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TAE eligible

To have your course listed as being "TAE Proficiency Award Eligible," please do the following:

1) Create your event listing on

2) Email the link for the event to [email protected].  The TAE Advisory Group might have a question about your course, which could create a delay, so please account for this and email us with the link as early as possible.

3) If there are no questions from the TAE Advisory Group about your event, then Elizabeth will add the “TAE Proficiency Award eligible” logo to your event listing.

4) Once your course has the logo added, please pay the TAE Course Listing Fee by e-mailing Elizabeth at [email protected] and letting her know what course you’re paying to have listed and the amount (see chart below for the amount).

A few notes about the fee:

The purpose of the fee is to support TIFI's work to make TAE more known and visible

If your course doesn't run, then you can use the fee for when it does run.  (Please simply e-mail us when you re-list the course, letting us know that the earlier one did not run and you’d like to apply the payment you had already made to the new course.)

Once the first course runs, then each new course of the same curriculum will have a renewal fee of half price.  Please e-mail each time you upload the course as a new event, and pay the renewal.

If the course evolves so much that it really becomes a different course, or if you develop a new, different course, then you will pay for the “Initial Course Upload” fee.

The fees are based on which Membership Group your country is in:


            Groups 1 and 2             $80

            Groups 3 and 4             $40

            Groups 5 and 6             $20

            COURSE RENEWAL

            Groups 1 and 2             $40

            Groups 3 and 4             $20

            Groups 5 and 6             $10