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Where & When
Registrants will be sent information on how to join the conference shortly before the conference start.
This conference has ended but post registrations are available through May 1, 2022. The recordings will be available through May 31, 2022.
The Third Felt Sense Conference
Honoring the work of Eugene T. Gendlin
"Embodied Liberation: the Felt Sense & Social Justice”
December 3 - 5, 2021
Start Friday 10:00 am Eastern Time (NY) Your time here
End Sunday 5:00 pm Eastern Time (NY)
Panels and Workshops will be recorded and accessible to registrants through May 31, 2022.
“We cannot be sure that Focusing will always undo imposed forms from society, but having a ‘political analysis’ can help us to see things and question things that we might not otherwise notice.”
~ Eugene Gendlin
Let’s come together to explore the social change potency and potential of Focusing. Let’s create steps forward for bringing Focusing, Thinking at the Edge, and the Philosophy of the Implicit to movements for liberation, earth justice, gender/sexuality inclusion and anti-racism work. This conference is intended for anyone with an interest in felt sensing, developing our political and ethical awareness, and supporting actions for social change.
The Felt Sense Conference began in 2018 to honor the work of Gene Gendlin by exploring the many facets of felt sensing. We want to make sure that felt sensing is not constrained within boundaries. We are looking to cross the bridge from the individual to the community, from words to action, and from the sofa to the streets. Focusing, Thinking at the Edge, and the Philosophy of the Implicit are powerful and life changing, and can transform all areas of human experiencing.
Darryl Commings |
Yao-Obiora Dibia |
Gabrielle Hoffman |
Sean Ambrose Gender/sexuality Inclusion Panel
Sean (he/mostly him) is a psychotherapist and embodiment teacher in the greater Seattle area, with a Masters in existential phenomenology from Seattle University. His wolf-dog Niya, is his greatest therapist and a good friend of Minerva and Echo (Niki’s pups)
Taj Baker & Gwenn Cody - Hope in the Unknown: Facing the Climate Emergency (Workshop)
Capacity to stay embodied while facing climate crises is important to well-being. We will use tools from Focusing and Theatrical Improv to build bridges between embodied presence and creative responses to unknown events, to increase resilience and hope and meaningful action when outcomes aren’t known.
Amy “Taj” Baker presented “Embodied Play: Focusing and Improv” as a Focusing Highlight and taught a workshop for TIFI on the same topic. She teaches mindful improvisation and facilitates workshops using applied improvisation, expressive arts, and body-centered approaches including Focusing. In 2015 she presented at a national conference for emergency preparedness using theatrical improvisation and resilience skills as tools for responsiveness. She received a Master's degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and Art Therapy from Naropa University in 2001.
Gwenn Cody is a clinician with over 30 years of experience in body-oriented psychotherapy including Hakomi, Core Energetics, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR and other modalities. She has worked with both developmental and shock trauma in her practice and taught many experiential workshops on deeper connection with self and others. In 2019 she developed and taught a class called "Climate Trauma and Resilience.”
Larry Berger - Earth/Climate Change Panel
Lawrence Berger has been developing a philosophy of attention for many years over the course of his academic career. He was formerly a business school professor at the universities of Iowa and Pennsylvania, after which he decided to engage in philosophy full time, teaching philosophy at Marist College and Montclair State University. He has published a number of articles on the philosophy of attention, and is working on a book entitled The Politics of Attention and the Promise of Mindfulness, in which Eugene Gendlin’s A Process Model plays a central role.
Beatrice Blake - Finding Your Unique Path to Social Justice Action with Thinking at the Edge (Workshop)
We are used to thinking of political action as marching in a demonstration, joining a phone bank, knocking on doors, writing letters, volunteering, making donations. Those are all valid ways of advocating for change. However, they do not reach the deeper issues that need to be addressed in order for social justice transformation to occur.
As Focusers, we know that there are intricate felt senses associated with any topic. What if teaching Focusing were seen as a valid tool to help people discuss issues like racism, sexism, climate change, and threats to democracy?
I envision of squadrons of Focusing listeners mobilized to help people explore all the feelings involved in theses issues. Why do people even think it is possible to discuss these things without mentioning all the feelings? Until now, the emphasis has been on “sharing stories” as a way of encouraging empathy. But people can get stuck in storytelling without paying attention to their inner experience of it.
In this workshop, people will sense into Steps 1, 6 and 7 of Thinking at the Edge to help them clarify and express their own unique form of social justice action.
Beatrice believes Focusing is the way to find meaning and forward movement in any life circumstance. It is the birthright of human beings. I envision a world in which parents who know how to listen to their inner knowing will raise children to trust their inner knowing.
One of my most fulfilling experiences has been accompanying three dynamic Salvadoran leaders in their process to become professional Focusing trainers. They share Focusing in areas as diverse as teen motherhood, at-risk girls and their families, LGBTQ rights, organizational crisis, and the rebirth of indigenous awareness in El Salvador.
Ann Weiser Cornell &
Anastasia Brencick
Felt Sensing Perfectionism and Dismantling White Supremacy (Workshop)
What does it mean to be White? White culture often makes white people unaware of what we do to Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC). We will sit with perfectionism as one part of white culture, and stay with our felt sense of it. Then we can begin to liberate ourselves from this false value and learn to stay with discomfort and allow next steps to emerge.
Anastasia has been a community organizer, social worker-turned-massage therapist and an advocate for social, racial and environmental justice for over 25 years. Since having children, this work became more personal and she has recommitted herself to unpacking what it means to be white, for liberation for all. She became a certified Focusing teacher and professional with TIFI in 2005 and teaches how to integrate bodywork and Focusing. She and her wife have two young children, 2.5 and 5 years old and live on an island in the Pacific Northwest.
Ann is an internationally known author and psychology educator who has been working with the Focusing process since she learned it in 1972 from Eugene Gendlin. She is the co-creator (with Barbara McGavin) of Inner Relationship Focusing and Untangling®, methods for working compassionately with parts while cultivating wholeness. She is convinced that Focusing can be a powerful force for the emotional healing that is a necessary part of freeing individuals and society from fear, hatred, and division.
Parke Burgess - Can Focusing Change the World? An Ethical Perspective. (Workshop)
Gendlin developed his thinking and Focusing model out of his experiences of the Holocaust, yet going inside seems so individual. How can Focusing change the world then? How does collective change happen using Focusing? We will explore Interaction First with exercises about what face to face interaction brings to our ethical actions.
Parke Burgess, a certified Focusing-oriented therapist, maintains a private practice in Tacoma, Washington, where he also offers EMDR therapy to clients suffering from trauma. He has been a social activist throughout his life, including a leadership position with Extinction Rebellion in 2019, and has written a book about violence and social change. In other news, he holds a doctorate in orchestral conducting and once trained to become a Zen monk–but instead became a therapist. He is currently composing his next book under the working title Living the Examined Life in a Broken World, from which this workshop is adapted.
Darryl Commings - Anti-Racism Panel & A Liberation Theology of Focusing (Workshop with Eric Seversen)
Focusing is inherently a liberating theological praxis. Based on the model of Inner Relationship Focusing developed by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin, I plan to resonate the Inner Relationship model with Robert McAfee Brown's model of liberating spirituality (from his book Spirituality and Liberation: Overcoming the Great Fallacy, 1988). I will also demonstrate how Focusing empowers liberating theological praxis via the “hermeneutical
circle” (also often called the “pastoral circle”). I will close by leaving space for felt sensing where new
theological and ethical praxis might arise.
Darryl Commings is a certified public accountant from St. Louis, Missouri USA. He has over 30 years experience in the field. However, his true passion is the human spirit. That passion drew him to Focusing which he combines with social justice activism and embodied spirituality. He is currently studying for his Doctor of Ministry degree (completed his Masters of Divinity in 2017). He believes that Focusing is, and should be, a force for human liberation and he looks forward to bringing all his skills to bear for the TIFI board.
Yao-Obiora Dibia - Anti-Racism Panel
Yao Obiora Dibia, LCSW, ACSW
Yao Obiora (he, him, and his) is a social work clinician, health and human rights advocate, and practitioner of healing centered experiences, and social justice. He developed the first ear acupuncture based program to treat addictions at a New York hospital and the first comprehensive housing program in the nation for persons with HIV/AIDS. He has studied Harm Reduction Psychotherapy, Alternatives to Violence, Social Presencing Theatre, Soul-Centered Therapy, Focusing/Embodied Listening, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, Hakomi and Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy (IFOT). Yao Obiora gives presentations and training to increase awareness of the sexual abuse of boys and men. He provides individual and group psychotherapy. He has partnered with Alliance of Families for Justice’s Self Knowledge Circles and been involved in the development of Songa Mbele (an initiative focusing on Young Men of Color and trauma/violence). Besides his involvement with professional social work organizations, he has affiliations with: NY State Men as Allies Coalition; NY State Crime Victims Academy (Instructor); National Acupuncture Detox Association Board of Directors; the Cures not Wars/Harm Reduction Working Group; Male Survivor; the South-South Institute on the Victimization of Men and Boys; and Reciprocity (wellness programs to LGBTQ youth).
Bailey Drechsler & Nina Joy Lawrence - White Embodied Anti-Racism Practice: Sensing Towards Whiteness without Supremacy (Workshop)
Heeding the call made by Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) for white folks to somatically metabolize our internal racialized terrain, this workshop invites participants to do so with the compassion and equanimity embedded within felt sensing/focusing.
Bailey Drechsler MA Psychology, Focusing & Listening (TIFI) Trainee, Somatic Abolitionist-in-Training under Resmaa Menakem, 25 years supporting individuals to land within their existential terrain.
Nina Joy Lawrence MS Counseling, Certifying Coordinator for TIFI, 30 years of Focusing, primary Focusing interests - Community Wellness.
Charles Herr, Gisela Uhl & Dave Young - Expanding Felt-Sensing & Focusing Into The Inseparable Realms Of Socio-Political, Spiritual & Personal (Workshop)
Gene writes: “...let us bring home to ourselves the real problem of ‘unconscious programming’, Let us grant how deeply programmed our bodies really are. However concerned we are with social change, we might create conformity if we are not aware of being programmed.” “Philosophical Critique of the Concept of Narcissism”, Gendlin, 1987.
Through teaching, demonstrations, and “step exercises”, we will use and develop further crucial points in Gene’s 20+ years of writings on Focusing and politics, and on Focusing and spirituality. This expands Focusing beyond self-help by expanding it into our larger society with its many realms (see below),“crossing” them, so that we become more empowered in our social living, effecting social change (to a greater or lesser degree)
Charles F. Herr, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, trained in psychoanalysis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and certified in Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy. He has also received years of intensive immersion and training in Nonviolent Communication. He has been interested in what Focusing and Nonviolent Communication can contribute to creating a collaborative society free of exploitation and dedicated to the full development of each person in a loving community. He had extensive conversations both in person and online with Eugene Gendlin on this topic. He draws on experiential practices from both Focusing and Nonviolent Communication to demonstrate processes that may contribute to creating a society based on more human relations.
Gisela Uhl became a certified Focusing teacher in Toronto in 1997. Originally a German city-planner, she has always been very interested in psychology, social questions, and philosophy, areas which she studied extensively while living in England, former British Guyana/South America, and Toronto/Canada. She studied Gendlin’s philosophy with Rob Foxcroft in Scotland, and became a friend of Gene Gendlin, with whom she was especially close during the last 1-2 years of his life. Gene introduced her to Dave, and since then, the two of them have had regular intense discussions about the relation of Focusing and Politics.
Dave Young is a retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker, who worked with individuals & families. A Focuser since 1981, he was in close contact with Gene Gendlin during the last several years of his life. Dave and his wife Jane were trainers in Gendlin’s Focusing workshops and in McMahon & Campbell’s Biospiritual Focusing workshops, as well as leaders in the Hyde Park Changes Group for several years. Dave has published and presented on various Focusing-related issues for 35 years. He also worked with Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication.
Marika Heinrichs - Gender/sexuality Inclusion Panel
Marika Heinrichs (she/her) is a queer femme of German, British, and Irish ancestry who has practiced as a somatic therapist and educator within social movement spaces for over a decade. She has trained in the lineages of generative somatics, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), Focusing, and NeuroAffective Touch and is currently a PhD candidate at the California Institute of Integral Studies.
Dana Hercbergs and Mary Anne Schleinich
Embodying an Ethics of Care, Beginning with our Selves: A Dialogue with Personal and Societal Voices (Workshop)
In witnessing the crescendo of the Black Lives Matter movement, many of us want to become more conscious, to shine a light on our own ways of seeing and being. For those who do not bear the brunt of racial violence, how can we participate in social healing, beginning with ourselves? As formulated by feminist Carol Gilligan, an ethics of care is a relational orientation to morality that serves humanity on equal footing with an ethics of justice. Informed by this sensibility, this workshop draws on the approaches of Focusing and Voice Dialogue to explore the deep abiding presences of separation within and around us.
Dana Hercbergs holds a doctorate in Folklore & Folklife from the University of Pennsylvania (2009). She has written about her ethnographic research with Palestinian and Israeli communities in Overlooking the Border: Narratives of Divided Jerusalem (2018). Dana has lectured in a number of universities in North America before pursuing non-profit work, eco-education, and chi gong and yoga instruction. She is currently enrolled in a Social Work masters program, and facilitates creativity workshops and support groups. She is pursuing certification as a Focusing Trainer and studies Thinking at the Edge.
Mary Anne Schleinich received her Master of Psychotherapy and Spirituality in 2015 and certified as an FOT. This grew out of her profession as Occupational Therapist, specializing in palliative care in Edmonton, Alberta. She has an online private psychotherapy practice, currently living in Calgary, Canada. Her life experience includes significant life stages on three different continents, where she became aware of difference and privilege at an early age. She is passionate about listening to the felt sense in each person, and about connecting with others in ways that expand our experience of living.
Ellen Korman Mains
Anti-Racism Panel
Ellen Korman Mains is a certified Focusing professional, Buddhist teacher, author and speaker. She studied closely with Tibetan meditation master, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, and led meditation retreats and workshops internationally for over three decades. Deeply trained in the Japanese art of Kyudo (Zen Archery) which she taught at Naropa University, Ellen has used Focusing to create a journey called “The Magical Practice of Feeling Your Life” for the Huddol app. Ellen’s award-winning memoir “Buried Rivers: A Spiritual Journey into the Holocaust” explores the cross-section of spirituality, collective trauma and ancestral connection. Her website is
Niki Koumoutsos - Gender/sexuality Inclusion Panel
Niki (she-they) is currently a licensed mental health associate practicing in the Greater Seattle area and is adjunct faculty at Seattle University. Niki lives with two dogs, Minerva and Echo, who love cats, Niya, and Sean.
Jeremy Mah - Earth/climate justice Panel
Jeremy is passionate about supporting those working to create change. Specifically, his interests lie in transformative learning and coaching, sustainability leadership, and environmental and social justice, and how our understanding of these fields can help create a more positive future. Jeremy recently completed his PhD research exploring how we can better support the resilience and effectiveness of those working to create change. In particular, he is interested in how Focusing can be used within coaching to support self-care and help prevent burnout. It is hoped this research will help to stimulate dialogue about how embodied ways of learning can support both personal and social change as one ongoing process.
Salvador Moreno-López - How to Free Ourselves from the Embodied Sociocultural Dominator? (Workshop)
In this workshop, I will invite the participants to discover experientially how demands, expectations, behavior patterns, beliefs, norms and values induced by the ideology of the dominant economic, political and sociocultural system are embodied.
Salvador Moreno-López works as a psychotherapist, facilitator, and lecturer. He is a member of TIFI and a Certifying Coordinator, and director of Focusing Mexico. He is interested in understanding the Lived World and the Music of the Speech within the processes of personal change, as well as the presence of sociocultural, economic, political, and religious structures in experiencing. Eugene Gendlin's Philosophy of the Implicit and Focusing, Mindfulness, the person-centered approach, sociology, literature, and jazz are some of his references. He has published articles and book chapters on these topics. He is the author of the book: Discovering my Body Wisdom, Focusing.
Jennifer Nurick - Embodied Safety Leading to Embodied Liberation (Workshop)
This workshop will look at an overview of the ‘Window of Tolerance’ (Dan Siegel) as a model to understand how our body and nervous system deals with trauma, sending us into either hyper or hypo arousal. This workshop will also discuss the impact of systemic stress on the width of this window and how we can grow our window of tolerance using tools such as Focusing. We will also draw on some of Bessel Van Der Kolk’s work around trauma and the body.
Hi! I’m Jennifer. I’m the founder of Psychotherapy Central, President of the International Energetic Healing Association, Ambassador for A Sound Life charity and 'The Embody Lab', mum to two beautiful children, wife, daughter, sister and friend. I have a Masters Degree in Applied Psychotherapy and Counselling. I am a licensed Clinical Psychotherapist, Counsellor and Energetic Healer with a specialisation in Complex Trauma and attachment issues in private practice in Sydney, Australia. You can think of me as a huge self-love advocate, a listening ear, and a holder of space for transformation and healing.
F. Javier Romeo-Biedma - Is this violence? Naming violence as advocacy (Workshop)
Social Justice has at its core preventing or reverting some form of violence. However, finding a common ground to identify and name violence can be difficult, especially when speaking about sensitive issues. In this workshop we will aim to find a handle for violence in our lives. We will be working experientially, drawing from our own childhood memories and experiences and finding a bodily felt-sense for violence. With this new awareness we will explore new ways of speaking about violence, forms that promote change.
F. Javier Romeo-Biedma is a clinical psychologist, Focusing Trainer and Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist based in Madrid, Spain. His work with at-risk children and youth in Spain, Morocco and Mauritania since 1995 has led him to research on violence prevention, detection and healing. Since 2009 he works at Espirales Consultoría de Infancia, an international consultancy firm specializing in childhood, affectivity, protection and communication ( He has developed materials, conducted research and trained professionals in Child Protection in Europe, Latin America and the Maghreb. He also has a private practice as a psychotherapist and teaches Focusing at Conexión Más Auténtica ( ).
Ole Sandberg, Donata Schoeller, Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, Monika Lindner, Greg Walkerden
Missing the Felt Sense: why rationalist arguments are not enough (Workshop/self-organized panel)
Members of the research group on Embodied Critical Thinking (ECT) and the European Erasmus+ funded Training Embodied Critical Thinking(TECT) programs will discuss Gendlin’s concept of the “felt sense” in the context of the contemporary political landscape –in particular,what happens when the felt sense is not articulated and allowed to carry forward.
Ole Martin Sandberg, University of Iceland, [email protected]
Donata Schoeller, University of Koblenz, [email protected]
Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, University of Iceland, [email protected]
Monika Lindner, Germany, University of Koblenz-Landau, [email protected]
Greg Walkerden, Macquarie University, [email protected]
Frans Sandbergen & René Veugelers - The Art of Getting Lost (Workshop)
Every human individual brings her or his unique contribution to the world. How to find the identity of this personal significance? How to get past the felt need to adjust to the demands society seems to impose on all of us? The felt sense is a direct key to finding the extraordinary qualities that paradoxically are so easily overlooked at the risk of remaining unnoticed. Where to find our almost forgotten ability to get past these inner border controls? This time asks for re-establishing an art of getting lost. In other words: the art of getting past the borders that keep away from the liberation that is so needed. Each voice needs to be heard.
Frans Sandbergen 30 Years experience in personal and career counselling in age groups 18-88 years. Theoretical and practical study in western and eastern philosophy. Focusing since 1997, TAE with Eugene Gendling 2005-2017. Author of ‘IT Wants–a pledge for unknown talent’, originator of the Cartographic Conversation, builder of listening communities (guilds) within and outside organisations.
René Veugelers 33 Years experience in health work as a Psychiatric nurse, group social worker, trained in Emerging Body Language ( EBL ), and now an Art therapist, teaching Children Focusing Internationally. He is Focusing Coordinator for the Netherlands, where he works with parents, children and adolescents, emphasizing the non-verbal world. www.ftcz.n
Greg Walkerden - Earth/climate justice Panel
Missing the Felt Sense: why rationalist arguments are not enough (Workshop)
Members of the research group on Embodied Critical Thinking (ECT) and the European Erasmus+ funded Training Embodied Critical Thinking(TECT) programs will discuss Gendlin’s concept of the “felt sense” in the context of the contemporary political landscape –in particular,what happens when the felt sense is not articulated and allowed to carry forward.
Greg Walkerden learned Focusing in 1986, and started environmental advocacy in 1987, advocating for wilderness and climate change action. In the 1990s he started an environmental software company to change careers. He then worked in environmental management for 18 years, primarily on water and biodiversity conservation issues, concurrently developing felt sense based approaches to professional practice. His research led him into an academic career, where he has worked particularly on climate change adaptation and reflective practice, and taught felt sense based ways of working to environmental professionals. He is a Focusing Trainer; his work has won a number of awards.
Fraser Watt - Gender/sexuatlity Inclusion Panel
Fraser Watt is an 18-year-old transman from Toronto, Ontario. His panel will be about his gender transition, ADHD, and how focusing has opened up vulnerability to feel back into his physical self.
Min Yoon - Archetypes for Poetic Justice (Workshop)
This workshop will be mostly experiential, connecting movement, proprioception and the imagination. At the end, we will have time to share reflections of our experiences with words.
Open to movers of all abilities, as the senses and imagination are our starting foci.
A deep inquiry into creating images and art that provokes “on the same scale as society has the capacity to destroy”.
The word archetype means "original pattern from which copies are made" and is derived from senses of "beginning, origin," and "pattern". In exploring archetypes and recurring stories from art, literature, myths, and religions, we will research and queer archetypes, individually and collectively through movement:
- What can we remember about ourselves, in our bodies, psyches, and spirits?
- What lies in the middle of how archetypes contradict and complement each other?
- What is my unique relation to the movements that emerge from my unique relations to themes and archetypes? How do new archetypes emerge through us?
Min Yoon translates to “Citizen Truth”. They are a ritual performance artist, somatic therapist and educator, and researcher of collective choreography and conflict resolution with the body and butoh dance. They are dedicated to exploring ways to uncover the deeper, more intuitive nature in how we relate to our beings within extremes of social constructs and divides. They have studied and performed with master butoh teachers internationally. They have been an ArtCorps scholar at Anna and Daria Halprin’s Tamalpa Institute. They are currently a MA candidate at the Process Work Institute in process-oriented facilitation and conflict resolution.
Panels and Workshops will be recorded and accessible to registrants through May 31, 2022.
The language of the conference is English. We will not be able to offer Spanish translation for this event. Zoom does give the option to turn on closed captioning so that a participant can read the computer generated English. Some non-English speakers find this helpful.
Work-Study World Living Room Leader (see schedule below) - take $15 off
We are seeking people to lead informal gatherings for people from 4am to 6am Eastern US time, which is early afternoon in Europe/Africa and evening in Asia/Oceania. This is a chance for you to meet other participants in the conference and have informal time to chat. Skills needed are: proficiency being a Zoom host, and comfort with leading a group conversation on Zoom, being attentive to the needs of those who show up. Please apply by writing to [email protected]
The conference will be a blend of workshops, opportunities for discussion, and Focusing.
OPENING & WELCOME your time here
7:00 – 7:30am Pacific
10am-10:30am Eastern (NY) & Chile
4:00pm - 4:30pm Europe
2:00am - 2:30am Sydney next day
FRIDAY WORKSHOP I your time here
Salvador Moreno - How to Free Ourselves from the Embodied Sociocultural Dominator?
Javier Romeo-Biedma - Is this violence? Naming violence as advocacy
8am - 10am Pacific
11am - 1pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
5pm - 7pm Europe
3am - 5am Sydney next day
FRIDAY WORKSHOP II your time here
Ole Sandberg, Donata Schoeller, Sigríður Þorgeirsdóttir, Monika Lindner, Greg Walkerden – Missing the felt sense: why rationalist arguments are not enough
Parke Burgess - Can Focusing Change the World: An Ethical Perspective
11am - 1pm Pacific
2pm - 4pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
7pm - 9pm Iceland
8pm - 10pm Europe
6am - 8am Sydney next day
FRIDAY PANEL Gender/Sexuality inclusion your time here
• Fraser Watt
• Sean Ambrose and Niki Koumoutsos
• Marika Heinrichs
2pm - 4pm Pacific
5pm - 7pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
11pm - 1am Europe
9am - 11am Sydney next day
FRIDAY WORKSHOP III your time here
Bailey Drechsler & Nina Joy Lawrence – White Embodied Anti-Racism Practice: Sensing Towards Whiteness without Supremacy
Jennifer Nurick Embodied Safety Leading to Embodied Liberation
5pm - 7pm Pacific
8pm - 10pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
2am – 4am Europe
noon – 2pm Sydney next day
5am - 6am Eastern
SATURDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS & CHAT (friendly to Americas, Europe/Africa) your time here
7:00 – 7:30am Pacific
10am-10:30am Eastern (NY) 7 Chile
4:00pm - 4:30pm Europe
2:00am - 2:30am Sydney next day
SATURDAY WORKSHOP I your time here
Min Yoon Archetypes for Poetic Justice
Frans Sandbergen & René Veugelers – The Art of Getting Lost
8am - 10am Pacific
11am - 1pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
5pm - 7pm Europe
3am - 5am Sydney next day
SATURDAY PANEL Anti-Racism your time here
• Ellen Korman Mains
• Yao Obiora
• Darryl Commings
11am - 1pm Pacific
2pm - 4pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
8pm - 10pm Europe
6am - 8am Sydney next day
Anastasia Brencick and Ann Weiser Cornell - Felt Sensing Perfectionism and Dismantling White Supremacy
Dana Hercbergs and Mary Ann Schleinich Embodying an Ethics of Care, Beginning with Ourselves: A Dialogue with Personal and Societal Voices
2pm - 4pm Pacific
5pm - 7pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
11pm - 1am Europe
9am - 11am Sydney next day
Taj Baker & Gwenn Cody - Hope in the Unknown: Facing the Climate Emergency
Beatrice Blake - Finding Your Unique Path to Social Justice Action with Thinking at the Edge
5pm - 7pm Pacific
8pm - 10pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
2am – 4am Europe
noon – 2pm Sydney next day
5am – 6am Eastern Sunday
ANNOUNCEMENTS & CHAT (friendly to Americas, Europe/Africa) your time here
7:00 – 7:30am Pacific
10am-10:30am Eastern (NY) & Chile
4:00pm - 4:30pm Europe
2:00am - 2:30am Sydney next day
SUNDAY WORKSHOP I your time here
Darryl Commings (with Eric Seversen) - A Liberation Theology of Focusing
Charles Herr, Gisela Uhl and Dave Young - Expanding Felt-Sensing & Focusing Into The Inseparable Realms Of Socio-Political, Spiritual & Personal
8am - 10am Pacific
11am - 1pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
5pm - 7pm Europe
3am - 5am Sydney next day
SUNDAY PANEL Earth/climate justice your time here
• Larry Berger
• Jeremy Mah
• Greg Walkerden
11am - 1pm Pacific
2pm - 4pm Eastern (NY) & Chile
8pm - 10pm Europe
6am - 8am Sydney next day
Brief break
1:15 pm - 2 pm Pacific
4:15 pm - 5 pm Eastern (NY) Chile
10:15 pm - 11 pm Europe
8:15 am - 9:00 am Sydney next day
Registration Information and Price
Regular Price $150 Modified Price $100 Lowest Price $60*
Three tier pricing. We welcome you to select the level right for you, while reminding you that if you have a reliable means of support and live in a country with a strong economy, we ask that you pay the regular price. By choosing the highest amount you are capable of paying you help make the sliding scale possible. Thank you!
Refunds: A full refund minus a $15 administrative fee (regardless of the registration fee paid) for cancellations 14 days before the start date. Cancellations less than 14 days before the start date are nonrefundable.
TIFI reserves the right to cancel, change and alter the program if necessary. Participants authorize TIFI to use their name, statements and likeness without charge, for promotional purposes in publications, advertising, video, web, new media, or other formats.
At many of our events, we will end class by taking a screenshot. All those who don't want to be included will have the chance to leave. Taking screenshots for sharing (such as on social media) are not allowed at other times during the class. Thanks for your cooperation.
By registering for this course with the Institute, and in consideration of the right and opportunity to participate in and contribute to the Institute’s classes, for the purposes of its control of all video and/or audio recordings thereof pertaining to uses serving our purposes and goals, in enrolling in this session you acknowledge and agree to the Institute’s ownership of all rights in such classes, including all rights under copyright therein. In no circumstance shall any portion or clip posted or displayed exceed 3 minutes in duration. If you plan to use, post or display any portion or clips of these recordings, including posting these to a website or to a social media platform or portal, you agree that you will seek and obtain the prior approval of the Institute.
*Thanks to a generous donor, we have scholarship money available if $60 is not possible for you. Just email [email protected], letting us know the amount you’re able to pay, with just one sentence about why you’d like to attend.
$ 150.00
Regular price
$ 100.00
Modified price
$ 60.00
Lowest price