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Reading Freshly - Asia Pacific

Your Hosts

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Reading Freshly
The International Focusing Institute Event
Member Benefit

The International Focusing Institute - Lizzi McLaughlin, Kristine Hodyl, Nicole Morton, Roslyn Semler

Where & When

Monthly on Wednesdays April 9 2025 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm AEST
See times in listing below

Meeting Format
The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Reading Freshly of Gendlin's book Focusing now has an alternate time!
For TIFI members whose time zones (or commitments) doesn't work with the other Reading Freshly offering

Reading Freshly - Asia Pacific
An online live book study free for members

Wednesday April 9, 2025
Please note AEDT (UTC +11) changes to AEST (UTC +10) in April.

Sydney / Melbourne / Canberra 9 Apr 6.30 pm
Perth / Singapore / Hong Kong / Beijing 9 Apr 4.30 pm
Auckland  9 Apr 8.30 pm
New Delhi 9 Apr 2.00 pm
London / Dublin 9 Apr 9.30 am
Johannesburg / Cairo 9 Apr 10.30 am
Jerusalem 9 Apr 11:30 am

Kuwait 9 Apr 11.30 am
New York 9 Apr 4.30 am

Times worldwide: convert to your time zone here

This month we start Chapter 2 at the heading 'The Young Woman Who Thought Death Would Be Peaceful'

This offering is a membership benefit - free to paid-up members.
You can join TIFI here

Note: There is a second Reading Freshly group starting if this timing doesn't work for you. Link

“You will find it helpful to read both this and the Focusing Manual aloud, with another person or a group. Even though I was part of writing the manuals, it still helps me when someone reads them to me.” Gendlin, Focusing, Ch 10

Gendlin’s writing comes alive with group discussion. His wisdom continually reveals itself through returning to his material, sharing insights and allowing “aha moments” to arise.

Focusing Book by Eugene Gendlin

Many of Gendlin’s memorable quotes can be found in Focusing such as:

“What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn't make it worse. Not being open about it doesn't make it go away. And because it's true, it is what is there to be interacted with. Anything untrue isn't there to be lived. People can stand what is true, for they are already enduring it.” Ch 11

“Every bad feeling is potential energy toward a more right way of being if you give it space to move toward its rightness.” Ch 7

“Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people - in fact, the whole universe. This sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as it is felt from the inside.” Ch 7

Your Reading Freshly Asia Pacific Hosts:

Liz McLaughlin

Lizzi McLaughlin is based near Dubbo (Wiradjuri country), New South Wales, Australia. She became a TIFI Certified Focusing Professional and Trainer in 2024. Her Certifying Co-ordinator was Ann Weiser Cornell. Her special interests are Healing the Inner Critic and the Inner Victim, spirituality, and working with 12-step clients. For more about Lizzi visit

Kristine Hodyl

Kristine Hodyl is based in Newcastle NSW (Awabakal country) and is within a hair’s breadth of completing her Focusing Practitioner Certification with Jo Kennedy.  She is an ongoing student of Biospiritual Focusing and especially interested in the connection of Focusing with metanoia (transformation) and viriditas (flourishing).

Nicole Morton

Nicole Morton lives in Brisbane (Meanjin), Queensland, Australia. She is a focusing enthusiast and has completed Level 4 Focusing training. She is also passionate about nonviolent communication.

Roslyn Semler

Roslyn Semler lives in Melbourne (Naarm), Victoria, Australia. She has been focusing for about 10 years and is now completing her Focusing Practitioner Training with Jo Kennedy. She loves bushwalking, camping and the freedom of getting around on her bike.

All your hosts have group facilitation experience. We are passionate about sharing and exploring Focusing in a safe community and hope you can join us.  If you would like to volunteer to be a reader, please let us know at the start of the meeting.

Format of the Meeting:

This is a book study group and every voice is welcomed equally. Your hosts are here to facilitate the group, not be in a teaching role.

Over 1.5 hours we will read sections of the book, starting at Chapter 1 and felt-sense our way through it, ‘going as fast as the slowest process’. We will listen to each other in small and larger group discussions on the given text. The language of this reading group is English.

We will read at the pace of the group, with no set expectation of how far we’ll get. Who knows what will emerge! There is no obligation to attend every session, nor to begin with us from the beginning, but this is advised in order to get the full benefit of the reading which will continue month to month. 

Participants are invited to bring a copy of Focusing to the sessions.
A copy of the book Focusing can be purchased directly from the publisher via the TIFI online bookstore or at many online retailers.

The sessions are live and not recorded.

You will need to sign up for each session you want to attend. (It is not possible to sign up in advance for all sessions).

We look forward to meeting you and building a Focusing community together.

DATES / TIMES for 2025 (Each session lasts for 1.5 hours)

  1. Wed 12 Mar 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) UTC +11
  2. Wed 09 Apr 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  3. Wed 14 May 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  4. Wed 11 Jun 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  5. Wed 09 Jul 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  6. Wed 13 Aug 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  7. Wed 10 Sep 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) UTC +10
  8. Wed 08 Oct 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) UTC +11
  9. Wed 12 Nov 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) UTC +11
  10. Wed 10 Dec 6.30 pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) UTC +11


Registration Information and Price

Important: Registration Closes: Monday April 7, 2025 at 12:00 pm NY Time

Zoom: This conversation will take place on an online video conference service called Zoom. Please attend by computer so that we can have your video presence as well as your audio. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred.

Price: The co-hosts are volunteering their time in order that this program may be brought to members of TIFI at no charge.

PLEASE NOTE: When you register, you will receive an email indicating your registration was processed. If your dues are current, we will complete your registration and email instructions to join the event within a few days of the start date. If you know your dues are not current, or if you are not yet a member, please Log In on to pay your dues or join and then return to this page to register. Membership page:

2025-03-20T19:18:00 - 2025-04-07T16:00:00


Registration Questions - [email protected]

Content Questions - [email protected]

Registration Information and Price

Free for Members

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