with the community. This is your place to do it! Get in touch with the Cafecitos team and they will be delighted to receive you in this space that organically accommodates itself to all that arrive.

Cafecitos has the feeling of a relaxed gathering among friends and, at the same time, it is a shared experience with everyone who arrives at each Cafecito. The truth is that I don't want to miss it and I hope to revisit this organic home — which I already feel part of — at some moment in the near future.

When I came into contact with the Cafecitos team I felt somehow part of that abstract mechanism that offers trust and openness to the adaptability of the moment. There is implicit permission to attend what is not clear until it comes in contact with the moment and is ready. That changes everything. It really feels like belonging to something much bigger, a common space that unfolds in growing together without that being the original intention. Simply put, I sense in the team a continuing gestation process of individual growth from the collective implicit as the group is there together.

Feel free to stop by and visit the Cafecitos or the Mesas Redondas. If you would like to participate as a guest, contact the Cafecitos team at [email protected]. They’ll be glad to hear from you.

If you are a member of TIFI and would have a question or would like to offer a topic you have an idea for a Cafecito or a Mesa Redonda, please contact the team at: [email protected].

 You’ll find all this and much more in the organic home between Cafecitos and Round Tables.

By Marta Fabregat

Translated by Beatrice Blake

Marta Fabregat
Marta Fabregat


Marta Fabregat is a Focusing Coordinator offering Focusing training in both Spanish and English. She is the founder of the Focusing program “Sensed Ecology: Living with Nature Through Native Plant Initiations.” Marta is also an herbal medicine woman in the Mediterranean, Celtic and Navaho tradition, The Beauty Way. You can learn more about Marta at: