דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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Language of Instruction
- Heure de Paris
Lotus paix
Rejoignez un atelier de pratique et d’échanges où des être humains s’engagent dans une démarche de responsabilisation, d’introspection, de transformation individuelle pour une évolution collective.
- Heure de Paris
Lotus paix
Rejoignez un atelier de pratique et d’échanges où des être humains s’engagent dans une démarche de responsabilisation, d’introspection, de transformation individuelle pour une évolution collective.
- Heure de Paris
Lotus paix Alexandre Jacquelin
Rejoignez un atelier de pratique et d’échanges où des être humains s’engagent dans une démarche de responsabilisation, d’introspection, de transformation individuelle pour une évolution collective.

- Heure de Paris
Lotus paix Alexandre Jacquelin
Rejoignez un atelier de pratique et d’échanges où des être humains s’engagent dans une démarche de responsabilisation, d’introspection, de transformation individuelle pour une évolution collective.
- Eastern Time (New York)
Focusing Journal Dana Bettina
This workshop is an opportunity to trace and behold the various facets of your life this season, to make meaningful connections among these islands, sense into underwater currents and weather, and widen the capacity to welcome an emerging process. These metaphors allow us to sense into affects and background feelings in our environment, connecting us to our inner life and to one another.

In this form of visual focusing, you will be gently guided to use the page as the ground for your felt process-- to intuitively name and place these islands, using images, colors, words, and movement.
- Eastern Time
Charlotte Howorth, LCSW
One hour Q & A meeting with Charlotte Howorth. Charlotte will take you through the contents and format of her one-year course leaving time for your questions.
Amona Buechler, Coordinator in Training Focusing Skills Course Level 1-5

6-month Level 1 to 5 Focusing Skills Course for Focusing Partnerships
Mondays, Feb 19 to Aug 12, 2024

Early bird until today:
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- France Dordogne Payzac (24270)
Alexandre Jacquelin Futur is already here
Nous avons le pouvoir de créer notre réalité à un certain niveau, en conscience. A l'écoute de notre sens corporel, nous avons le pouvoir de choisir notre manière de voir les événements de la vie, d'en recevoir les enseignements, de briser les expériences répétitives et de nous diriger vers un futur vertueux, porté par nos aspirations les plus élevées. Au cours de ce stage je vous inviterai et vous guiderai à revenir à la Paix, à l’écoute de votre Être profond, à cultiver la gratitude, à vous projeter et vous aligner avec votre meilleur futur.
- Eastern Time
Charlotte Howorth, LCSW
One hour Q & A meeting with Charlotte Howorth. Charlotte will take you through the contents and format of her one-year course leaving time for your questions.
- Eastern Time (New York)
Focusing Journal Dana
This workshop invites us to sense into prevalent, at times diffuse, yet noticeably present forces in our world and in our lives -- what Marine de Freminville has elaborated in her work on Background Feelings.

Using a method of visual focusing, I will guide participants in exploring the felt meanings of these presences on the page--as colors, words, shapes, or movement. A basic template will be shared for you to adjust and re-invent as needed.

The session will comprise of lightly guided solo work followed by sharing and reflections to carry your process further.
- Pacific
Ann Weiser Cornell
As these uncertain times continue to challenge us in unprecedented ways, our need for connection and emotional support is greater than ever.

This is a 30-minute free webinar (with Ann Weiser Cornell) with warm, positive tips for emotional self-care in these challenging times. Each month we'll work with a specific topic like the inner critic, being calm, getting unstuck, self-doubt, making decisions, and more.

Our hope is that you’ll leave the webinar with a greater sense of resilience and some relief from the stressful feelings you might be having. And that you’ll know you are not alone.

Online via Zoom
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
Gene Gendlin Online Birthday Party

- Eastern Time
Charlotte Howorth, LCSW
One hour Q & A meeting with Charlotte Howorth. Charlotte will take you through the contents and format of her one-year course leaving time for your questions.

- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables Christine Groscarret Alexandre Jacquelin Romain Mollard
Dans son livre Let your body interpret your dreams (1985) - titre traduisible en français “Laissez votre corps interpréter vos rêves”- Gendlin propose des pistes pour explorer nos rêves avec le sens corporel à travers cinq grandes thématiques que nous vous présenterons au cours de cette table ronde avant de donner une part importante à l’expérimentation en grand groupe et en binôme.

Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- Eastern (New York) Time
highlights logo TIFI events logo Lauren Taub Cohen
Have you noticed how the holiday season has a way of intensifying the way we feel? For some, this time of the year feels uplifting, full of celebration and connection. And, for others this time of the year is hard, fraught with family tension, tenderness and loneliness. Perhaps, it’s more of a marbled mix. No wonder this time of year can be so triggering!

Join Lauren for an experiential exploration of how what’s triggering you can grow you. As you’re with the body feel of being triggered in a Focusing way, you create the conditions for tension to ease, insights to emerge and healing to happen.

Some familiarity with Focusing may be helpful but no prior experience with Focusing is required. All are welcome to attend and participate.

Online (Class will also be recorded)
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
- US Eastern
Beatrice Blake, TAE mentor
In seven 90-minute weekly meetings, we'll explore the basic practices of Focusing, Listening and Focusing partnership to prepare people for Thinking at the Edge.
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate
- Eastern Time
Trail in the forest Kevin Johnson Annette Dubreuil
The mainstream cultural story is that thinking will save us. Yet, we know we cannot reason our way in or out of many aspects of a human life. For instance, we cannot reason our way into being present, falling in love, or finding fulfillment. The type of attention and understanding that unites us with others is not thinking but an embodied presence. And the types of problems that we see when we turn to the world, are problems of community and relating. To solve problems of community, we need an embodied response. Our culture, however, struggles in this area.

All the past cultures in the world had embodied responses to problems. Our culture does not. Somewhere along the way, we lost it. We need to face that challenge. In this two-hour workshop, Kevin Johnson will offer a
Topic: Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Spirituality, TAE/Philosophy
- US Easter Time (New York)
mindful serge
Online group. I use the metaphor of mindful lemmings to describe what it feels like to deal with the powerlessness we experience amid collective madness, such as wars or the climate catastrophe.

Topic: Other
- France
lotus Alexandre Jacquelin
Atelier(s) interactif(s) tout public, expérimentations pratiques guidées (orientées Focusing) et partages.
APM_mountain tour Dr. Donata Schoeller Monika Catarina Lindner
A Process Model (APM) can turn into an experience, a journey of changing perspectives and thinking-patterns. This course will offer a possible route into the complex text that allows to experientially understand what the concepts convey. In this workshop we will focus on chapter 8.

Topic: TAE/Philosophy