The Third Felt Sense Conference
"Embodied Liberation:
The Felt Sense and Social Justice"
The 2021 Felt Sense Conference is scheduled for December 3-5, 2021 and registration is now open!
Felt sensing is not to be constrained within boundaries. In the Felt Sense Conference, we are looking to cross the bridge from the individual to the community, from words to action, and from the sofa to the streets. Focusing, Thinking at the Edge, and the Philosophy of the Implicit are powerful and life changing, and can transform all areas of human experiencing.
Watch for a full schedule coming soon! We've received many wonderful proposals for workshops and panels. If you submitted a proposal for a workshop and/or application to be a panelist, you will be notified as to whether your application has been selected by November 1.
The conference will be a blend of workshops and panel discussions. Please join us to harness the power of felt sensing for the work of justice!
We are delighted to offer our first Facets of Focusing Online Summit!
We’ve combed through our archives of the many engaging people who have offered workshops, lectures and classes over the last several years. We’ve curated a collection which will give you a broad experience of the many facets of Focusing and Felt Sensing.
Five days of Videos
You’ll be treated to three videos a day which will give you a sparkling array of experiences and insights. From Wholebody Focusing to Children & Focusing, to
Finding your Voice, to opening up to “Widefulness,” and more! All will inspire you with the many ways that life and society can break free from pre-set patterns.
We have talks from:
Donata Schoeller, Peter Campbell, Jim Iberg, Ifat Eckstein, Irit Tessel, Ram Eisenberg, Glenn Fleisch, Leonie Stewart, Beatrice Blake, Marcella Calabi, Nada Lou, Laura Bavalics and Lynn Preston!
Two Daily Zoom Conversations
We will feature two Zoom conversations at opposite ends of each day (10am and 10pm New York time), to accommodate all time zones. We hope you’ll attend as many of these as you can. The Zoom sessions are unscripted opportunities for you to share reflections on what you’ve watched with other participants in the Summit.
The videos released will each remain available to you for 72 hours. After the Summit, they go back into our archives, so don’t miss this opportunity!
Terapeuta na krawędzi – doświadczenie superwizji korekcyjnej Ireneusz Kaczmarczyk |
W 2001 roku, w Penn State Univeristy (USA), grupa przedstawicieli różnych modalności psychoterapeutycznych kierowana przez prof. Louisa Castonguay’ego i prof. Clarę Hill odbyła pierwszą z kilku konferencji poświęconych sformułowaniu cech „dobrego terapeuty”. Jedna z tych konferencji dotyczyła korekcyjnych doświadczeń.
„To, jakimi jesteśmy
wyznaczają nasze rany”
- Claude Missiaen
„Korekcyjnym doświadczeniem nazywamy takie doświadczenie, które sprawia, że człowiek zyskuje zrozumienie wydarzenia lub relacji lub doświadcza ich w inny i niespodziewany sposób” – orzekli uczestnicy spotkania. „Doświadczenia korekcyjne to tylko część terapii, ale są taką jej częścią, która często prowadzi do transformacji, co czyni je ważnym dla badań procesem” – uzasadniała to spotkanie dr Clara Hill. Publikacja pod tytułem „Transformacje w psychoterapii”, pod redakcją Louisa Castonguay i Clary Hill, to efekt tej konferencji.
W tym artykule, skupiając się na procesie superwizyjnym, staram się - za autorami publikacji – przybliżyć założenia tego zjawiska, dzieląc się również swoimi doświadczeniami.
We want to thank all the TIFI members who attended the two Special Board Meetings in September and October. Over 30 members representing 15 different countries attended to get to know the Board members and ask questions. Nelle Moffett, President, convened the Sept 27th meeting, and Evelyn Fendler-Lee, Vice President, convened the Oct 1st meeting. Both began the meetings by describing the role and function of the Board of Directors of a non-profit organization. This was followed by by presentations by each Board member of their Focusing history as well as their “Portfolio” area of responsibility on the Board.
At the Sept 27 meeting, Board Treasurer Darryl Commings reported that TIFI received an excellent rating on the annual audit of TIFI finances. Following Board member sharing, the second half of the session was open for questions and comments from the members. There were many expressions of appreciation from the members and a few questions which were directed either to a specific Board member or to the Executive Director. We were delighted to hear several members expressing their appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the Board, and were equally grateful for the opportunity to meet with members from around the world.
Recordings of the two sessions will be made available to TIFI members.
With great respect from the TIFI Board:
Nelle Moffett, USA (President)
Evelyn Fendler-Lee, USA/Germany (Vice-President)
Darryl Commings, USA (Treasurer)
Peter Afford, UK
Paula Nowick, USA
Florentina Sassoli, Argentina
ILC Update
Coordinators Meeting Planned for 2022
The ILC has agreed to take on the role of organizing the Coordinators' meeting, which will take place in France in the two days prior to the International Focusing Conference.
Since its inception, the main area of attention for the ILC has been to consider the ways in which current times might be inviting us to make some changes to the ways that we certify, and what implications that might have for the relationship of Certifying Coordinators to TIFI.
At the Coordinators' meeting, the ILC will present findings from the series of conversations we had with Coordinators about their perceptions of their roles and functions within TIFI. We'll present some tentative conclusions and invite more feedback. We are also planning to present the final plan for what we've been calling the "Pilot Program" (whose primary feature is the requirement that a Coordinator-in-Training have a Support Team of 3 current Coordinators). We'll have these discussions and more, as well as time for socializing and sharing.
We hope that as many of you as possible can attend the Coordinators' meeting in France. We will do our best to have an effective way for those who cannot attend connected by Zoom.

International Focusing Conference 2022
New Facebook Page
Stay up-to-date on the 2022 International Focusing Conference by visiting the newly-launched Facebook page.
We are pleased to congratulate the following new Coordinator and Coordinator-in-Training
and welcome him to the International Focusing Institute.
We wish them all the very best in his ongoing endeavors!
New Coordinator
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lmar Kruithoff - German Mentoring Coordinator - Ann Weiser Cornell Elmar Kruithoff is a psychologist working internationally with both individuals and groups in modern work environments. He has a strong interest in helping people improve their ability to explore, support and be with their inner experience, specializing in process-oriented work and how the quality of our attention influences our thinking, feeling and acting, as well as the connection to our body and environment. |
We want to thank everyone who has sent us their wonderful comments about the newsletter. We really appreciate it! We would also like to invite all of our readers to send any comments and suggestions for things you'd like to see and read about in our In Focus newsletter.
Please send your ideas, suggestions and comments to: [email protected]

We want to thank all the participants who attended the September Focus-A-Thon.
A very special thank you to all the volunteers who helped us to make it such a success!
Comments from Participants
Listening to leaders from other cultures expands my understanding of Focusing.
-- Minda Novek, United States
It was an amazing way to observe the practice...especially for beginners!
Many open minds and open hearts. Thank you!
-- Karen Vincent, Canada
So exciting! Teachers from different areas highlighting different aspects of Focusing.
This is what I enjoy about the Focus-A-Thon.
-- Sammy Wang, Taiwan


A Special Thank You to Kamila Jacob
We've had the pleasure of having Kamila Jacob with us on staff for the last year. She has helped with a number of things, most notably with Roundtables and organizing the Focus-A-Thons. Kamila has found other work and will be leaving us. We thank her for all her great work and we wish her the best of luck! A fond farewell to her. Her email will be active for the next few weeks: [email protected] |
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