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THINK DIFFERENT-TAE An Introduction To Thinking At The Edge

Monday, January 14, 2020
An Online Class Facilitated by Nada Lou

Part of The Focusing Highlights Series

Thinking at the Edge as a practice with exact steps was created by Dr. Eugene Gendlin in early 2000. It is a practice that will empower you to find out how to THINK and SPEAK from your felt sense. By introducing and guiding you experientially through a set of exact steps, your own project will gain guidance from your felt sense. You will be able to express enriched ideas in the fresh language that emerges from your body. Nada will help you to learn steps, use the method, and gain applicable experience. This Highlight webinar is designed for people who have some experience with Focusing and ability to identify the felt sense. It is intended as an introduction to TAE aimed for beginners in Thinking at the Edge, but anyone is welcome to experience it as Nada teaches it.




Nada Lou is a Coordinator in The International Focusing Institute and is well known for her double specialty in teaching Thinking at the Edge and Focusing. She has the ability to gently and patiently nurture each person’s thinking edge, guiding them at every step. She has taught courses around the world since the 1990s. Nada is the author of “The Grassroots Introduction Manual to TAE” and is a Focusing/TAE video maker. Immersing herself in Gendlin’s thinking through her DVD Productions has made Nada one of the world’s experts in TAE. Since co-presenting TAE workshops with Dr. Gendlin, Nada evolved a personal approach to TAE course called THINK DIFFERENT - TAE.

Nada's website:

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