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Reading Freshly

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Reading Freshly
Member benefit
The International Focusing Institute Event

The International Focusing Institute with volunteers

Where & When

Monthly on Tuesdays 12:00 - 1:30 pm second session April 1, 2025
Eastern (New York) Time

Online Joining Information

An email will be sent confirming your registration. Please check spam/junk/promotions if you don't find it.

We will contact you by separate email if you are not yet a member or if you need to renew.

Meeting Format
The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events

Reading Freshly
An opportunity to read Gendlin’s seminal book Focusing with others

Second session April 1, 2025 (Tuesday)
12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern (NY) time

Times worldwide: convert to your time zone here

This month we begin with Chapter 2

New registrants welcome each month
Each month a new email annoucement will be sent and you need to register freshly each month.

Live attendance required - no recording


Monthly sessions on Tuesdays
(the first group who read through took 12 months to complete the book)
March 2025 - February 2026
12:00 - 1:30 pm Eastern (NY) Time

This offering is a membership benefit - free to paid-up members.
You can join TIFI here

Note: There is a second Reading Freshly group starting if this timing doesn't work for you. Link

Gene Gendlin once advised that the way to read philosophy was “many times”! The same might be said of his easily accessible and seminal book, Focusing, first

Focusing Book

published in 1978. It continues to be a resource for experienced Focusers and those coming to Focusing for the first time. It merits reading many times. On re-reading, there always seems to be something fresh, or freshly understood, no matter how long you have been a Focuser.

The invitation now is to read this book together, in community; to sense freshly its nuanced depth on human experiencing, its for-and-from-life  suggestions, its gems of frequently quoted wisdom.

Note: Participants are asked to bring a copy of Focusing to the sessions. The revised edition of the book Focusing is a reference point for the project (Gendlin, Eugene T, Focusing, 25th Anniversary Edition, Rider, 2003). You may have a different edition of the book and are welcome to use that, but please note that page numbers may vary. If you need to purchase a book, you can order here:

Over the next year, starting March 2025, every month on the first Tuesday of the month over 1.5 hours, we will read sections of the book, starting right at the beginning and felt-sense our way through it, ‘going as fast as the slowest process’.  We will listen to each other in small and larger group discussions on the given text on what it means to us now. The language of this reading group is English.

We will read at the pace of the group, with no set expectation of how far we’ll get. We’ll start at the beginning and read in a Focusing way until we stop.  Who knows what will emerge!

There is no obligation to attend every session, nor to begin with us from the beginning, but this is advised in order to get the full benefit of the reading which will continue month to month. 

We will send a new email each month to register for the next session. We will indicate for each session where we left off, so if you have not been with us from the beginning, you catch up on your own to join a later session.

The sessions are live and not recorded.

Dates and times Eastern (NY) time 

1. March 4  (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

2. April 1 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

3. May 6 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

4.June 3 (Tuesday) 12:00pm  - 1:30pm

5. July 1 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

6. August 5 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

7. September 2 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

8.  October 7 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

9. November 4 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

10. December 2 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

11. January 6, 2026 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

12. February 3, 2026 (Tuesday) 12:00pm - 1:30pm

You will need to sign up for each session you want to attend. (It is not possible to sign up in advance for all sessions.)
Participation is unlimited.


This Reading Freshly group will be coordinated by a group of volunteers.
More volunteers are welcome;  if you are interested in joining this group and would like to learn more about this volunteer opportunity, please write to [email protected].

Registration Information and Price

Important: Registration Closes: Monday March 31, 2025 at 12:00 pm NY Time

Zoom: This conversation will take place on an online video conference service called Zoom. Please attend by computer so that we can have your video presence as well as your audio. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred.

Price: The co-hosts are volunteering their time in order that this program may be brought to members of TIFI at no charge.

PLEASE NOTE: When you register, you will receive an email indicating your registration was processed. If your dues are current, we will complete your registration and email instructions to join the event within a few days of the start date. If you know your dues are not current, or if you are not yet a member, please Log In on to pay your dues or join and then return to this page to register. Membership page:

2025-03-06T22:00:00 - 2025-03-31T16:00:00


Questions? [email protected]

Registration Information and Price

Free for members

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