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TAE Academy 2024 - Nada Lou Bio

Nada Lou

Nada Lou
A teacher by profession, Nada is one of the best known teachers and Coordinators for TIFI, specializing
both in Focusing (including BioSpiritual Focusing) and Thinking at the Edge (TAE). Nada is also well known in the Focusing world because of her video productions, which have brought the teaching of Gene Gendlin and other Focusing luminaries into our homes and offices.

In her teaching style, Nada has the ability to gently and patiently nurture each person’s “thinking edge,” guiding them at every step. Nada’s clearly structured way of teaching and quiet presence helps students to attend to something that is alive in them, yet pre-verbal. By fully incorporating Gendlin’s philosophical background, she guides students to explore various pathways, allowing insights to emerge into life-forward direction. Her book Grassroots Introduction Manual to TAE offers substantial entry into this practice.

The development of TAE has resulted in exciting growth in Nada’s personal and professional life. She closely collaborated with Gendlin during the initial formation of “Thinking at the Edge” into a teachable practice. Beginning in 1998, she was part of his 6 years of experimenting with how best to form the teachable steps. Having learned directly from Gene, Nada maintains Gendlin’s recommendation that initial learning of TAE must be based in learning the steps, and grasping the function of each step by developing their own process. This methodology gives a student the tools for using these steps over and over in all projects in their lives.

Nada’s involvement with TAE includes videotaping all the English and German TAE workshops presented by Gendlin. In 2004, Nada co-presented a TAE workshop with Dr Gendlin. That presentation is available on the DVD set “Thinking freshly from experiencing.” Nada has been in the forefront of spreading this new practice around the world, including Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Hong Kong and the USA.