Remembering Gene
5 Years On
On the first anniversary of Gene Gendlin's passing, we held the Felt Sense Conference in his honor at Hebrew Union Seminary in New York City, where we had held his memorial service. A highlight of the conference was when Gene's son, Gerry, came to share recollections of his father with those gathered. We were all charmed and delighted by Gerry Gendlin and so, on this, the fifth anniversary of Gene's passing, we bring you the video of that talk. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we did.
by Beatrice Blake
Una Entrevista con Florentina Sassoli por Beatrice Blake
Beatrice Blake recently spoke with Florentina Sassoli about her experiences with Focusing and her goals as a member of the TIFI Board. Their conversation follows.
Beatrice: It’s always good to start with the question, how did you come to Focusing?
Florentina: I found Focusing because I’m a counselor and, as you know, Gendlin and Rogers worked together for many years, so it’s impossible to separate the Rogerian influence from Focusing. That’s how I met Elena Frezza, with whom I studied in Argentina. I have had other teachers, but she was the first and the one who certified me. When you attend the Escuela de Counseling in Argentina, you keep hearing about Focusing. I first heard about Focusing while studying counseling.
B: So, in the counseling world in Argentina, you hear about Focusing.
F: Yes, then it starts to sound familiar.
B: What did Focusing bring to your life?
F: It brought something that no other discipline had brought to me. I had always been a seeker since I was a little girl. So although my path towards my personal development included many things, I never found any resource that could equal Focusing. For me, Focusing is unique in its ability to empower people. It is deep, and at the same time can bring changes very quickly. It’s also very, very loving, respectful and organic.
B: What is one of the most meaningful changes that you have experienced through Focusing?
F: One of the most significant moments in my personal life with Focusing was when I was diagnosed with cancer. I remember that a close friend asked me, “How is it that you are not scared to death?” She was surprised by my attitude. “Of course I’m scared,” I told her. But fear did not overtake me. I could make a loving relationship with my fear. Then, Focusing made it possible for me to be open and receptive to love. Love overcame the fear. I could receive the love because I remained open. So my fear didn’t have power over me. That’s the Focusing way.

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Beatrice Blake specializes in Thinking at the Edge (TAE), and teaches Focusing in a way that makes TAE accessible. She loves to accompany experienced Focusers in the process of Trainer Certification with international online programs. She is a member of the Facilitation team at the Focusing Weeklong (October 16-21, 2022). Find out more at: |
Our Newsletter is Now Available in Japanese
これまで翻訳チームがニュースレターを日本語に翻訳してきたことをお知らせします!この翻訳チームのメンバーは、久羽康(まとめ役)、松尾秀寿、酒井久実代、 仁田公子 、日笠摩子、前田満寿美、榊原佐和子 でした。これからも、新チームでニュースレターの翻訳を続けます。4月からのメンバーは、酒井久実代(まとめ役)、 仁田公子 、日笠摩子、前田満寿美、榊原佐和子、岡村心平、土江正司、桜井多恵子.
We are excited to tell you that a team of translators have recently translated our newsletters into Japanese! This translation team includes: Yasushi (manager), Hidetoshi, Kimiko, Kumiyo, Mako and Masumi. We will continue to have ongoing Japanese translations of our newsletter by a new team: Kumiyo (manager), Kimiko, Mako, Masumi, Sawako, Shimpei, Shoji and Taeko. We are grateful for their service, and pleased that this content is available to our Japanese speaking friends.
TIFI Online Bookstore Now Open
We are delighted to announce our new and improved Online Bookstore. We are currently offering a small selection of books and will be adding more titles soon, as well as links to where you can buy books and products in many languages related to Focusing, Thinking at the Edge (TAE), the Philosophy of the Implicit and Gendlin. If there is a particular title or product which you would like to see offered or linked, please contact us at [email protected]. Click below to shop!
"It Takes a Village ..."
Creating Online Connections at
The Children's Focusing Conference
In March, we held our Children & Focusing conference, “It Takes a Village… Creating Connections.” The conference was wonderful and inspiring, with about 150 participants from 30 different countries. Together we met, shared, and deepened our experience around Children and Focusing and, as an advisory team, want to take this opportunity to give our reflection on this unique event.
Our goal for the conference was to highlight the diversity and creativity in our Children's Focusing Community by exploring the many ways we can support children and each other through Focusing and connections.
Our topic for the conference was inspired by the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Children are unique in many ways and have their own special ways of showing their emotions and expressing themselves. Often, we rely on our family, friends, and colleagues to share the joy and difficulties we encounter on our journey as a parent or professional in our relationship with a child. Throughout this conference, we wanted to show and explore the diversity and many ways to connect with children.
Often, we talk about Children’s Focusing as a community. And just as we can’t raise a child on our own, we can’t go on our Children’s Focusing way on our own. It could be difficult and lonely to go at it yourself. So, we hope this conference gave an opportunity for people to feel connected and create connections with others, and build relationships in our Children’s Focusing community.

回應第五波疫情下 香港人的重重煩惱事

2022年3月上旬,香港第五波新冠疫情確診數字連創新高,死亡人數急劇上升、醫療系統超出負荷及瀕臨崩潰,我們整個城市也籠罩在恐慌之中。作為生於斯、長於斯、受訓生命自覺的一群本地從業員,回應著彼此的內在呼喚,啟動了兩個公益項目,回應這個人口 760 萬的城市的無聲叫喊。
1) 「凝聚生命韌力 」。這是為市民大眾提供的兩場公開、免費、以生命自覺為本的線上工作坊;
2)「重重煩惱事 誰訴? 3天聆聽行動」, 為受第五波疫情帶來心理困擾的市民,提供一對一線上會議聆聽機會,讓他們可以在一個安全的環境中騰出空間、聆聽自己內裡的聲音。
「凝聚生命韌力 」是以生命自覺為本的兩場工作坊,旨在教授參加者如何在疫症不由我、家人情緒不由我、環境不由我的情況下,如何善待自己的感受及提升心理質素。工作坊目標是首先讓個人找回內在安穩及生命韌力,繼而潤澤家庭關係。每場工作坊以 45 分鐘為基礎,包括短講、演示和在帶領下做練習共三部分。參加人數合共約 550 人。 回收的問卷結果顯示,幾乎所有參加者都表示個人空間增強了,緊張情緒得到舒緩,及內心恢復了平靜。
接近同一時段,58位受過不同生命自覺訓練(包括內在關係生命自覺、全身生命自覺、兒童生命自覺、藝術導向生命自覺療法和生命自覺六步法)的受訓生命自覺從業員,首次聯合起來,在 「重重煩惱事 誰訴? 3天聆聽行動」中為市民提供一對一線上聆聽機會。 合共有116 位市民登記參與行動, 其中一半出現在預先約定的線上會議室中。 每次聆聽時段結束後,聆聽者都即時寫下回饋。他們的記錄顯示: 大多數參加者感到「被傾聽」、「平靜下來」和「增強了自我了解」。不意外地,大部分參與行動的生命自覺從業員之後都表示有一種相互聯繫、精神煥發或重新充電的感覺。
圖一: 張包意琴博士於「凝聚生命韌力 」線上工作坊進行演示,如何把意識帶回到身 PPP
圖一: 張包意琴博士於
「凝聚生命韌力 」線上工作坊進行演示,

1) Making sure our World Languages page is complete
2) Folio Project
3) Review of the Articles section
Your volunteer work in these areas will be a big help in making the massive amount of content on our website better organized. None of these three volunteer positions require any particular expertise with computers.
To apply for one of these positions, please write to [email protected] with:
We are happy to congratulate the following new Coordinator-in-Training and Newly Certified Focusing Professionals (including Trainers and Focusing-Oriented Therapists). Congratulations to each of them on their achievement.
We wish them all the very best in their ongoing endeavors!
New Coordinator-in-Training
Mentoring Coordinator: Lindsay Chang
with Li Ming and Joseph Sing
Yvette Aquila, Australia Coordinator: Akira Ikemi Dafna Arnoni, Israel Coordinator: Yiscah Schumer Myriam Baer, Israel Coordinator: Annat Gal-on Yael Bar-Lev, Israel Coordinator: Dana Ganihar Liza Ben Ziv, Israel Coordinator: Yiscah Schumer Michela Chiarini, Spain Coordinator: Rosa Martinez Gonzalez Galia Dasberg, Israel Coordinator: Yiscah Schumer Elan Frenkel, Israel Coordinator: Dana Ganihar Tamar Greenfeld, Israel Coordinators: Liora Bar Natan Michaël Hébert, Canada Coordinator: Solange St.-Pierre Dana Hercbergs, United States Coordinator: Annat Gal-on Michal Herzel, Israel Coordinators: Ifat Eckstein and Boaz Shavit Liat Hubel Abas, Israel Coordinators: Ifat Eckstein and Boaz Shavit |
Sharon Kwok, Hong Kong, China Coordinator: Karen Whalen Wai Man Lee, Hong Kong, China Coordinator: Karen Whalen Koon Ying Lui, Hong Kong, China Coordinator: Karen Whalen Pia McMahon, Switzerland Coordinator: Tesesa Dawson Marcilia Susana Nietto Villafañe, Costa Rica Coordinators: Ceci Burgos and Eny Ottini Mónica Quitón de Maric, Bolivia Coordinator: Blanca Lebl Smadar Sela, Israel Coordinator: Dana Ganihar Ruth Sokoloff, Israel Coordinator: Liora Bar Natan Dominic Stuart, United Kingdom Coordinator: Charlotte Howorth Atara Tsurel, Israel Coordinator: Yiscah Schumer Chin Chi Wu, Hong Kong, China Coordinator: Karen Whalen Selina Kai Lai Yuen, Hong Kong, China Coordinator: Karen Whalen Daniela Zane, Italy Coordinator: Olga Pasquini |