דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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- Eastern (New York) Time
Roundtables logo Ellen Korman Mains Peter Gill
Registration for this event is closed as we are full and have a long waitlist. Sorry.

This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series especially for TIFI members.

In this experiential Roundtable, we will gently explore our personal experience and cultural attitudes in relation to death and loss, and invite more to come freshly through felt sensing. Our exploration will include guided attunements, group sharing, Focusing breakout triads, and reflection as we harvest both old and new connections with gentle curiosity and embodied presence.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
In Levels 3 and 4 we will continue to explore the Power of Self In Presence, our path as Empowered Focuser and Companion, as well as deepening and practicing the key concepts and understanding of Inner Relationship Focusing individually and in partnership. Requirements are having completed Levels 1 and 2 of Inner Relationship Focusing.
heart leaves
Weekly 90 minute space to connect and practice Focusing with others. Offering whole group and breakout sessions in dyads and triads. Mondays at 11am EST. Offered by donation. Limited to 12 or fewer people each session. Pre-registration required
Addie van der Kooy is an International Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator in Wholebody Focusing (WBF).  He has been working for almost 20 years with Kevin McEvenue, founder of WBF.  Addie is a Dutch national who lives in the south-west of England where he offers 1:1 on-line WBF sessions and training. He is the author of the WBF workbook “Focusing With Your Whole Body”. Cecelia Clegg is an International Focusing Institute Certified Wholebody Focusing Trainer.  She is a Scot who lives in the rolling border country of Scotland where she offers 1:1 on-line WBF sessions and training.
Please consider yourself to be warmly invited to our next monthly on-line Pause for Presence gathering on Saturday 16th January.

In our last gathering the image of the ocean floor emerged with a sense of its deep vibrantly alive stillness, unperturbed by but not separate from the wind-swept waves and cross-currents on its surface. This image speaks eloquently of the dimension of Presence that can be felt inside us as "an underlying energy field of living Presence", always alive, at peace and undisturbed by the waves of thoughts, emotions and physical discomforts you may experience on the surface.
The idea of these monthly 90-minutes gatherings is to come to rest in this underlying field of Presence - a sense of the aliveness felt within the body and around
Introduction to Focusing As Active Pause
My approach to teaching Focusing is to show you how it is based on a natural ability that we all have. For people who are new to Focusing, and Focusers who want a creative framework to further develop their skills.
Cristina Maier
Focusing ist ein von Eugene Gendlin entwickelter, schlichter Prozess, der uns darin unterstützt, die uns innewohnenden Quellen reichen Wissens zu erschließen. Indem wir uns mit einem offenen urteilsfreien Gewahrsein dem körperlichen Erleben zuwenden und damit vertraut werden, kann sich der darin wohnende Wandlungsraum öffnen.

Jede/r kann diese nach Innen gerichtete ganzheitliche Aufmerksamkeit lernen und so eine neue Selbstwirksamkeit im Leben entdecken. In dieser Haltung können wir auch andere kompetent darin begleiten, innere Bewegungen zu erspüren und seelischen Prozessen dahinter Raum geben. Das hilft Blockaden zu lösen, wirkt heilsam und erlaubt uns, eine neue Form der Intimität in uns selbst, mit anderen und dem ganzen Leben zu entdecken.


Shambhala, Josefstädterstraße 5; 1080 Wien
Beatrice Blake, Certifying Coordinator with The International Focusing Institute
Do you long to share the transformation you have experienced with Focusing? This course will prepare you to do just that, in your own way, by becoming a Certified Focusing Trainer with The International Focusing Institute (TIFI).
Focusing on Borden Jan Winhall Jenna Chevalier
An 8-week, online women's Focusing Oriented Therapy Group
Facilitated by: Jan Winhall and Jenna Chevalier
Ann Weiser Cornell
Want to watch as Ann Weiser Cornell guides someone through their very first Focusing session?

Focusing can be puzzling to talk about. It can be hard to learn from a book or a video. But when someone is actually taken through the process, you get it! Be present to observe as Ann guides three first-time Focusers (one each week) - and then comment afterward. The guest Focusers are volunteers who understand that their session will be witnessed by a safe and respectful group of people.

Online via Zoom
Ruth-olive grove
The Core Focusing Training, Part II, also referred to as the Intermediate-Advanced comprehensive Online Program has been offered by the International Focusing Institute since 2014. Equivalent to Levels 3 and 4, the program features training in a small group (maximum 8 participants), a 102 page Training Manual, and support in deepening and expanding your understanding and skills in Focusing as well as in sharing Focusing with others.

For information about Part I of this training, the Focusing Basics Program, please see listing above, beginning on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 9 am EST.
Focusing on Borden Jan Winhall
An 8-week online course via zoom offered in English and Spanish.
Un curso en línea de 8 semanas a través de zoom ofrecido en inglés y español.

Facilitated by / Facilitado por: Jan Winhall, Natalia Calvino, and Jon Heberman
Interpreted by / Interpretado por : Beatrice Blake, Natalia Calvino, Sergio Lara, Mariana Pisula, and Nora Viale

Bruce Gibbs meditative gathering
A safe and stimulating space for direct experience of the felt sense of self-empathy, a sense of understanding yourself from inside out.
Ben je geïnteresseerd in Focusing? Of volg je een van de trainingen van PositiveExperiencing of heb je die gevolgd? Speciaal voor jou is er nu ook een oefenplek waar je wekelijks vanuit huis via Zoom kunt mee doen. De open oefengroep voor Focusing heeft iedere dinsdagavond om 19.30 uur haar bijeenkomst via zoom.
Ann Weiser Cornell
Life is hard right now. Are your emotions making it even harder?
Most of us are feeling the weight of current events…We're trying to manage difficult emotions in challenging times. It isn't easy. Even when you know what to do to help your feelings (and so many of us don't).

If you'd like to find a new way to respond to triggered emotions - one that brings relief (and not more pain), join me for my newest free video and email series, Living a Less Triggered Life.

You'll learn how to come back to calm when life is hard to handle.

Video + email series
Beatrice Blake, TAE teacher
Thinking at the edge empowers you to actually think, create and contribute from your own experience.
There will be two online groups:
Thursday January 7 - February 25 at 7 p.m. Eastern (Friday mornings January 8-26 in Asia and Australia)
Welcome 2021 at The Pause. We're at the corner of Now & Notice (where the old dive "Reaction" used to be). Special class (free) on Friday, January 1. Coupon Code "2021welcome". Heidi Fischbach
This on-going class is free on New Year's Day with coupon code '2021welcome'.

Addie van der Kooy is an International Focusing Institute Certifying Coordinator in Wholebody Focusing (WBF).  He has been working for almost 20 years with Kevin McEvenue, founder of WBF.  Addie is a Dutch national who lives in the south-west of England where he offers 1:1 on-line WBF sessions and training. He is the author of the WBF workbook “Focusing With Your Whole Body”. Cecelia Clegg is an International Focusing Institute Certified Wholebody Focusing Trainer.  She is a Scot who lives in the rolling border country of Scotland where she offers 1:1 on-line WBF sessions and training.
An Invitation to Pause for Presence

“Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there. And when our souls lie down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about” - Rumi

In challenging times like these, it feels increasingly important to take time to experience a dimension in us that is not touched and affected by what is going on around and within us. This inner dimension does not disconnect us emotionally from what is happening but it allows us to rest and resource ourselves so that we can stay open and be more fully present to Life.

Rumi's poem above is an invitation to rest in this dimension - sometimes called “the underlying field of living Presence"– a
- Eastern (New York Time)
Highlights logo Taj Baker
Like Focusing, play is a way to discover our true selves, and connect with others in unexpected ways. In this webinar, we will explore what the intersection of mindful embodied attention and an improvisational attitude might look and feel like. We will blend Focusing with games and exercises adapted from the world of theatrical improvisation. Small group demonstrations will help illustrate this cross-pollination.

All are welcome to attend; no improvisation or Focusing experience is necessary.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Along the path Laura Vaccaro Amaryn
This is an introductory class to Focusing. The class is deliberately being kept small to ensure each participant ends with a complete understanding of the process and begins to experience the benefits of what Focusing can provide. Individual attention and sessions will be given to each participant by one or both teachers as well as assigned partnerships between most class dates. The cost is based on a sliding scale principle, normally $200, but interested individuals who cannot afford that amount should still apply.

The 4 dates are December 19 and 20, 2020, and January 23 and 30, 2021. Please email [email protected] for more information.

See more details.