Your Hosts

Where & When
You will be given the link to join the class once you enroll by filling out the contact form at
"You need to stand again in your own put into the world what hasn't been said yet, that you are carrying from your particular experience." --Gene Gendlin
Is there something that you’d like to do or write about but you lack the confidence to begin? TAE helps you put subtle perceptions into words so that you can write and act from what you know.
Do you long to contribute to the world from the richness of your experience? TAE can help you discover in a new direction in life that follows from of all you have lived.
Maybe you need clarity and next steps about a persistent problem or a complex decision. TAE helps you find the unique gifts that come from the challenges you face.
Thinking at the Edge allows you to Focus about an issue over time. This gives your ideas and projects the attention and space they need to grow. You will learn how to sense into your own lived experience, bringing life to your ideas in a way that can’t be reached by intellect alone. As a result, your project will become imbued with heart-felt breadth, depth, and commitment. You will be able to talk about it and act on it in a new way.
To enroll, please fill out the contact form at
Registration Information and Price
US$295.00 for the seven week course, with partnership practice sessions in between classes.