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Introduction to Felt Sensing (Focusing)

The first course of the Felt Sensing and With-Sensing training (Focusing and Listening)

Your Hosts

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Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo
Felt Sensing path

Facilitated by Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo, MSc Counselling

Where & When

Tuesdays October 19. & 26., November 2. & 9. Time: 18.30-21.00 CEST (CET from Nov. 2)
Central European Time (CEST), turning into Centreal European time as Dayight Saving ends on Nov. 30

Online Joining Information

A Zoom link will be provided before the course starts

Meeting Format

This is the introduction to The Basics of Felt Sensing and With-Sensing. (You can sign up for only this course, to get a taster, and decide afterwards if you want to do the rest of the training).

In this course you will get to know this wonderful process of getting to connect to your inner voice, and to becoming softer and more compassionate to yourself and others.

The course introduces the wonderful Sensing Partnership, which is a supportive, non-intrusive, advice free space to offer and be offered.

The goal of this course is to start sensing in the body, touching into inner experiences, describing and resonating for yourself, and offering the welcoming and warmly curious way of listening to others in Sensing Partnership.

Prerequisites: The course has no prerequisites, and fits for anyone with an interest Felt Sensing/Focusing and in listening to yourself and others.

The full training leads to a Certificate of Felt Sensing and With-Sensing (Focusing and Listening) and is the prerequisite for embarking on the track to becoming a Focusing Trainer.

Read what previous participants say about the training

Registration Information and Price

Price: NOK1500,- convert to your currency (Payable by PayPal or Wise)

Tuesdays October 19. & 26., November 2. & 9.
Time: 18.30-21.00 (CEST - convert to your timezone)

Minimum participants for the course to start: 4

Maximum number of participants: 8

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