at the TAE Academy

NOVEMBER 10 - 13, 2022
(carrying over to November 14 in Asia/Oceania)
This 4-day online Academy will allow you to both take a deep dive into TAE, and also to get a broad experience of outstanding teachers from all over the world.
The heart of the TAE Academy will be your “Main Class.” When you register, you will choose to work with one of the four Main Teachers (below). You will be with your teacher for all four days of the Academy, 3 hours each day.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
The Board has drafted a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) statement, which can be found HERE.
The statement is intended to communicate that we are aware that sometimes we are unaware. We know that we can be unaware of ways in which we exclude certain kinds of people. The evidence for this is a lack of certain groups of people within our ranks. We wish to make clear our desire to be welcoming and inclusive for the sake of equity in our community and our world.
If you identify as part of a group that ought to be more included in any aspect of the activities of The International Focusing Institute, we are especially interested to know whether this statement resonates for you.
From your perspective, does this statement leave you convinced that we are seeking to have an equitable relationship with you and people like you? Why or why not? Or, what other thoughts or feelings do you have about this statement? We welcome feedback by e-mail, and we are very much open to a Zoom meeting if that is deemed desirable.
Please note that for those members of The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) who are not part of any such under-represented group, you are also invited to give your feedback now, although we do intend to have another version to send out after receiving feedback from this request.
Thank you,
The Board of TIFI

Three New Chinese Translations of Gendlin Papers
简德林. (1992). 身体的首要性,而非感知的首要性(Gendlin. (1992). The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception)
简德林. (1995). 交叉与浸入(Gendlin. (1995). Crossing and dipping)
简德林. (1997). 《体验和意义的创造》平装本前言(Gendlin. (1997). Preface to the paper edition_Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning
We want to extend a big thank you to Sicong Cao. In the past few months, Sicong has spent time translating three more of Gendlin's papers into Chinese.
I have been studying Gendlin's philosophy and that's really rich and enlightening! From the "Core Group" of the "Philosophy of the Implicit" literature of the Gendlin Online Library ( -- Sicong Cao, China
简德林. (1992). 身体的首要性,而非感知的首要性(Gendlin. (1992). The primacy of the body, not the primacy of perception)
简德林. (1995). 交叉与浸入(Gendlin. (1995). Crossing and dipping)
简德林. (1997). 《体验和意义的创造》平装本前言(Gendlin. (1997). Preface to the paper edition_Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning
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曹思聪 曹思聪是一位心理咨询师和一位认证聚焦专业人士。他生活在中国武汉,为本地和网络来访者提供咨询帮助。他的兴趣包括内隐哲学和聚焦取向疗法,以及精神分析及其实践。 Sicong Cao Sicong Cao is a psychotherapist and a Certified Focusing Professional. He lives in Wuhan, China, and provides counseling to local and online clients. His interests include implicit philosophy and Focusing-Oriented Therapy, as well as psychoanalysis and its practice. |
We are happy to congratulate the following new Coordinator, Coordinators-in-Training, Certified Focusing Professionals (including Trainers and Focusing-Oriented Therapists) and Proficiency in Partnership Awards (PFP). Congratulations to each of them on their achievement. We wish them all the very best in their ongoing endeavors!
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Peter J. Ryan, USA Mentoring Coordinator: Beth Mahler. Peter is also supported by Coordinators Suzanne Noel and Peter Cheung. Peter is a licensed professional counselor in Pennsylvania, specializing in Focusing Oriented Therapy with an emphasis on relationships and personal development. He offers therapy, training, and coaching, as well as a two-year certification program for becoming a certified Focusing professional. His clinical practice includes extensive work with parents and families, LGBTQ teenagers, autism, and millennial adults in life transitions. He has extensive training in Zen Buddhism and often use Buddhist psychology in his work. |
Florian Christensen, Switzerland
Mentoring Coordinator: Achim Grube
Supported by Lore Korbei and Sylvia Hübschen
Erwin Vlerick, Belgium
Mentoring Coordinator: René Veugelers
Supported by Jessie Delooz and Laura Bavalics
New Certified Focusing Professionals
Rima Abboud, Israel |
Sar Levi, Israel |
Bassam Atallah |
Jane Mealey-Reed |