Your Hosts

Where & When
I wonder what it is in your everyday life that reminds you to pause, and check in with your body?
I was walking through the Iris van Herpen exhibition, and this wall text snagged my attention:
"I try to reveal the invisible connections that exist between all the different layers of life." - Iris van Herpen
Iris van Herpen explores the interrelatedness of all living things, both visible and invisible. She understands each person as unique and part of a whole, connected to nature by their physicality as well as their spirit, soul and memory. Blending her interests in anatomy, biology, science and architecture, her designs explore the interconnections of ecosystems and their cycles of growth, decay and regeneration.
While not an exact match, it did remind me of Gene Gendlin's oft-quoted
"Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people - in fact, the whole universe."
and that reminded me to pause, and sense into how my body was carrying this experience of returning to the exhibition after a first brief visit, hoping to see everything, read everything, experience everything - and found, to my complete surprise, that my body was both overwhelmed with the sheer volume of data, and somehow disappointed, that in spite of the time and attention I had given the exhibition, it somehow had not delivered what I'd been hoping for. And so, completely at rest, I walked out of the art gallery and into the sunshine.
Well, our regular Focusing meeting gives us all that opportunity to pause and to listen to our body. We would love you to join us, this coming Saturday 5 October at 9:00am Australian Eastern Standard Time.
Check your time zone here:
We will continue our practice of dipping lightly into Gene Gendlin's Focusing book - we are up to Chapter 8: If You Can't Find a Felt Sense. Don't feel you need to read the chapter before attending - but we'll be very interested in your noticings and wonderings if you do.
Merilyn Mayhew: [email protected]
Sue Burrell: [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Please email Merilyn Mayhew on [email protected] so we can send you the Zoom link.