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Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy



Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: What is it?

A Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist (FOT) is a psychotherapist, counselor or psychologist, licensed in their jurisdiction, who, in addition to their therapy training, has completed a certification program specializing in integrating Focusing into therapy.  In FOT, the client is invited to notice how their body makes feelings about their life issues, and they are helped to gently access what the body says about what they are experiencing.

If you're looking for a Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist, please click here.

Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy articles >>


Training in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

Click here to learn About Training in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy

Conference on Focusing-Oriented Therapy:

We run a regular Focusing-Oriented Therapy Conference.  
We held one online November 2-5, 2023.  See above for more information on that one.  The FOT conferences have generally taken place every 2 years.  Check out the 2023 Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy Conference at this link.

SEE Focusing and Dreams 

For more information about Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy
please see the Website link: International Association of Focusing-Oriented Therapists (IAFOTs)

YouTube Channel: Focusing-Oriented Therapies

What FOT is - German, Chinese and Romanian

German | Chinese | Romanian 

FOT Event Listings

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Language of Instruction
- Hora del Este
Naty Calviño. Coordinadora Certificante, Terapeuta Orientada al Focusing, Counselor
Este Programa está diseñado para terapeutas y profesionales de otras áreas de ayuda que quieren enriquecer y llevar su trabajo con consultantes un paso más allá con Focusing. Aquellos que califican pueden también hacer toda la Formación para obtener su Certificación FOT de TIFI.
Es un curso continuo de 1 1/2 horas cada dos semanas, los jueves, que puede ser tomado independientemente o como parte de todo el Programa de Certificación.

Topic: FOT
Angie Hensley, PhD, LMFT
This two-year training program for healers will create a sacred space where we open to our embodied, wildish nature as the ground for developing our capacity to midwife soul healing. Through focusing and the felt sense, together we will come into a deeper relationship with the wisdom of our bodies and the natural world, integrating focusing and the felt sense as we grow our medicine woman toolkits.

You will learn divine feminine ways of knowing and being to develop:
• deep, embodied, soulful connections with other healing artists
• capacity to engage with focusing therapeutically for yourself, your clients and your community
• ability to become ensouled and bring more soul forward with your clients and communities using a focusing approach

Topic: FOT
- Eastern Time
serge prengel focusing-oriented therapy
The way we work with our clients reflects the relational and embodied nature of our mind process.
In this course, you study how the bodily felt sense emerges in the context of interaction and explore the physicality of our relational patterns.
You do this experientially as you practice creatively using embodied experience to harness the transformative power of Integrative Focusing. 

Online (Zoom)
Topic: FOT
- US Eastern Time (New York)
DNA of change Serge Prengel
With Integrative Focusing, the goal of lasting change is not separate from how we work to achieve it.
You practice ways to foster a mindful, proactive space in which clients will organically tap into their inner ability to heal and grow.
You develop a quality of presence that allows clients to face what might otherwise feel uncomfortable or even unbearable and allows new possibilities to emerge.
Topic: FOT